
Angular official website bình thường đổi mới ( 2024-01-17 )

Nơi phát ra: Angular official website Tuyên bố ngày: 2024-01-17 Đọc số lần: 5109 Bình luận: 0

Cơ bản tin tức

Tuyên bố ngày:2024-01-17 ( phía chính phủ địa phương thời gian )

Đổi mới loại hình:Bình thường đổi mới

Đổi mới phiên bản:17.1.0

Cảm giác thời gian:2024-01-18 06:51:18

Nguy hiểm cấp bậc:Không biết

Tình báo cống hiến:TSRC

Đổi mới tiêu đề

Bình thường đổi mới

Đổi mới tình hình cụ thể và tỉ mỉ

<a name="17.1.0"></a>
# 17.1.0 (2024-01-17)
### compiler
| Commit | Description |
| -- | -- |
| [![fix - 79ff91a813](https://img.shields.io/badge/79ff91a813-fix-green)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/79ff91a813e544929cb5eb5f9aab762a9f3d0435) | allow TS jsDocParsingMode host option to be programmatically set (#53126) |
| [![fix - 5613051a8b](https://img.shields.io/badge/5613051a8b-fix-green)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/5613051a8bd2626ae347292807b2bf21085c4c02) | allow TS jsDocParsingMode host option to be programmatically set again (#53292) |
| [![fix - df8a825910](https://img.shields.io/badge/df8a825910-fix-green)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/df8a825910951bebf34a4eede42f3ce5cd3e6fb7) | project empty block root node (#53620) |
| [![fix - 478d622265](https://img.shields.io/badge/478d622265-fix-green)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/478d6222650884478314985e3d5132587c4f670c) | project empty block root node in template pipeline (#53620) |
### compiler-cli
| Commit | Description |
| -- | -- |
| [![feat - abdc7e4578](https://img.shields.io/badge/abdc7e4578-feat-blue)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/abdc7e45786667e4283912024a641975f1917d97) | support type-checking for generic signal inputs (#53521) |
| [![fix - e620b3a724](https://img.shields.io/badge/e620b3a724-fix-green)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/e620b3a724cb615af24b7779c0ab492d24efb8cc) | add compiler option to disable control flow content projection diagnostic (#53311) |
| [![fix - 4c1d69e288](https://img.shields.io/badge/4c1d69e288-fix-green)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/4c1d69e2880f22745c820eee630d10071e4fa86b) | add diagnostic for control flow that prevents content projection (#53190) |
| [![fix - 76ceebad04](https://img.shields.io/badge/76ceebad04-fix-green)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/76ceebad047f62972654a8c934c77d8d02d9fa14) | do not throw fatal error if extended type check fails (#53896) |
| [![fix - 1a6eaa0fea](https://img.shields.io/badge/1a6eaa0fea-fix-green)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/1a6eaa0fea1024b919e17ac9d2e8c07df7916de8) | input transform in local compilation mode (#53645) |
| [![fix - 56a76d73e0](https://img.shields.io/badge/56a76d73e0-fix-green)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/56a76d73e037aeea1975808d5c51608fd23d4fa6) | modify `getConstructorDependencies` helper to work with reflection host after the previous change (#52215) |
### core
| Commit | Description |
| -- | -- |
| [![feat - 863be4b698](https://img.shields.io/badge/863be4b698-feat-blue)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/863be4b6981dc60ca0610b0e61d2ba1f5759e2a3) | expose new `input` API for signal-based inputs (#53872) |
| [![feat - 94096c6ede](https://img.shields.io/badge/94096c6ede-feat-blue)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/94096c6ede67436a349ae07901f2bb418bf9f461) | support TypeScript 5.3 (#52572) |
| [![fix - 69b384c0d1](https://img.shields.io/badge/69b384c0d1-fix-green)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/69b384c0d16f631741339d8757c32ef08260cfce) | `SignalNode` reactive node incorrectly exposing unset field (#53571) |
| [![fix - 6f79507ea7](https://img.shields.io/badge/6f79507ea7-fix-green)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/6f79507ea7f272d8d09250e222ca831f407867d8) | Change defer block fixture default behavior to playthrough (#53956) |
| [![fix - 32f908ab70](https://img.shields.io/badge/32f908ab70-fix-green)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/32f908ab70f1b9ed3f92df1cae05ddde68932404) | do not accidentally inherit input transforms when overridden (#53571) |
| [![fix - bdd61c768a](https://img.shields.io/badge/bdd61c768a-fix-green)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/bdd61c768a28b56c68634b99c036986499829f45) | replace assertion with more intentional error (#52234) |
| [![fix - 0daca457bb](https://img.shields.io/badge/0daca457bb-fix-green)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/0daca457bb5bb6ffe14b7037264f8497eb5b3daf) | TestBed should still use the microtask queue to schedule effects (#53843) |
### router
| Commit | Description |
| -- | -- |
| [![feat - 5c1d441029](https://img.shields.io/badge/5c1d441029-feat-blue)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/5c1d4410298e20cb03d7a1ddf7931538b6a181b4) | Add info property to `NavigationExtras` (#53303) |
| [![feat - 50d7916278](https://img.shields.io/badge/50d7916278-feat-blue)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/50d79162785bb8d3e158a7a4a3733f4c75d3b127) | Add router configuration to resolve navigation promise on error (#48910) |
| [![feat - a5a9b408e2](https://img.shields.io/badge/a5a9b408e2-feat-blue)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/a5a9b408e2eb64dcf1d3ca16da4897649dd2fc34) | Add transient info to RouterLink input (#53784) |
| [![feat - 726530a9af](https://img.shields.io/badge/726530a9af-feat-blue)](https://github /angular/angular/commit/726530a9af9c8daf7295cc3548f24e70f380d70e) | Allow `onSameUrlNavigation: 'ignore'` in `navigateByUrl` (#52265) |

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AngularJS là một cái JavaScript dàn giáo. Nó là một cái lấy JavaScript biên soạn kho.

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