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Native name:Jawa
LocationSootheast Asie
Coordinates7°29′30″S110°00′16″E/ 7.49167°S 110.00444°E/-7.49167; 110.00444
AirchipelagaeGreater Sunda Islands
Aurie138,794 km2(53,589 sq mi)
Aurie rank13th
Heichest elevation3,676 m (12,060 ft)
Heichest pointSemeru
Jakarta Special Caipital Ceety Region,
Wast Java,
Central Java,
East Java,
Yogyakarta Special Region
Lairgest settlementJakarta
Population138 million (2011)
Pop. density1,064 /km2(2,756 /sq mi)
Ethnic groupsJavanese(inc.Cirebonese,

Java(Indonesie:Jawa) is anislandoIndonesie.Wi a population o 135 million (excludin the 3.6 million on the island oMadurawhich is admeenistered as pairt o the provinces o Java), Java is the warld'smaist populous island,an ane o the maistdensely-populatitplaces on the globe. Java is the home o 60 percent o the Indonesie population. The Indonesiecaipitalceety,Jakarta,is locatit on wastren Java. Much o Indonesie history teuk place on Java. It wis the centre o pouerfulHindu-Buddhistempires, theIslamic sultanates,an the core o thecolonialDutch East Indies.Java wis an aa the centre o theIndonesie struggle for unthirldomdurin the 1930s an 40s. Java dominates Indonesiepoleetically,economicallyanculturally.

Fairmed maistlyas the result o volcanic eruptions,Java is the13t lairgest islandin the warld an the fift lairgest island in Indonesie. A chain o volcanic muntains fairms an east-wast spine alang the island. It haes three main leids, thoJavaneseis dominant, an it is the native leid o aboot 60 million fowk in Indonesie, maist o whom live on Java. Maist o its residents arebilingual,wiIndonesieas thair first or seicont leids. While the majority o the fowk o Java areMuslim,Java haes a diverse mixtur o releegious beliefs, ethnicities, an culturs.

Java is dividit intae fower provinces,Wast Java,Central Java,East Java,anBanten,an an aa twa special regions,JakartaanYogyakarta.


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Munt SemeruanBromoinEast Java

Java lies atweenSumatratae the wast anBalitae the east.Borneolies tae the north anChristmas Islandtae the sooth. It is thewarld's 13t lairgest island.Java is surroondit biJava Seain the north,Sunda Straitin the wast,Indian Oceanin the sooth anBali StraitanMadura Straitin the east.

Java is almaist entirely ovolcanicorigin; it contains thirty-aichtmuntainsfairmin an east-wast spine which hae at ane time or anither been activevolcanoes.The heichest volcano in Java is MuntSemeru(3,676 m). The maist active volcano in Java an an aa in Indonesie isMunt Merapi(2,968 m).SeeVolcanoes o Java.

Mair muntains an heichlands help tae split the interior intae a series o relatively isolatit regions suitable forwet-ricecultivation; the rice lands o Java are amang the richest in the warld.[1]Java wis the first place whaurIndonesie coffeewis grown, stairtin in 1699. The day,Coffea arabicais grown on the Ijen Plateau bi smaa-haulders an lairger plantations.

Parahyanganheichland nearBuitenzorg,ca. 1865-1872.

The aurie o Java is approximately 139,000 km2.[2]It is aboot 650 mile (1,050 km) lang an up tae 130 mile (210 km) wide. The island's langestriveris the 600 km langSolo River.[3]The river rises frae its soorce in central Java at theLawuvolcano, then flows north an eastward tae its mooth in theJava Seanear the ceety oSurabaya. Temperaturs throughout the year average 22 °C tae 29 °C an humidity average 75%. The northren coastal plains are normally hetter averagin 34 °C durin the day in thedry saison.The sooth coast is generally cuiler than the north, an heichland auries inland are cuiler again. Thewet saisonbegins in October endin in Aprile durin which rain faws maistly in the efternoons an intermittently durin ither pairts o the year. The wettest months are Januar an Februar.

Wast Java is wetter than East Java an muntainous regions receive much heicher rainfaw. TheParahyanganheichlands o Wast Java receive ower 4,000 mm annually, while the north coast o East Java receives 900 mm annually.

Naitural environment

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Thenaitural environmento Java istropical rainforest,wi ecoseestems rangin frae coastalmangroveforests on the north coast, rocky coastal cliffs on the soothren coast, an laich-lyin tropical forests tae heich altitude rainforests on the slopes o muntainous volcanic regions in the interior. The Javan environment an climate gradually alters frae wast tae east; frae wet an humid dense rainforest in wastren pairts, tae a drysavannaenvironment in the east, correspondin tae the climate an rainfaw in thir regions.

Oreeginally Javan wildlife supported a rich biodiversity, whaur nummers oendemicspecies o flora an fauna flourished; sic as the warld's rarest rhinoJavan rhinoceros,[4]Javan Banteng,Java warty pig,Javan Hawk-Eagle,Javan Peafowl,Javan Silvery gibbon,Javan lutung,Java moose-deer,Javan Rusa,anJavan leopard.Wi ower 450 species o birds an 37 endemic species, Java is a birdwatcher's paradise.[5]

Houiver, Java is an aa home tae lairge nummers o humans. Wi an estimatit population o 114,733,500 in 1995, Java contains well ower hauf o Indonesie's population.[6]Syne auncient times, fowk hae opened the rainforest, altered the ecoseestem, shaped the landscapes an creatitrice paddyan terraces tae support the growin population. Javan rice terraces hae existit for mair nor a millennium, an haed supportit auncient agricultural kinricks. The growin human population haes put severe pressur on Java's wildlife, as rainforests wur diminished an confined tae heichland slopes or isolatit peninsulas. Some o Java's endemic species are nou critically endangered, wi some already extinct; Java uised tae hae its awn endemictiger subspeciesthat went extinct in the mid-1970s. The day, several naitional pairks exist in Java that pertect the remnants o its fragile wildlife, sic asUjung Kulon,Munt Halimun-Salak,Gede Pangrango,Baluran,Meru BetirianAlas Purwo.


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  1. Ricklefs, M.C. (1991).A History of Modern Indonesia since c.1300 (2nd edition).London: MacMillan. p. 15.ISBN0-333-57690-X.Cite has empty unkent parameter:|coauthors=(help)
  2. Monk,, K.A. (1996).The Ecology of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku.Hong Kong: Periplus Editions Ltd. p. 7.ISBN962-593-076-0.Unknown parameter|coauthors=ignored (|author=suggested) (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  3. Management of Bengawan Solo River AreaArchived2007-10-11 at theWayback MachineJasa Tirta I Corporation 2004. Retrieved 26 July 2006
  4. "Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus)".EDGE Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered. Archived fraethe originalon 8 November 2017.Retrieved26 Juin2012.
  5. "Indonesia bird watching tour".wildlifenews.co.uk. Archived fraethe originalon 9 Februar 2012.Retrieved26 Juin2012.
  6. "Doing Business in Indonesia".export.gov. Archived fraethe originalon 10 Juin 2013.Retrieved26 Juin2012.

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