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Stalagmites may also refer to a type offungus.
TheWitch's Fingerin theCarlsbad Caverns

Astalagmite[1]is a form that can be found on thefloorof acave.It rises from the floor of alimestonecave when mineralizedsolutionsdrip from the ceiling anddepositsofcalcium carbonateform columns on the ground. The corresponding formation on the ceiling of a cave is known as astalactite.

There are several methods to help remember which formation hangs from the ceiling (stalactite) and which rises from the floor (stalagmite):

  • StalaCtite has a "c" for "ceiling".
  • StalaGmite has a "g" for "ground".
  • The T in StalacTite resembles one hanging from the ceiling, while the M in StalagMite resembles a formation rising from the floor.

When touring caves with stalactites and stalagmites you might be asked to not touch the rock formations. This is generally because the formation is considered to still be growing and forming. Since the rock buildup is formed by minerals solidifying out of the water solution,skinoils can disturb where the mineral water will cling. So the development of the rock formation will be affected and not will not be natural anymore.

Stalactites and stalagmites can also form onconcreteceilings and floors, but they form much more quickly on concrete than in the natural cave environment.

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  1. from theGreekstalagma( "Σταλαγμίτης" ), "drop" or "drip"

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