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Flag of Turkmenistan

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Flag ratio: 2:3

Theflag of Turkmenistanwas adopted onJanuary 24,2001in the 2:3 ratio asTurkmenistan's national flag, though the flag was adopted in the 1:2 ratio onFebruary 19,1992.It is often described as the most detailednational flagin the world.

It features a green field with a vertical red stripe near thehoistside, containing fivecarpetguls(designs used in producing rugs) stacked above two crossedolivebranches similar to those on the flag of theUnited Nations;a white waxingcrescent moon,typical ofTurkicsymbology, and five whitefive-pointed starsappear in the upper corner of the field just to theflyside of the red stripe.

The green and red colors appear in this flag because they have been venerated historically by the Turkmen. The waxing crescent moon symbolizes the hope of the country for a shining future and the stars represent the fiveprovinces(Welayatlar) of Turkmenistan-Ahal,Balkan,Dashhowuz,Lebap,andMary.

The five traditional carpet designs along the hoist represent the five majortribesor houses, and form motifs in the country's state emblem and flag. These Turkmen tribes in traditional order (as well as top to bottom) areTeke(Tekke),Yomut(Yomud),Arsary(Ersary),Chowdur(Choudur), andSaryk(Saryq). TheSalyr(Salor), a tribe that declined as a result of military defeat before the modern period, are not represented, nor are several smaller tribes or subtribes.

The wreath is one of the odder parts of the flag, added against the rules ofheraldryand breaking up the carpet pattern. It was added as an afterthought to represent the "status ofpermanent neutrality,"which was accepted by theUnited Nations General AssemblyonDecember 12,1995.