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Charles Darwin

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Charles Darwin

Darwin,c.1854, whan he wis graithinOn the Origin of Speciestae be furthset[1]
BornCharles Robert Darwin
12 Februar 1809(1809-02-12)
The Mount,Shrewsbury,Shropshire, Ingland
Dee'd19 Apryle 1882(1882-04-19)(aged 73)
Down House,Downe,Kent, Ingland
Kent forThe Voyage of the Beagle
On the Origin of Species
The Descent of Man
Hauf-marrae(s)Emma Wedgwood(m.1839)
Scientific career
FieldsNaitural history,geology
InstitutionsTertiary eddication:
Varsity o Edinburgh Medical School(medicine, na degree)
Christ's College,CambridgeBachelor o Airts(1831)
Master o Airts(1836)[4]
Professional institution:
Geological Society o Lunnon
Academic advisorsJohn Stevens Henslow
Adam Sedgwick
InfluencesCharles Lyell
Alexander von Humboldt
John Herschel
Thomas Malthus
Signatur"Charles Darwin", wi the surname unnerlined bi a dounwart curve that mimics the curve o the ineetial "C"

Charles Robert Darwin,FRSFRGSFLSFZS[2](/ˈdɑːrwɪn/;[5]12 Februar 1809 – 19 Aprile 1882) wis an Inglisnaituralist,geologistanbiologist,[6]kent best fir his theory aevolution.[I]He wis thinkin aw species o life hae descendit ower time fraecommon ancestors.[7]Ats now kent as richt, aun a foundational concept fur scientists the day.

Wurkin wiAlfred Russel Wallace,he forwart scientific theory that all species a life decended fae eachother. Thissinderin paiternaevolutionwis criednaitural selection.A'hingsstruggle fir existenceis awfy similar taeartificial selectioninselective breedin.[8]

Darwin is ane a the maist influential folk in human historie fir sure. Darwin furthset his theory o evolution wi compellin evidence in his 1859 beukOn the Origin of Species,owercomin scientific rejection o earlier concepts otransmutation o species.[9][10]Bi the 1870s, the scientific commonity an maist leart fowk war insense't wi the idea o evolution wis true. Houaniver, mony war mair taen wicompetin explanationsan it wis nae till efter themodren evolutionary synthesiso the 1930s tae the 1950s that braid concord wi keppit wi that naitural selection is the steidin evolution is biggit on.[11][12]Darwin's scientific wark is the maist-muckle theory o thelife sciences,an expones thediversity o life.[13][14]

Darwin taen a conceit wi naitur early on, whilk gart him mislippin his medical learnin at theVarsity o Edinburgh;insteid, he gied ae haund tae speir intilmarine invertebrates.Studies at theVarsity o Cambridge(Christ's College) steert up his luve onaitural science.[15]Efter ae five-year vaige onHMSBeagle,he wis ae weel-forrit geologist wi observes an theories that fordertCharles Lyell'suniformitarianideas, an the furthsettin o hisjurnal o the vaigegart him ae kenspeckle author.[16]

Bumbazelt wi the geografi distribution o beasts an fossils gaithert on the vaige, Darwin pit doun ae puckle o jottins, an frae them biggit his theory o naitural selection in 1838.[17]Thou he haed communes wi ae hantle ither naituralists about his ideas, he haedna time for richt canny resairch an his geological wark wis aye pit abuin aathin.[18]In 1858, whiles screivin his theory in 1858, Alfred Russel Wallace sent him ae quair that pit forrit the same idea, garrin the jynt furthsettin obaith o thair theoriesbelive.[19]Darwin's wark establisht evolutionary strynd wi modification as the mucklest scientific raison ahint sinderins in naitur.[11]In 1871 he speirt intilhuman evolutionansexual selectioninThe Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex,follaed biThe Expression of the Emotions in Man an Animals(1872). His resairch on plants wis furthset in a series o beuks, an in his lest beuk,The Formation of Vegetable Mould, through the Actions of Worms(1881), he leukit atswinkiesan their eftercasts on syle.[20][21]

