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"The Edison Phonograph" (1905), a postcard that shows pleasure while listening to music.

Pleasureis anemotion.It is the opposite ofpain.Humansand many othermammalsfeel pleasure.[1]People feel pleasure when they do something that is fun or that feels good.

Pleasure in neuroscience

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Pleasure is studied inneuroscience.[2]Neuroscientists have mapped pleasure "hotspots" in the brain.[2]Pleasure is important for a person'smental healthand well-being.[2]The loss of pleasure is common in people withmental illnesseslikedepression,schizophrenia,andaddiction.[2]

Pleasure in psychology

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Pleasure is studied in positivepsychology.[3]How much pleasure someone feels changes from person to person. Pleasure depends how special something is. There is no rule that says what pleasure is for every person.[3]

Sigmund Freudwrote about the "pleasure principle" in the 1920 essayBeyond the Pleasure Principle.[4]According to Freud, the pleasure principle is what drives people to do things that give them a feeling of immediategratification.[4]

Pleasure in philosophy

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Theancient GreekphilosopherEpicurussaid that people feel the most pleasure possible when they have nosuffering.[5]

Hedonismis anotherphilosophythat is focused on pleasure. It says that pleasure is good.[6]In Hedonism, people focus on pleasure and avoidpain.

Utilitarianismis aphilosophythat focuses on pleasure. It says thatmoralityrequires that people do what has the mostutilityfor the most people.[7]

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  1. "Videos of Pleasure-elicited Reactions".Archived fromthe originalon 2018-01-25.Retrieved2020-12-30.
  2., Morten L.; Berridge, Kent C. (2010).Pleasures of the Brain.Oxford University Press.ISBN9781444357929.
  3. 3.03.1Lopez, Shane J. (2011).The Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology.John Wiley & Sons.ISBN9781444357929.
  4. 4.04.1Hothersall, D. 2004. "History of Psychology", 4th ed., Mcgraw-Hill:NY p. 290
  5. The Forty Principal DoctrinesArchived2016-02-12 at theWayback Machine,Number III.
  6. Hedonism,2004-04-20 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  7. Bentham, Jeremy (1776)."A Fragment on Government".Retrieved31 January2013.