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From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thomas Edisonwithphonograph.Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors in history, holding 1,093 U.S.patentsin his name

Aninventionis a new thing that someone has made. Thecomputerwas an invention when it was first made. We say when it was "invented". New things that are made orcreatedare called inventions.Carsandplasticsare inventions that everyone knows. Inventions are made byinventors.Many inventions arepatented.

Ideas are also called inventions. Writers can invent characters, and then invent a story about them.

Inventing[change|change source]

Over time, humans have invented objects which make life easier for themselves. Because of this, a quote "necessity is the mother of invention", was written. The quote means that a lack of something should inspire someone to create something to fill that empty space. However, not all people believe that this is true. They think that too much of something can lead to an invention. Many inventions are just a variation of something that already exists.

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