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Confederate States Army

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Photograph of Sgt. John Richard Whitehead, Company G, 6th Virginia Cavalry, CSA

TheConfederate States Army(CSA) was organized in February 1861 to fight for theConfederate States of Americaduring theAmerican Civil War.Somewhere between 750,000 and 1.2millionsoldiersserved the Confederacy in one form or another.[1]The exact numbers are not known because ofincompleteanddestroyedrecords.[1]Although it won manybattlesthe Confederate Army lost thewar.It could not overcome theUnion army's larger numbers and betterresources.[2]On April 9, 1865,GeneralRobert E. Leesurrenderedwhat was left of theArmy of Northern Virginiato GeneralUlysses S. GrantatAppomattox Court House,Virginia.[3]While his army was only a part of the total Confederate army, his surrender marked the end of the Confederacy.[2]On June 23, 1865, Georgia'sStand Watiebecame the last Confederate general to surrender.

Makeup[change|change source]

Much of the design of the Confederate States Army was based on the structure and customs of the U.S. Army.[4]Both armies were mainlyinfantry,cavalryandartilleryunits.[4]While the structure of the two armies was very similar, the number of men in each unit could be different.[4]Many Confederate officers were graduates ofWest Pointjust like Union officers.[4]Regimentswere usually numbered and named for the state where they were first organized and where most of the soldiers came from.[4]Brigadeswere usually named after their commanders (past or present). Forexample,theStonewall Brigadewas named for its commanding general,Stonewall Jackson.[4]

The Confederate Army had three parts; the Army of the Confederate States of America (ACSA, smallest but intended to be the permanent, regular army), the Provisional Army of the Confederate States (PACS, or "volunteer" Army, to be disbanded after the war), and the variousSouthern statemilitias.The ConfederateConstitutioncalled for thePresident,Jefferson Davisto beCommander-in-Chiefof the army andnavy.It did not call for a commanding general of the army but several generals were advisors to President Davis.

Structure[change|change source]

  • Aregimentwas the basic unit in battle.[5]At the start of the war, a regiment was 1,000 men and was led by acolonel.Regiments were usually recruited from the same area so most soldiers and officers knew each other. Disease,desertion,and combat reduced the numbers considerably. Usually, instead of adding new recruits to a decimated regiment, a new regiment would be raised in its place.[5]
  • Abrigadewas from two to five regiments. Led by abrigadier generala brigade was usually from one branch of the army (infantry, cavalry or artillery).[5]
  • Adivisionwas two or more brigades. In the Confederate army, divisions could be as many as five or six brigades (Union army divisions were usually smaller).[5]Divisions were commanded by amajor general.
  • Acorpswas two or more divisions. A corps usually included infantry, cavalry and artillery. That way a corps was independent and could conduct operations on its own.[5]
  • An army was two or more corps. A Corps or an army was usually led by the most senior major general or a general picked by Jefferson Davis.[5]

Armies[change|change source]

The Confederate States Army included the following armies:[a][6]

Confederate officers[change|change source]

Before the Civil War, many Confederate officers were in theUnited States Army.When war started, 313 army officers resigned and became officers in the Confederate army.[7]Robert E. Leewas one of those who found it difficult to leave.Abraham Lincolnhad offered to make him commander-in-chief of the Union Army.[7]But he could not fight against his nativeVirginia.[7]He became commander of the Virginia militia and when VirginiaSeceded,a General of the Confederacy.

Many militias elected their officers includingfield officers.[8]When these units joined the Confederate army, their officers werecommissioned.[8]There were also a number ofprofessionalofficers who came fromGermanyorBritain(just as there were in the Union army).[9]But at the start of the war, few Southern officers had any realexperience.[9]Wealthyplanterswho owned 20 or moreslaveswere not required to serve in the army and many stayed home during the war.[9]Some served in theEnlisted rankbut many thought it was unfair to serve under officers so poor they could not afford a single slave.[9]Many Confederate officers kept a slave as a personal servant throughout the war.

Confederate soldiers[change|change source]

Confederate officers often did not maintaindisciplineamong their men.[9]Many of their soldiers wereilliterateand some did not know which was theirleft footand which was theirright.[9]At theBattle of Gettysburgin 1863, even Lee complained about the lack of discipline in his army.[9]Visiting foreign officials wereshockedat lack of discipline and were amazed they could fight.[10]

Almost all Confederate soldiers where white[11]

The average Confederate soldier was in his early 20s.[12]He was usually gaunt, unkempt andbeardswere common.[12]It often did not fit, especially if taken off a dead soldier.[12]Most wore a white shirt under their wool jacket. Replacement uniforms were hard to get. They would oftenstainhomespun (clothing made at home) with adyemade fromwalnuts.[9]This gave their uniforms ayellowish-brownappearance they called "butternut".[9]Many did not haveshoesor shoes that fit. Those who didnailedhorseshoesto the bottom to keep them from wearing through the sole.[12]At first he carried amusketorflintlockrifle.[12]Later in the war many carried the betterEnfield riflestaken from dead Union soldiers.[12]Anyboots,uniforms or supplies Union soldiers left behind or were captured were used by the Confederate soldiers.[9]In camp, most of the tents were marked "U.S." Most of the Southern Artillery was also captured Union cannons.[9]

Notes[change|change source]

  1. Many Union and Confederate armies had the same name so are further designated the Confederate army of... or the Union army of... for clarity.

References[change|change source]

  1. 1.01.1"Facts".The Civil War.National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.Retrieved11 July2016.
  2. 2.02.1Alan Farmer (September 2005)."Why was the Confederacy Defeated?".History Today Ltd.Retrieved11 July2016.
  3. "Surrender at Appomattox, 1865".EyeWitness to History.Retrieved11 July2016.
  4."Structure of the Union and Confederate Armies".Thomas' Legion: The 69th North Carolina Regiment.American Civil War Homepage.Retrieved11 July2016.
  5."Civil War Army Organization".Civil War Trust.Retrieved11 July2016.[permanent dead link]
  6. "The Armies of the Confederate States in the Civil War".CivilWarHome.Retrieved11 July2016.
  7."Armies in the War: Militia and Regulars".A Patriot's History.Retrieved11 July2016.
  8. 8.08.1Bruce S. Allardice,Confederate Colonels: A Biographical Register(Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2008), p. 2
  9. Edgerton,Death Or Glory(Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1999), pp. 67-68
  10. G.F. Linderman,Embattled courage: The Experience of Combat in the American Civil War(New York: Free Press, 1987), p. 234
  11. "Ethic Composition of Civil War Forces (C.S & U.S.A.)".CivilWarHome.Retrieved11 July2016.
  12."Confederate Soldiers".Civil War Soldiers.Retrieved11 July2016.