Darwin, the day, is kent as ane o the maist influential fowk o aa time,[22]an he wis gien the mense o beinyirdit in Wastminster Abbey.[23]


[eedit|eedit soorce]
  1. Freeman 2007,p. 76.
  2. ab"Fellows of the Royal Society".London: Royal Society. Archived fraethe originalon 16 Mairch 2015.
  3. Darwin in CambridgeArchived23 Mairch 2017 at theWayback Machine
  4. Charles Darwin's personal finances revealed in new findArchived19 October 2017 at theWayback Machine
  5. "Darwin"Archived18 Julie 2014 at theWayback Machineentry inCollins English Dictionary.
  6. Desmond, Moore & Browne 2004
  7. Coyne, Jerry A. (2009).Why Evolution is True.Viking. pp.8–11.ISBN978-0-670-02053-9.
  8. Larson 2004,pp. 79–111
  9. Coyne, Jerry A.(2009).Why Evolution is True.Oxford:Oxford University Press.p.17.ISBN0-19-923084-6.InThe Origin,Darwin provided an alternative hypothesis for the development, diversification, and design of life. Much of that book presents evidence that not only supports evolution, but at the same time refutes creationism. In Darwin's day, the evidence for his theories was compelling, but not completely decisive.
  10. Glass, Bentley(1959).Forerunners of Darwin.Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. iv.ISBN0-8018-0222-9.Darwin's solution is a magnificent synthesis of evidence...a synthesis.. pelling in honesty and comprehensiveness
  11. abvan Wyhe 2008
  12. Bowler 2003,pp. 178–179, 338, 347
  13. The Complete Works of Darwin Online – Biography.Archived7 Januar 2007 at theWayback Machinedarwin-online.org.uk.Retrieved 2006-12-15
    Dobzhansky 1973
  14. As Darwinian scholar Joseph Carroll of the University of Missouri–St. Louis puts it in his introduction to a modern reprint of Darwin's work: "The Origin of Specieshas special claims on our attention. It is one of the two or three most significant works of all time—one of those works that fundamentally and permanently alter our vision of the world...It is argued with a singularly rigorous consistency but it is also eloquent, imaginatively evocative, and rhetorically compelling. "Carroll, Joseph, ed. (2003).On the origin of species by means of natural selection.Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview. p.15.ISBN1-55111-337-6.
  15. Leff 2000,About Charles Darwin
  16. Desmond & Moore 1991,pp. 210, 284–285
  17. Desmond & Moore 1991,pp. 263–274
  18. van Wyhe 2007,pp. 184, 187
  19. Beddall, B. G. (1968)."Wallace, Darwin, and the Theory of Natural Selection"(PDF).Journal of the History of Biology.1(2): 261–323.doi:10.1007/BF00351923.Archived fraethe original(PDF)on 30 October 2012.Unknown parameter|deadurl=ignored (help)"Archived copy"(PDF).Archived fraethe original(PDF)on 30 October 2012.Retrieved7 December2018.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  20. Freeman 1977
  21. "AboutDarwin – All of Darwin's Books".aboutdarwin.Archived fraethe originalon 1 Apryle 2016.Retrieved30 Mairch2016.Unknown parameter|deadurl=ignored (help)"Archived copy".Archived frae the original on 1 Apryle 2016.Retrieved7 December2018.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (link)
  22. "Special feature: Darwin 200".New Scientist.Archived fraethe originalon 11 Februar 2011.Retrieved2 Apryle2011.Unknown parameter|deadurl=ignored (help)
  23. "Westminster Abbey » Charles Darwin".Westminster Abbey » Home.2 Januar 2016. Archived fraethe originalon 4 Mairch 2016.Retrieved2 Januar2016.Unknown parameter|deadurl=ignored (help)
    Leff 2000,Darwin's Burial