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Asportis anorganised,competitive,entertainin,an skilfulactivityrequirin commitment, strategy, anfair play,in which a winner an loser can be defined bi objective means. Generally speakin, a sport is agemmebased in pheesicalathleticism.Activities sic asbuird gemmesancaird gemmesare whiles classifee'd as "mind sports,"but strictly speakin" sport "bi itsel refers tae some pheesical activity. Non-competitive activities mey an aa qualify, for example tho joggin or playin catch are uisually clessifee'd as forms orecreation,thay mey an aa be informally cried "sports" due tae thair similarity tae competitive gemmes.

Sports are govrened bi a set orulesorcustoms.Pheesical events sic as scorin goals or crossin a line first aften define the result o a sport. Housomeivver, the degree o skill an performance in some sports sic asdivin,dressageanfeegur skeitchinis judged accordin tae well-defined criteria. This is in contrast wi ither judged activities sic asbeauty pageantsanbody biggin,whaur skill daes no hae tae be shawn an the criteria are no as well defined.

Records are kept an updatit for maist sports at the heichest levels, while failurs an accomplishments are widely annoonced insport news.Sports are maist aften played juist for fun or for the semple fact that fowk need exercise tae stay in guid pheesical condeetion. Housomeivver, professional sport is a major soorce o entertainnment.