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Aoi festival

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TheSaiō-Daicarried in herpalanquin

TheAoi FestivalorAoi Matsuri( quỳ tế ) is one ofKyoto's most three famousfestivals.The other two are theGion FestivalandJidai Matsuri.The Aoi Festival takes place on May 15 each year. The main attraction of the festival is a largeparadein Kyoto. Over 500 people dress in thearistocraticstyle of theHeian Period(794-1185) for the parade. They walk from theImperial Palaceto theKamo Shrines.Aoi isJapanesefor "Hollyhock"The festival is named after the Hollyhock leaves that are worn by the people in the parade.

The Aoi Matsuri began in the7th century.This was before Kyoto was made the nationalcapitalin 794. Its exact origins are not known. It is likely thatnatural disasterswere happening, These were believed to be caused by thedeitiesof the KamoShrines.After theEmperormade offerings to the gods, the disasters ended and atraditionwas begun. The festival's official name is Kamo Matsuri because of the shrines.

The festival grew inpopularity.During theHeian Period,when people used the word festival, they meant the Aoi Matsuri. In modern times, the parade shows the high regard that the festival has. There are people ridinghorses,largebouquetsofflowers,decorated carts pulled byoxen,and many women inkimonowith the year'sSaiō.

The Saiō was a young female member of the imperial family. She was the highpriestessof the Kamo Shrines. During festivals, the Saio performedritualsat the shrines. In modern times, an unmarried woman from Kyoto is chosen each year to be Saio. She must go throughpurificationceremonies before the festival. She is taken through the procession on apalanquin.