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Energy transformation; In a typicallichtninstrike, 500megajoulesoelectric potential energyis converted intae the same amoont o energy in ither furms, maist notablylicht energy,soond energyanthermal energy.

Inphysics,energyis ane o the basic quantitative properties describin a physical seestem or object's state. Energy can be transformed (convertit) amang a nummer o furms that mey each manifest an be measurable in differin ways. The law o conservation o energy states that the (tot) energy o a seestem can increase or decrease anly bi transferrin it in or oot o the seestem. The tot energy o a seestem can be calculatit bi simple addeetion when it is componed o multiple non-interactin pairts or haes multiple distinct furms o energy. Common energy furms include thekinetic energyo a movin object, theradiant energycarried bi licht an itherelectromagnetic radiation,an various types opotential energysuch asgravitationalanelastic.Energy is measured inSIunits ojoules(J). Common types o energy transfer an transformation include processes such asheatina material, performin mechanicalworkon an object, generatin or makin uise oelectric energy,an monychemical reactions.