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Gas turbine has been removed from its case

Aturbineis anenginethat turnsfluidmovement intoenergy.This energy can be changed to make electricity with a generator.[1]A turbine is aturbomachinewith normally 1 moving part called arotorassembly (a shaft or drum with blades attached) Moving fluid, normally water, moves the blades so that theytransferenergy to the rotor. Some early turbine examples include windmills and waterwheels.

Acasingcan be placed around the turbine tocontrolthe movement of the fluid. Credit for the invention of thesteam turbineis given both to Anglo-Irish engineerSir Charles Parsons(1854 - 1931) for invention of the reaction turbine(turbines that utilize water pressure and water speed to rotate), and to theSwedishengineerGustaf de Laval(1845-1913) for invention of theimpulse turbine.Modern steam turbines normally utilize both the reaction and impulse turbine in one system.

Types[change|change source]

References[change|change source]

  1. Wragg, David W. (1973).A Dictionary of Aviation(first ed.). Osprey. p.272.ISBN9780850451634.

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