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Coordinates:41°49′55″N88°15′26″W/ 41.83194°N 88.25722°W/41.83194; -88.25722
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Established November 21, 1967 (as National Accelerator Laboratory)
Research Type Nuclear
Field of Research Particle physics
Director Piermaria J. Oddone
Address P.O. Box 500
Location Winfield Township, DuPage County/Batavia Township, Kane County,nearBatavia,Illinois,USA
Telephone (630) 840 3000
Affiliations US Department of Energy
University of Chicago
Universities Research Association
Nobel Laureates Leon Lederman
Website fnal.gov
A satellite view of Fermilab. The two circular structures are the Main Injector Ring (small) andTevatron(big).

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory(Fermilab), just outsideBatavia,Illinois,nearChicago,is aUS Department of Energynational laboratoryspecializing in high-energyparticle physics.As of January 1, 2007, Fermilab is operated by theFermi Research Alliance,a joint venture of theUniversity of Chicago,Illinois Institute of Technologyand theUniversities Research Association(URA). Fermilab is a part of theIllinois Technology and Research Corridor.

Fermilab'sTevatronwas a landmarkparticle accelerator;at 3.9 miles (6.3 km) in circumference, it was the world's second largest energy particle accelerator (CERN'sLarge Hadron Collideris 27 km in circumference), until being shut down on September 30, 2011. In 1995, two teams at Fermilab (CDFand,detectors which utilize the Tevatron) announced the discovery of thetop quark.

In addition to high energy collider physics, Fermilab is also host to a number of smallerfixed-targetandneutrinoexperiments, such asMiniBooNE(Mini Booster Neutrino Experiment),SciBooNE(SciBar Booster Neutrino Experiment) andMINOS(Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search). The MiniBooNE detector is a 40-foot (12 m) diameter sphere which contains 800 tons of mineral oil lined with 1520 individualphototube detectors.An estimated 1 million neutrino events are recorded each year. SciBooNE is the newest neutrino experiment at Fermilab; it sits in the same neutrino beam as MiniBooNE but has fine-grained tracking capabilities. The MINOS experiment uses Fermilab'sNuMI(Neutrinos at the Main Injector) beam, which is an intense beam of neutrinos that travels 455 miles (732 km) through the Earth to theSoudan MineinMinnesota.

A large piece of land was reserved for Fermilab, but much of the equipment is underground. The Fermilab scientists decided to use the land surface as an experiment in restoring Illinois originalprairie.They also started a farm to raise al herd ofAmerican bison.[1][2]TheFermilab Nature Areasis a separate non-profit group that administers these programs.[3]

Asteroid11998 Fermilabis named in honor of the laboratory.

History[change|change source]

Robert Rathbun Wilson Hall

Between World War II and the 1960s, the federal government funded different particle accelerators at competinguniversitiesto build high-energy physics experiments. Most notable were theStanford Linear Accelerator(SLAC), which sent particles in a straight line, theBrookhaven National Laboratoryat SUNY Stoney Brook and theCornell Universitysynchrotron,which sent particles around in a circle to have the same magnets work on the particles many times. By the 1960s, the cost of building bigger atom smashers were too high to fund each individual campus, and the size of ring for the next circular accelerator would be too large to fit on an existing college campus. So, the federal government decided to start a new location to be run by physicists from several universities. They held a competition to pick a site, but politicians fought for it to be in Illinois.

Weston, Illinoiswas a community next toBatavia.It was a subdivision of pre-fabricated homes started in the early 1960s. Sales were very slow, so the land developers tried to attract Fermilab to be a new employer on the edge of the new town. However, it turned out that the amount of land needed would swallow up the entire town. So, the town voted to sell all of the land, including the houses that had been built to Fermilab. The town then dissolved.[4]

The laboratory was founded in 1967 as theNational Accelerator Laboratory;it was renamed in honor ofEnrico Fermiin 1974. The lab's first director wasRobert Rathbun Wilson.Wilson made many of the sculptures on the campus.[5]He is attributed as being responsible for it being finished ahead of time and under budget. The high rise laboratory building on the site, the unique shape of which has become the symbol for Fermilab, is named in his honor, and is the center of activity on the campus.

Before the new buildings could be finished, the scientists moved into the Weston houses and also moved all of the farm houses on Fermilab to that location for use as office space. They renamed Weston, "Fermilab Village." It still houses visiting scientists.

