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House of Medici

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Coat of arms of theGrand Duke of Tuscanyand the Grand Prince showing the Grand Ducal crown..

TheHouse Medici(pronounced med-ee-chee) orMedici familywas a very important family inFlorence,Italyfrom the year1300to about1600.They were the richest family in Europe for many years. Many leaders of Florence during the Renaissance were Medicis. The Medicis were important because they ran many banks, including the most important bank in Europe. They were so powerful they became like a royal family. 4 popes of the Catholic Church were from the Medici. Their names were Pope Leo X (the 10th), Pope Clement VII(the 7th), Pope Pius IV (the 4th), and Pope Leo XI (the 11th) 2 Queens ofFrancewere from the medici- Catherine de’ Medici and Marie de’ Medici.The heir to the Tuscan throne was traditionally known as theGrand Prince.

The family ruled the state with the title ofGrand Duke of Tuscany.

Arms of theMedicipopes

The Medici family had this painting done byBenozzo Gozzolion the wall of thechapelin their palace. It shows members of the family as theThree Wise Men.

Florence and the Medici

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Giovanni Bicep de' Medici, (1360-1429), was the first important member of the family. He invested his money very wisely and became rich. He and his son,Cosmo de' Medici,(1389-1464), began the Medici Banking Company, which did so well that they soon had branches of thebankin large cities all over Europe, includingLondonandParis.Giovanni Bicep and Cosmo were the richest men in Europe, and their family was politically the most powerful in Florence.

Florence already had anindustry,the cloth industry. Florentinemerchants(traders) traded with Lombard traders from the north of Italy. They bought Englishwooland Chinesesilkto be woven into the most magnificentclothin Europe at the riverside factories of Florence. Florence was perfectly sited for making cloth. A lot of water is needed to make cloth. Othertownsnearby are high on the tops of hills, but Florence is in a widevalley,with the broadArno Riverflowing through it. There was aharboron thecoastnearPisa.The Pisans were not very friendly towards Florence, so Florence took them over. Then the rich traders of Florence could have their ownshipsand did not have to worry about the Lombard traders who brought theirgoodsacross Europe and over the mountains on the backs ofdonkeys.

Cosimo de' Medici was apatriotand apatron.He was a "patriot" because he acted like a father to his city. He became part of the towncouncil.They were a group of men called the "signorina" (the seniors or elders). Cosimo made laws that adjusted thetaxes.Some of the rich people did not like this at all and left the city, making Cosimo more powerful. He took good care of industry, of trade and offarming,because Florence needed all these things. He particularly needed theloyaltyof all thefarmsand villages, because a city in a valley is easy for an army to attack. Cosimo built public buildings and when he had apalacebuilt for himself, he had long stone seats built along the walls for the poor and the elderly to sit on.

He was a patron because he supported the church, and lots of writers, artists, architects andstudents.He founded a "Platonic Academy" where students could study the works of Ancient Greek writers and talk about politics, religion and new ideas. The head of the Academy was aphilosophercalledMarsillio Ficino.Cosimo encouraged architects to design buildings in thestyleofAncient Rome.He collected a hugelibraryof books and gave them to themonasteryof San Lorenzo to be used by students. When he wanted some quiet time, he went to friary, (which is like a monastery), Sant Marco's, where he encouraged one of the "brothers",Fra Angelico,to paint beautiful sacred pictures.

After the death of Cosimo, his grandsonLorenzo de' Medicibecame even more famous. He was called Lorenzo il Magnifico (the Magnificent). It was during the time of Lorenzo that some of the most famous artists in world history were alive in Florence, and worked for the Medici:-Botticelli,MichelangeloandLeonardo da Vinci.

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  1. "Pope Leo X",Catholic Encyclopedia;retrieved 2011-11-3.
  2. "Pope Clement VII",Catholic Encyclopedia;retrieved 2011-11-3.
  3. "Pope Pius IV",Catholic Encyclopedia;retrieved 2011-11-3.
  4. "Pope Leo XI",Catholic Encyclopedia;retrieved 2011-11-3.