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Seal (device)

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Wax seal on an envelope

Asealis something such as a piece ofwaxwhich has an official mark on it, and which is attached to an importantletterordocumentto make it official. It can also mean the device (e.g. a metal stamp or ring) which is used to make the official mark. The word comes from theLatin“sigillum”.

The study of seals is called Sigillography.

Impression[change|change source]

Seals are used on documents to prove that they really did come from the person whosignedit (they “authenticate” the document). A seal could be put on the letter itself, or on the envelope where it is stuck down. The writer would pour some wax over the joint of the letter, then press a ring or metal stamp (called a matrix) which has his official mark on. This meant that no one would be able to open the letter and then close it again, because the seal will break when the letter is opened. Most governments still put seals on important documents. Letters do not normally have seals any more, even important letters.

Sometimeslead,pewterorivorywere used instead of wax.

Each seal is different from any other. This means that an important person (e.g. a king) has his own personalized stamp.

History of seals[change|change source]

Seals were used in very early civilizations. In ancientMesopotamiaseals were engraved oncylinders,which could be rolled to create an impression on clay. Signet-rings of kings fromAncient Egypthave been found. FromAncient Egyptseals in the form of signet-rings of kings have been found. Other ancient seals come fromSaudi Arabiaor theAncient GreekandRomantimes.

After the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 seals were not used so much. ThePopesused lead seals, andCharlemagne(who died in 814) had a special seal engraved with Jupiter Sarpis. In England all the kings fromEdward the Confessoronwards had their own “seal of majesty”.

Seals fromEast Asianlater developed intoblock printing.Seals fromChinahave been found from the 5th century B.C.

The wearing of signet rings (from Latin "signum" meaning sign) is an old tradition amongnoblesin European and some other cultures. In Latin America, it is also traditional for the descendants of the oldcriolloaristocratic families to wear signet rings in the Spanish tradition.

Signet rings were often worn on the little finger of either the right or left hand (depending on the country), although some countries have different customs (French and German noblemen, and some Spanish nobles wear it on the ring finger of their left hand; Swiss wear it on the ring finger of their right hand). In the United Kingdom, signet rings are typically worn on the little finger of the left hand of the bearer and are often cast ofgold.The ring is worn with the seal facing outwards so that the wearer can make a seal without taking the ring off.

A similar tradition is found withblacksmithswho use their “touchmark” (a stamp used on the hot metal to show who made it) on whatever they made. When they died their touchmark was destroyed.

The study of seals (sigillography) is very useful in many areas:genealogy,politicalhistory,art historyetc. This is because modern science can work out very closely how old a seal is. This makes it possible to date documents or works of art.

Metaphorical uses of “seal”[change|change source]

The word “seal” is often used as ametaphor:

  • To “set one’s seal”, or to give one’s "seal of approval" means: to say or do something which seems to give one’s authority to some decision.

Because seals are used to close something officially, the word “seal” can also be used in other situations with a similar meaning:

  • A seal can mean a gesture or promise which is made, e.g. the promise made by two people at theirmarriage.
  • To “seal” can mean to decide or settle something, e.g. to “seal someone’sfate”or to “seal a business agreement”.
  • To “seal” can mean to close something for a long time. To “seal something off” means to close an area so that no one can go there.
  • A secret record is "sealed".

References[change|change source]