Storm Jameson

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Margaret Storm Jameson(8.1.1891.–30.9.1986.) bila je britanska spisateljica, poznata po 45 romana i književnim kritikama.

Rođena je uWhitbyjuuYorkshireu,a studirala je naUniverzitetu Leedsa.Kasnije se preselia u London, gdje je predavala po školama prije nego što je postala profesionalni pisac. Udala se za piscaGuya Chapmana,ali je nastavila objavljivati pod pseudonimomStorm Jameson.

Bila je poznata i kao predsjednica britanske podružnicePEN-aa od 1939. godine aktivna i u pomoaganju pisaca-izbjeglica.

  • The Pot Boils(1919)
  • The Happy Highways(1920)
  • Modern Drama in Europe(1920)
  • The Clash(1922)
  • Lady Susan and Life: An Indiscretion(1923)
  • The Pitiful Wife(1923)
  • Three Kingdoms(1926)
  • The Lovely Ship(1927) The Triumph of Time I
  • Farewell to Youth(1928)
  • The Georgian Novel and Mr. Robinson(1929)
  • The Voyage Home(1930) The Triumph of Time II
  • The Decline of Merry England(1930)
  • Richer Dust(1931) The Triumph of Time III
  • The Single Heart(1932)
  • That Was Yesterday(1932)
  • Women Against Men(1933)
  • No Time Like the Present(1933) autobiografija
  • A Day Off(1933)
  • Company Parade(1934)
  • Mirror in Darkness(1934)
  • Love in Winter(1935)
  • Challenge to Death(1935) eseji (urednica)
  • None Turn Back(1936)
  • In the Second Year(1936)
  • The Moon is Making(1937)
  • Delicate Monsters(1937)
  • Here Comes a Candle(1938)
  • The Novel in Contemporary Life(1938)
  • Farewell Night, Welcome Day(1939)
  • Civil Journey(1939)
  • Cousin Honoré(1940)
  • Europe to Let(1940)
  • The End of This War(1941)
  • The Fort(1942)
  • Then We Shall Hear Singing: A Fantasy in C Major(1942)
  • London Calling: A Salute to America(1942)
  • Cloudless May(1943)
  • The Journal of Mary Hervey Russell(1945)
  • The Other Side(1946)
  • Before the Crossing(1947)
  • The Black Laurel(1947)
  • The Moment Of Truth(1949)
  • The Writer's Situation(1950) eseji
  • The Hidden River(1952)
  • The Green Man(1952)
  • The Intruder(1956)
  • A Cup of Tea for Mr. Thorgill(1957)
  • A Ulysses Too Many(1958)
  • Last Score, or the Private Life of Sir Richard Ormston(1961)
  • Morley Roberts:The Last Eminent Victorian(1961)
  • The Road from the Monument(1962)
  • A Month Soon Goes(1962)
  • The Aristide Case(1964)
  • The Early Life of Stephen Hind(1966)
  • The White Crow(1968)
  • Journey from the North(1969) dvotomna autobiografija
  • Parthian Words(1970)
  • There Will Be A Short Interval(1973)
  • Speaking of Stendhal(1979)