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Parliament of the United Kingdom

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The British Houses of Parliament atPalace of Westminster,seen overWestminster Bridge

TheParliament of theUnited KingdomofGreat BritainandNorthern Irelandis the highest political-legislative andlegislative bodyin the United Kingdom andBritish overseas territories.It alone hasparliamentarysovereigntyover all other political bodies. Theparliamenthas anupper house,theHouse of Lords,and alower house,theHouse of Commons.At its head is themonarch,King Charles III.The monarch is the third part of Parliament. TheBritish peoplechoose the people in the lower house (members of parliament) inelections.

The development of parliament started with the councils ofbishopsandearlsthat advised the kings and queens of theMiddle Ages.In 1707, during theearly modern period,theParliament of Englandand theParliament of Scotlandjoined to become theParliament of Great Britain.The first Parliament of the United Kingdom came into existence in 1801, after theIrish Parliamentjoined with the Parliament of Great Britain. Between 1801 and 1927, the British legislature's name was theParliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

How the British Parliament works

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The Parliament of the United Kingdom is split into three separate parts, theHouse of Commons(thelower house), theHouse of Lords(theupper house) and the monarch. Most legislative power is concentrated in the House of Commons. It is made up of 650members of parliament(MPs). These people are elected by the people of the United Kingdom to represent them in the House of Commons. The leader of the political party who commands a majority of MPs is usually made theprime minister of the United Kingdom,thehead of government.Thehead of stateis always the monarch.

The House of Commons starts mostbills.Other bills start in the House of Lords. The House of Commons decides rates oftaxation.

The House of Lords has the power to reject bills, except money bills (tax bills), and make the House of Commons reconsider them. If the House of Lords vetoes a bill twice or delays apublicBill for more than one year then the House of Commons can force the Bill through under the terms of theParliament Acts,unless it started in the House of Lords.

The monarch (nowKing Charles III) is the sovereign in a constitutional monarchy and, theoretically, is the fount of all power in the United Kingdom. Bills must receive the Royal Assent before becoming Acts of Parliament and the monarch is responsible for summoning, proroguing and dissolving Parliament, normally upon the advice of the incumbent Prime Minister. It is now very rare for a monarch to object, but the sovereign still retains thisprerogativefor use if necessary.

How a Bill becomes an Act of Parliament

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A representation of the legislative procedure.

Bills may start their passage in either theHouse of CommonsorHouse of Lords

Pre-legislative Scrutiny:Joint committee of both houses review bill and vote on amendments that government can accept or reject. Reports are influential in later stages as rejected committee recommendations are revived to be voted on.

First Reading:No vote occurs. Bill is presented, printed, and in private members' bills, a Second Reading date is set.

Second Reading:A debate on the general principles of the bill is followed by a vote.

Committee Stage:A committee considers each clause of the bill, and may make amendments.

Report Stage:An opportunity to amend the bill. The House consider clauses to which amendments have been tabled.

Third Reading:A debate on final text as amended. In the Lords, further amendments may be tabled at this stage.

Passage:The bill is then sent to the other House which may amend it.

First Reading:Same procedures

Second Reading:Same procedures

Committee Stage:Same procedures

Report Stage:Same procedures

Third Reading:Same procedures

Passage:The bill is then returned to the original House.

Pre-legislative Scrutiny:To consider all amendments.

The bill is then processed forRoyal Assent,if accepted, the bill becomes an Act.

Making new lawTypes of billBill procedureFirst readingSecond readingCommons committee stageLords committee stageReport stageThird readingPassage through the other HouseRoyal assentDelegated legislation

In theMiddle Agesand early modern period there were three kingdoms within theBritish IslesEngland,ScotlandandIreland— and these developed separate parliaments. The1707 Acts of Unionbrought England and Scotland together under the Parliament of Great Britain, and the1800 Act of Unionincluded Ireland under the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The parliament atWestminsterinLondonis sometimes called the "Mother of all Parliaments"[1]

Parliament of England

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TheEnglish Parliamenthas its origins in theAnglo-SaxonWitenagemot.In1066,William of Normandybrought afeudal system,where he sought the advice of a council before making laws. In 1215, this council receivedMagna CartafromKing John,which established that the king may not levy or collect any taxes (except the feudal taxes to which they were hitherto accustomed), save with the consent of his royal council, which slowly developed into a parliament.

In 1265,Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicestercalled the firstelectedParliament. The Laws in Wales Acts of 1535–42annexedWalesas a part of England and brought Welsh representatives to Parliament.

WhenElizabeth Iwas succeeded in 1603 by theScottish KingJames VI of Scotland(James I of England) the countries both came under his rule, but each kept its own Parliament.

Parliament of Scotland

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In Scotland in theHigh Middle Agesthe King's Council of Bishops and Earls was the beginning of theParliamentof 1235.

Parliament of Ireland

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The Irish Parliament was founded to represent the English community in the Lordship of Ireland, but the native or Gaelic Irish were not allowed to vote or stand for office, the first known meeting being in 1264. In 1541Henry VIIIdeclared theKingdom of Ireland.The Gaelic Irish lords were now entitled to attend the Irish Parliament as equals of the majority of English descent.

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  1. Jones, Clyve. (2012).A short history of Parliament: England, Great Britain, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Scotland,p1;excerpt, "It is a commonly held misconception that the Westminster parliament is the 'mother of all parliaments'... but the original phrase in 1865 was 'Englandis the mother of all parliaments' "

Further reading

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Other websites

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