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Painting ofPier Gerlofs DoniaandWijerd Jelckamafighting for the freedom of his people to help this country

Waris asituationor a period of fighting betweencountriesorgroupsof people.[1]A war generally involves the use ofweapons,amilitary organizationandsoldiers.War is asituationin which anationenforcesitsrightsby using force.[2]Not every armed conflict is a war. A fight betweenindividuals,betweengangs,drug cartels,etc. is not considered a war.[3]However, most wars are called armed conflicts.International humanitarian lawis a set ofrulesthat tries to limit the effects of wars.[4]International Humanitarian Law recognizes two kinds of wars. These are:

  • "Internationalarmed conflicts "between two or morestates.[5]
  • "Non-international armed conflicts" as being between agovernmentand a group that is not a government or one that is between two such groups.[5]

Karl von Clausewitzwrote in his classic book,On War,that "war is a mere continuation of policy with other means.”[a][6]Clausewitz viewed war as apoliticalinstrument.[8]His book about militaryphilosophyremains the mostinfluentialwork on thehistoryandstrategyof war.[9]An earlier authority on war wasSun Tzu.[8]In his bookThe Art of War,Sun Tzu saw war as anecessary evil.[8]It was something people do.[8]

Wars have been fought to controlnatural resources,forreligiousorculturalreasons and overpoliticalbalances of power.[10]They have been fought over legitimacy (correctness) of particular laws. They have been fought to settleargumentsabout land or money, and many other issues. The reasons behind any war are often very complex.[11]While a war can start for just about any reason, there is usually more than one cause.[12]

War and the beginning of nations

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From the earliest times, individual states orpolitical factionshave used war to gain sovereignty over regions.[13]In one of the earliest civilizations in history,Mesopotamia,they were in a near constant state of war.[13]Ancient Egyptduring itsEarly Dynastic Periodcame about by war whenLowerandUpper Egyptwere joined as one country, about 3100 BC.[13]TheZhou DynastyruledAncient Chinacame to power in 1046 through war.[14]Scipio Africanus(236-183 BCE) defeatedCarthageleadingAncient Rometo begin a conquest of the known world.[13]Philip II of Macedon(382-336 BCE) united a group ofcity-statesto becomeAncient Greece.[13]

Kinds of war

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Sometimes, people don't see a difference between fighting between countries or people, and theformal declarationof astate of war.Those who do see this difference usually only use the word "war" for the fighting where the countries'governmentshave officially declared war on each other. Smaller armed conflicts are often calledriots,rebellions,coups,etc.

One country may send forces to another country for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is to help keep order or preventkillings of innocentsor othercrimes against humanity.It may be to protect a friendly government against an uprising. Here it may be called apolice actionorhumanitarian interventioninstead of a war. Some people think it's still a war.

Another kind of war existed from 1947 until 1991 called theCold War.[15]This started whendiplomatic relationsbetween theUnited Statesand theSoviet Unionbroke down.[15]Both countries hadnuclear weaponsand both stood ready to use them against the other.[15]But there was no actual war between the two. It ended with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.[15]The cold war was also called acontainmentwhere the United States tried to prevent the spread ofcommunismto other countries.[16]During the cold war, the major powers did not fight themselves, but often backed third parties in what was called aproxy war.[17]TheVietnam Waris often given as anexampleof a proxy war.[17]But proxy wars happened long before the cold war and are still happening.[17]

A war between peoples and groups in the same country is known as acivil war.[18]It is generally agreed there are two things that make a war a civil war.[18]It must be a struggle between groups in the same country orstateover political control or to force a major change in the government'spolicy.[18]The secondcriterionis that more than 1000 people have to have been killed, with a minimum of 100 from each side.[18]TheAmerican Civil Waris an example of a civil war. While the figures are mere estimates, the totalcasualtiesare thought to be about 750,000.[19]

