
The Art and Making of Dumbo: The Visual Companion 迪士尼《小飛象》豪華電影美術設定集

The Art and Making of Dumbo: The Visual Companion 迪士尼《小飛象》豪華電影美術設定集

  • 定價:2280
  • 優惠價:731664
  • 優惠期限:2024年12月31日止

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  好萊塢鬼才導演提姆波頓(Tim Burton)素來以暗黑古怪與哥德風格聞名,作品獨一無二,恐怖中帶有歡快的純真,悲慘中透著荒謬,綜合出一種難以言喻的迷人魅力,至今無人可比。電影作品包括《蝙蝠俠》、《剪刀手愛德華》、《斷頭谷》、《巧克力冒險工廠》,動畫作品有《聖誕夜驚魂》和《地獄新娘》,皆膾炙人口。


  設定集作者:利亞卡羅(Leah Gallo)是名享譽國際的劇照攝影師,她的人物攝影作品頻繁地登上電影娛樂報章雜誌:如紐約時報、洛杉磯日報、波瑞雜誌、帝國電影雜誌與娛樂週報。

  同時她更是專業的電影設定集編輯,陸續與提姆波頓的動畫或電影合作,共同監製與編輯多部電影的幕後紀錄設定集,從瘋狂理髮師(Sweeney Todd)、魔鏡夢遊(Alice in wonderland)、怪奇孤兒院(Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children)、大眼睛(Big eyes),怪誕復活狗(Frankenweenie)與黑影家族(Dark shadows),儼然成為提姆波頓的御用合作夥伴。


Tim Burton's latest motion picture, Dumbo, elegantly answers the question left at the end of Disney's animated film: What would the world do, if an elephant could fly? Burton is known for creating fantasy worlds, or fantastical real worlds, that are visually stunning and full of trademark characteristics: gothic sensibilities, spirals, stripes, bold colors, and elongated and exaggerated aesthetics. He populates them with unique and distinctive characters who are large-eyed and taper-limbed and often visibly different in some way. His films are quirky, humorous, emotional, and sympathetic to those who don't fit the definition of normal. Every single one is a celebration of individuality, and Burton's Dumbo is no exception.
In The Art and Making of Dumbo, author and longtime Burton collaborator Leah Gallo, after first setting the stage with a thoughtful history on Disney's 1941 animated classic, shares a detailed account of how Burton and his talented team reimagined this tale into a magical new film. Through interviews with the cast and crew, a breathtaking collection of art and photography, and a stylish design by fellow Burton collaborator Holly Kempf, this book is an appreciation of the dozens of departments and thousands of people who overlapped, interacted, and collaborated to bring to life the story of a flying elephant and the humans who wanted to exploit him along with those who loved and helped him. Dumbo's story development, location scouting, casting, costuming, set design, special effects, music, and more are vividly presented here in a true celebration of heart and imagination.



Leah Gallo is an author and book editor who has also served as a photographer on Tim Burton’s films since Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street in 2007. She contributed images for and wrote and edited The Art of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children and Big Eyes: The Film, the Art. She also wrote and edited the award-winning tome The Art of Tim Burton and co-edited the companion volume, The Napkin Art of Tim Burton. She contributed photographs and edited visual companions for Dark Shadows, Frankenweenie, and Alice in Wonderland. Under Tim Burton’s guidance, Gallo also produced specialized crew books for four of his films. When not immersed in the publishing world or shooting stills on films, she assists on projects at Tim Burton Productions such as his touring art exhibit, The World of Tim Burton. Her portraits have appeared in many magazines and newspapers, including the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Parade, Empire, and Entertainment Weekly. Previously, Gallo edited and contributed images and text for the award-winning documental publication Arrow Rock: Where the Past Is the Future.



  • ISBN:9781368024419
  • 規格:精裝 / 30.5 x 24.1 x 2.5 cm / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




  • 【藝術設計】書寫逾50年,阿莫多瓦,終於完成的非典型自傳《最後的夢》









  • gladwell
  • 禮物書
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