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Emperor o Japan

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Emperor oJapan
Thiên hoàng
syne May 1, 2019
StyleHis Majesty
Heir apparentCroun Prince Fumihito
First monarchEmperor Jimmu
Formation660 BC
ResidenceTokyo Imperial Palace
as offeecial residence
WabsteidThe Imperial Household Agency

TheEmperor o Japanis the heid o theImperial Faimilyan is the ceremonialheid o stateoJapan's seestem oconstitutional monarchy.Accordin tae the1947 constitution,he is "the seembol o the State an o the unity o the fowk." Historically, he is an aa the heichest authority o theShintoreleegion as he an his faimily are said tae be the direct descendants o the sun-goddessAmaterasu.[1]


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