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Aparking lotinEast Berlin,in1983.Mainly Trabants, a whiteWartburgand a dark greenLada

TheTrabant(orTrabi) was a series ofcarsbuilt in theGerman Democratic Republic.When the first cars were released, people saw them as beinginnovative.The cars were also easy onfuel,they did not need much fuel. Trabant had atwo-strokeengine. The outside of the Trabant was not made with steel oriron,because the German Democratic Republic did not want toimportsteel and iron for the cars, because that would have been too expensive. Instead, the Trabant was made ofDuroplast,a special kind ofplastic,made by mi xingformicaandbakelite,and made stronger with fibres ofcotton.They could afford some steel from Russia, and this was used for the engine and the floor, and to give the plastic strength. After theBerlin Wallwas opened the Trabant did not sell as much as before, because the people wanted bigger cars that they could get after the wall was opened. Trabants can still be found in East Europe, for example inHungary.

The Trabant was a smallcar,good for driving in the city. The two-strokeenginecreated lots of airpollution,but because of the plastic body, it was stronger and safer than western cars of the same time. It was famous for being better in a crash test than a VW Polo.

Version Years of production N° of cars produced
AWZ P70 since 1954 to 1959 36.151
Trabant P50/500 since 1957 to 1962 131.440
Trabant P60/600 since 1962 to 1965 106.628
Trabant 601 since 1964 to 1990 2.818.547
Trabant 1,1 since 1989 to 1991 39.474

Between1957and1990,about 3 million Trabants were built. As of January2005,about 67.000 such cars were still registered.