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Shia Islam

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Shia Islam
Ali's Tomb is one of the most important places for Shi'a Muslims
Ali ibn Abi Talib

Shia Islam(Arabic:شيعة,Persian:شیعه) is the second largest branch ofIslam.Shia Muslim believe thatProphetMuhammadunder the command of God choseAliasCaliph(or Successor) and publicly declared it during his last sermon after Hajj at Ghadir Khumm. Shi'a Muslims believe in the teachings of the Qu'ran and theProphetMuhammad's family, whom they call theAhl al-Bayt.The Shias think that the first three rulingSunniCaliphshad no importance to the development of the faith. The singular/adjective form isShī'ī(شيعي) and means a follower.

Shi'a Islam, likeSunni Islam,has at times been divided into many branches, however only three of these have a significant number of followers nowadays. The best known and the one with most adherents isTwelvers(Ithnā 'ashariyya), followed by theIsmailiandZaidiyyah.

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