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Panoramic view o Osh
Panoramic view o Osh
Official seal of Osh
Osh is located in Kyrgyzstan
Location in Kyrgyzstan
Coordinates:40°31′48″N72°48′0″E/ 40.53000°N 72.80000°E/40.53000; 72.80000
ProvinceOsh Province
• Total220,000

Sunday mercat.

Osh(Kyrgyz:Ош) is the seicont lairgest ceety inKyrgyzstan,locatit in theFergana Valleyin the sooth o the kintra an aften referred tae as the "caipital o the sooth". The ceety is at least 3,000 year auld, an haes served as the administrative centre oOsh Provincesyne 1939. The ceety haes an ethnically mixed population o aboot 220,000 (in 2003), comprisinKyrgyz,Uzbeks,Roushies,Tajiks,an ither smawer ethnic groups.

Osh is a lively place, wi the lairgest an maist croudit ootdoormarketin aw oCentral Asie.The ceety's industrial base, established during theSovietperiod, lairgely collapsed efter the break-up o the Soviet Union an haes stairtit tae revive ae gradually. The proximity o theUzbekborder, which cuts throu historically linkt territories an settlements, deprives Osh o muckle o its umwhilehinterlandan presents a serious obstacle tae tred an economic development. Daily flichts link Osh - an hence the soothren pairt o Kyrgyzstan - taeBishkekan the north, an the recent upgradin o the lang an arduous road throu the muntains tae Bishkek haes greatly improved communications.

The ceety haes several monuments, includin ane tae the soothren Kyrgyz "queen"Kurmanjan Datkaan ane o the few remainin statues oLenin.ARoushie Orthodoxkirk, reopened efter the demise o the Soviet Union, the lairgestmosquein the kintra (situatit beside the bazaar), an the 16t-century Rabat Abdul Khan Mosque can be foond here. The aeWarld Heritage Sitein Kyrgyzstan, theSulayman Muntain,affers a splendid view o Osh an its environs. A cave in the muntain is the site o a museum containin a collection o archaeological, geological an historical fynds an information aboot local flora an fauna.

Early history

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The ceety is amang the auldest settlements inCentral Asie.Osh wis kent as early as the 8t century as a centre for silk production alang theSilk Road.The famous tradin route crossedAlay Muntainstae reachKashgartae the east. In modren times, Osh haes acome an aa the stairtin pynt o thePamir Hiewaycrossin thePamir Muntainstae end inKhorog,Tajikistan.

Babur,foonder o theMughaldynasty oIndianemperors an descendant oTimurlane,wis born in nearbiAndijan(Uzbekistan) in the Fergana Valley an set oot frae thare on his conquest o northrenIndie.He allegedly pondered his future on Sulayman Muntain, concludin that the confines o the Fergana wad cramp his aspirations as a descendant o famous conquerin warrior princes. He wrote o the ceety:

"There are mony sayins aboot the excellence o Osh. On the sootheastren side o the Osh fortress is a well-proportioned muntain cried Bara-Koh, whaur, on its summit, Sultan Mahmud Khan built a pavilion. Farther doun, on a spur o the same muntain, A haed a porticoed pavilion built in 902 (1496-7)"[1]

Roushie an Soviet rule

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The ceety wis occupied an annexed bi theRoushie Empirein 1876 when Roushie owerwhelmed the Central Asiankhanatesdurin the sae-cried "Great Game,"the contest atweenBreetainan Roushie for dominance inCentral Asie.

TheKara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Oblastwis creatit athin theRoushie SFSRo the newly-formedSoviet Unionin 1919, wi Osh as a pairt.

1990 an 2010 riots

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In 1990, shortly afore the end o Soviet pouer in Central Asie, Osh an its environs experienced bloodyethnic clashesatween Kyrgyz an Uzbeks, causin on the order o 1,000 daiths.

In 2010, efterriotsinBishkekan ither major Kyrgyz ceeties, PresesKurmanbek Bakiyevteuk refuge in the ceety tae hide frae protesters denooncin his govrenment an its response tae the naition's strugglin economy. On 13 Mey 2010, Bakiyev supporters teuk ower govrenment biggins in Osh, an an' a' seized the airport, preventin interim govrenment offeecials frae landin.[2]The protesters demandit Bakiyev's return, an forced the provincial govrenor tae flee. The umwhile Osh provincial govrenorMamasadyk Bakirovwis reinstatit.

On 10 Juin 2010, riots eruptit in Osh, killin at least 400 an injurin thoosans o ithers.[3]Local media reportit that gangs o young men airmed wi sticks an stanes smashed shop windaes an set caurs aflame in the ceety center. Several biggins an hames athort the ceety wur an aa set on fire. The ceety's polis force proved incapable o restorin order resultin in a state o emergency bein declared a theairmybein mobilised.[4]The Kyrgyz intelligence agency claimed that the 2010 violence wis initiatit bi the juist-deposed preses, Kurmanbek Bakiyev, who is said tae hae made a deal wi foreign narco-jihadist gangs: jihadists tak ower soothren Kyrgyzstan an initiate aShariastate in exchynge for the Bakiyev faimily's bein returned tae controllin Bishkek.[1]Archived2011-07-18 at theWayback MachineHousomeivver, tae the day nae serious proof haes been presentit tae the public an media. Accordin tae various soorces, up tae 100,000 ethnic Uzbek refugees fled tae Uzbekistan. Mony refugee camps hae been organized in the Andijan, Fergana an Namangan regions o Uzbekistan for ceetizens o Kyrgyzstan who cross the mairch seekin safety.

Sister ceeties

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  1. The Babur-namaEd. & trans. Wheeler M. Thackston (New York) 2002 pp4-5
  2. "Former Kyrgyz President's Supporters Take Over Government Buildings In South".Radio Free Europe.13 Mey 2010.Retrieved13 Mey2010.
  3. google12 June 2010
  4. "Twelve killed in new wave of unrest in Kyrgyzstan".Associated Press.10 Juin 2010.Retrieved10 Juin2010.[deid airtin]

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