Laws of war

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Only in the last 150 years or so, have states agreed on international laws to limit warfare.[20]This has been mainly forhumanitarian reasons.[20]TheGeneva conventionsand theHague Conventionsare two examples of agreements that establish lawsgoverningwars.[21]Collectively, these are usually called International humanitarian law (IHL).[21]Because these areestablishedlaws, theyrestrictthoseengagedin armed conflicts to follow the IHL.[20]Also, a country must not only respect the law but they also need to make sure other countries respect it as well.[20]They cannotturn a blind eye(meaning pretend they do not see a thing) to countries who are not following IHC.[20]The first of these was the Geneva Convention in 1864.[22]It became international law with thesignaturesof 100 countries.[23]

Statistical analysis

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Thestatisticalanalysis of war was started byLewis Fry Richardsonfollowing World War I. More recent databases of wars have been assembled by the Correlates of War Project and Peter Brecke.

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  1. Clausewitz has for a long time been misquoted as saying "war is a mere continuation of policybyother means.” The difference between "with" and "by" changes the meaning of the quotation. Theerrorintranslationas "by"impliesthat alldiplomaticattempts at finding a solution to a problem between twoentitiesstops once theshootingstarts.[6]Corrected, Clausewitz was simply sayingthe end justifies the means.[7]


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  1. "war".Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary.Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.Retrieved14 September2016.
  2. "War Definition".Duhaime's Law Dictionary.Duhaime.org. Archived fromthe originalon 20 March 2016.Retrieved14 September2016.
  3. "Difference Between War and Conflict".Difference Between. 25 June 2011.Retrieved14 September2016.
  4. "What is International Humanitarian Law?"(PDF).International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).Retrieved14 September2016.
  5. 5.05.1"How is the term" Armed Conflict "defined in international humanitarian law?".International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). 17 March 2008.Retrieved14 September2016.
  6. 6.06.1James R. Holmes (12 November 2014)."Everything You Know About Clausewitz Is Wrong".The Diplomat.Retrieved14 September2016.
  7. Thomas H. Etzold."Clausewitzian Lessons for Modern Strategists".Air University (AU).United States Air Force. Archived fromthe originalon 16 December 2016.Retrieved14 September2016.
  8. Miller (20 July 2012)."Are Clausewitz and Sun Tzu Still Relevant in Contemporary Conflicts?".E-International Relations.Retrieved18 September2016.
  9. Christopher Bassford (6 February 2012)."Carl von Clausewitz".Oxford Biographies.Oxford University Press.Retrieved14 September2016.
  10. "Natural Resources, Conflict, and Conflict Resolution"(PDF).United States Institute of Peace.Retrieved18 September2016.
  11. "The Philosophy of War".Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Retrieved18 September2016.
  12. "Cause and Effect: The Outbreak of World War II".Teaching History.Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University.Retrieved18 September2016.
  13."War".Ancient History Encyclopedia Limited.Retrieved14 September2016.
  14. "Zhou Dynasty".Travel China Guide.Retrieved14 September2016.
  15."Cold War History".History.A&E Television Networks, LLC.Retrieved14 September2016.
  16. "Cold War - Containment".GlobalSecurity.org.Retrieved14 September2016.
  17."What is a Proxy War?".The Vietnam War. 8 May 2014.Retrieved14 September2016.
  18. Wong (26 November 2006)."A Matter of Definition: What Makes a Civil War, and Who Declares It So?".The New York Times.Retrieved14 September2016.
  19. Rachel Coker (21 September 2011)."Historian revises estimate of Civil War dead".Discover-e.Binghamton University, The State University of New York.Retrieved14 September2016.
  20."War and international humanitarian law".International Committee of the Red Cross. 29 October 2010.Retrieved14 September2016.
  21. 21.021.1"International Humanitarian Law".The International Justice Resource Center (IJRC). 14 June 2012.Retrieved18 September2016.
  22. "War crimes".International Crimes Database project.Retrieved18 September2016.
  23. Jean H. Quataert."International Law and the Laws of War".1914-1918-Online, International Encyclopedia of the First World War.Retrieved18 September2016.

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