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Millennium: 2nd millennium
Centuries: 12th century13th century14th century
Decades: 1230s1240s1250s1260s1270s1280s1290s
Years: 1260126112621263126412651266126712681269
Categories: BirthsDeathsArchitecture

The1260sis adecade.It started on 1 January 1260 and ended on 31 December 1269. It is distinct from the decade known as the127th decadewhichbegan on January 1, 1261. and ended on December 31, 1270.

Kublai Khanbecame the supreme leader (a title for their leader) of theMongol Empireand moved his capital toBeijing.He was at war with the southernChineseSong Dynasty.The Mongol Empire lost some of itsbattles.The first time it lost a battle with Kublai Khan as the leader was inPalestinewhen fighting theMamluksofEgypt.The Empire also lost in theCaucasus.The Mamluks were led by their new sultanBaibars.The Mamluks were soon were more in control in theMiddle Eastbecause they took control of a number ofcrusader statesand also stopped the Mongol attacks from happening as much. TheEmpire of Nicaeatook control ofConstantinopleand also theLatin Empireso it again became theByzantine Empire.

In Europe there was problems inpolitics.Arguments about who was the owner of what land let to many wars in thecontinent.InEnglandthere was theSecond Barons' War.This was acivil warbetween thearistocracywho did not like how the King namedHenry IIIbehaved. This was because the King wantedabsolute monarchy.KingOtakar II of Bohemiabecame the most important prince in Europe. He got more land by fighting wars and also when his family died some of their land became his.IcelandandGreenlandknew of andrecognisedtheoverlordshipofNorwaybut when theNorseinvadedScotlandtheScottishwere able to stop them and they made peace. InSpaintheReconquistawas still happening and several important cities were captured again from theMoors.The way thepopewas elected was made better. The parliaments ofIrelandand England met for the first time.

Several importantculturalachievementswere made in the decade.Roger Baconpublishedimportantscientificwork namedOpus Majus.Also,Thomas AquinaspublishedSumma contra Gentiles.Important pices ofarchitectureandsculptureswere made incathedralsin Europe. These include theCathedral of ChartresandNicola Pisano'spulpitsfor theDuomo di SienaandPisa'sBaptistery.Inreligion,theSukhothai kingdominThailandadoptedBuddhismas itsofficialreligion. In Europeanti-Semitismbecame worse because severalauthoritiesmadelawswhich said thatJewishpeople must wearyellow badgesso people knew who they were. Many Jewish people were killed in England and theTalmudwas attacked andcensoredby the Catholic Church.

War and politics

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War and peace

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North and West Europe
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Central and South Europe
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Iberian Peninsula (the land that is mostly Spain and Portugal)
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Southeast Europe
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England: The Second Barons' War
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Political places

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