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Kingdom of Sussex

From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

TheKingdom of Sussex,(Suth Seaxe,i.e. the South Saxons), was one of theAnglo-Saxonkingdoms, its area was more or less that of the later county ofSussex.A large part of that district, however, was covered in early times by the forest called Andred. It was ruled by thekings of Sussex.

History[change|change source]

According to the traditional account given in theAnglo-Saxon Chronicle,it was in 477 that a certainÆlleled the invaders ashore at a place calledCymenes oraand defeated the inhabitants. A further battle at a place calledMearcredes burneis recorded under the year 485, and in theannalfor 491 we read that Ælle and his sonCissarobbedAnderitum(Pevensey Castle) and killed all the inhabitants.

  • Based on a 1911 encyclopedia article.