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Technocracyis agovernmentbyscientific methodand controlled bytechnicalpeople. These people includeengineers,(who make, build, and maintain engines, machines, public works, and other technologies). "Technocrats" want to improve social and political problems based on technical and "scientific" (technological) solutions. They promise to help solve these problems concerning industries (big business), trade, and how to create and distribute wealth usingscientific management.A method of study that uses time and motion to work out the most efficient ways to do something, mainly repeated, routine motions. The man that made the theory of Scientific Management was named Frederick W. Taylor.

However, Scientific Management was still trying to fix social and political problems with technical solutions. Many of the technological solutions may have solved one problem, while creating many more. Technocrats believed that management could replace politics. Administration is based on the application of rules that make certain outcomes, there are too many different points of view for the management approach to work.

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