Wilson brought in the team that had built the Cornell synchrotron to help build the original 200 GeV accelerator.[6][7]Two important inventions made this accelerator obsolete: superconducting magnets and using the same acclerator ring to send two groups of particles around in opposite directions so that when the collide they would have twice the energy.

After Wilson stepped down in 1978 to protest the lack of funding for the lab,Leon M. Ledermantook on the job. It was under his guidance that the original accelerator was replaced with the Tevatron accelerator. The new accelerator was capable of collidingprotonand anantiprotonat a combined energy of 1.96 TeV. Lederman stepped down in 1988 and remains Director Emeritus. The on-site science education center (which serves students and the general public) was named in his honor.

From 1988 to 1998, the lab was run byJohn Peoples.From that time until June 30, 2005, the lab was run byMichael S. Witherell.On November 19, 2004Piermaria Oddone,formerly of theLawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryinCalifornia,was announced as Fermilab's newest director. Oddone began his term as director July 1, 2005.

Fermilab continues to participate in the work in the LHC including serving as a Tier 1 site in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid.[8]The State of Illinois is funding a new Illinois Accelerator Research Center building at Fermilab for scientists and industrial partners.[9]

Accelerators[change|change source]

Fermilab's accelerator rings

The first stage in the acceleration process takes place in theCockcroft–Walton generator.It involves takinghydrogengas and turning it into Hions by introducing it into a container lined with molybdenum electrodes: a matchbox-sized, oval-shaped cathode and a surrounding anode, separated by 1 mm and held in place by glass ceramic insulators. A magnetron is used to generate a plasma to form Hnear the metal surface. A 750keVelectrostatic field is applied by the Cockcroft–Walton generator, and the ions are accelerated out of the container. The next step is thelinear accelerator(or linac), which accelerates the particles to 400MeV,or about 70% of thespeed of light.Right before entering the next accelerator, the Hions pass through a carbon foil, becoming H+ions (protons).

The next step is the booster ring. The booster ring is a 468 m circumference circular accelerator that uses magnets to bend beams of protons in a circular path. The protons coming from the Linac travel around the Booster about 20,000 times in 33 milliseconds so that they repeatedly experience electric fields. With each revolution the protons pick up more energy, leaving the Booster with 8GeV.The Main Injector is the next link in the accelerator chain. Completed in 1999, it has become Fermilab's "particle switchyard" with three functions: it accelerates protons, it delivers protons forantiprotonproduction, and it accelerates antiprotons coming from the antiproton source. The final accelerator was theTevatron.It was the second most powerful particle accelerator in the world (CERN'sLarge Hadron Colliderbeing the most powerful). Traveling at almost the speed of light, protons and antiprotons circle the Tevatron in opposite directions. Physicists coordinate the beams so that they collide at the centers of two 5,000-ton detectorsandCDFinside the Tevatron tunnel at energies of 1.96TeV,revealing the conditions of matter in theearly universeand its structure at the smallest scale. The Tevatron is being converted into a museum.

The linear accelerator also has a medical treatment facility. Doctors treat people withcancerby shooting protons or neutrons from the accelerator into theirtumors.[10]

Experiments[change|change source]

Notes and references[change|change source]

  1. Fermilab (30 December 2005)."Safety and the Environment at Fermilab".Retrieved2006-01-06.
  2. Questionsat Fermilab
  3. "Fermilab Natural Areas".RetrievedDecember 13,2011.
  4. Fermilab."Before Weston".Retrieved2009-11-25.
  5. "About Fermilab - The Fermilab Campus".RetrievedDecember 14,2011.
  6. "Early URA".Archived fromthe originalon January 5, 2012.RetrievedDecember 13,2011.
  7. "Accelerator History - Main Ring".Archived fromthe originalon May 9, 2012.RetrievedDecember 13,2011.
  8. National Science Foundation."The US and LHC Computing".Archived fromthe originalon 2011-01-10.Retrieved2011-01-11.
  9. "Fermilab | Illinois Accelerator Research Center".RetrievedDecember 14,2011.
  10. "Technology - Cancer Therapy Facility".Archived fromthe originalon October 16, 2011.RetrievedDecember 13,2011.

Other websites[change|change source]

41°49′55″N88°15′26″W/ 41.83194°N 88.25722°W/41.83194; -88.25722