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Richard I of England

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Richard I "the Lionheart"
King of England
King of England
Reign6 July 1189 – 6 April 1199
Coronation3 September 1189
PredecessorHenry II "Curtmantle"
SuccessorJohn "Lackland"
RegentQueen Eleanor;William Longchamp, Bishop of Ely(Third Crusade)
Born(1157-09-08)8 September 1157
Beaumont Palace,Oxford
Died6 April 1199(1199-04-06)(aged 41)
SpouseBerengaria of Navarre
HouseHouse of Plantagenet
FatherHenry II "Curtmantle"
MotherEleanor of Aquitaine
ReligionCatholic Christian

Richard I of England(8 September 1157 – 6 April 1199) was theKingofEnglandfrom 1189 to 1199. He was alsoDuke of Normandy,AquitaineandGascony,Lord ofCyprus,andCount of Poitiers,Anjou, Maine, and Nantes, and was overlord ofBrittanyat various times. He is sometimes calledRichard the LionheartorRichard coeur de lionwhich means the same thing inFrench.Richard was the son ofHenry II of EnglandandEleanor of Aquitaine.As the third son, he was not expected toinheritthethrone,and he was areplacement child.[1]At the age of 11, he becameDukeofAquitaine.

Later, Richard was one of the leaders of theThird CrusadeagainstSaladin.During his journey, he conqueredSicilyandCyprus.He fought in theSiege of Acreand theBattle of Arsuf.In the end, the crusade did not succeed: Richard was never able to win backJerusalemfrom theMuslims.He decided to return home toEngland.

On his way back from the crusade, Richard was captured byDuke Leopold of Austria.The English people had to pay a hugeransomto set him free. He was considered a brave and noble king, but he spent only six months of his eleven-year reign in England. He died after being shot with acrossbowwhilebesiegingacastleinLimousin.

King Richard’s remains wereburiedin different places.[2]His body was buried atFontevraud AbbeynearSaumurinFrance,[2]with his father and mother. His internalorganswere buried atChâlus,(atThe Château de Châlus-Chabrol), nearLimogesin central France.[2]Hisheartwas buried in the Notre Dame Cathedral atRouen.[2]

King Richard’s heart was found in 1838 and was examined by scientists in 2012.[2]They did tests forpoisons,because one medieval story claimed Richard had died from a poisonedarrow.They found no evidence to support this idea. Richard probably died fromgangreneorsepticaemiafrom the arrow wound.[2]

Richard wassucceededby his younger brother,John.

Richard I of England

Because of his military exploits his popular image is still dominated by the positive qualities ofchivalryand military competence. Contemporaries considered Richard as both a king and aknightfamed for personal martial prowess, this was apparently the first instance of such a combination. He was known as a valiant, competent military leader and individual fighter who was courageous and generous. VictorianEnglandadmired King Richard I as acrusaderand a man of God, erecting a heroicstatueof him outside theWestminster Palace.

King Richard I of England was seen as a pious hero by his subjects. He is an enduringiconicfigure both inEnglandand inFrance.

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King Richard I of England in the world culture

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In 1851 German poetHeinrich Heinewrote the"König Richard"poem which was dedicated to King Richard I of England and was later translated into several languages.

König Richard

Wohl durch der Wälder einödige Pracht
Jagt ungestüm ein Reiter;
Er bläst ins Horn, er singt und lacht
Gar seelenvergnügt und heiter.

Sein Harnisch ist von starkem Erz,
Noch stärker ist sein Gemüte,
Das ist Herr Richard Löwenherz,
Der christlichen Ritterschaft Blüte.

»Willkommen in England!« rufen ihm zu
Die Bäume mit grünen Zungen -
»Wir freuen uns, o König, daß du
Östreichischer Haft entsprungen.«

Dem König ist wohl in der freien Luft,
Er fühlt sich wie neugeboren,
Er denkt an Östreichs Festungsduft -
Und gibt seinem Pferde die Sporen.[3]

King Richard

Through lonesome, desolate splendor of woods
A rider gallops unabated.
He blows the horn, he sings and he laughs
With joy, carefree and contented.

His armor is thick and his posture is strong,
Much stronger is his dedication.
King Richard is he, Richard Cœur de Lion,
The Lord's army blooms in elation.

“Welcome to England!” they say out loud -
The green leafy trees by the waters -
“We are pleased and happy, O King, that you have
Sprung free fromthatAustrian fortress!”

The King breathes free air, in his heart he is glad,
He feels born anew and enlivened.
That damp dungeon smell makes no longer him sad,
He, spurring his horse, is triumphant.

(Translated by Sergei Osankin)


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  1. Adam Taylor (8 September 2014)."'A spare to the heir': The weirdness of being a royal sibling ".The Washington Pose.Retrieved19 October2014.
  2., Rebecca (28 February 2013)."Richard the Lionheart's mummified heart analysed".bbc.co.uk.Retrieved1 March2013.
  3. Heinrich Heine's Sämmtliche Werke. Bibliothek-Ausgabe (The Complete Poetic Works of Heinrich Heine. Library Edition),Hamburg: Hoffman und Campe, 1885, p. 45.