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Crimes against humanity

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Crimes against humanityarecrimesthat are committed against alarge group of peoplewho have not done anything wrong. Groups who commit crimes against humanity do not hurt just one person, or just a few people. They want to hurt an entire group of people that they do not like. For example, inNazi GermanyduringThe Holocaust,the Nazis tried tokill all of the Jewish people in Europe.This is an example of a crime against humanity.

Unlikewar crimes,crimes against humanity can happen duringpeaceorwar,and against people who do not fulfill the criteria of protected persons in an international armed conflict under international humanitarian law.[1]


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Not every crime committed against a big group is a crime against humanity. To be crimes against humanity, crimes must be planned by the government or accepted by the government.[1]

Acceptedmeans that the government did nothing to stop the crimes, even though they were very common. In this way, a government can give its approval for crimes against humanity without actually telling people to do them.[1]

Crimes against humanity must also be committed against acivilianpopulation(people who are notsoldiers).[2]Crimes committed against soldiers may bewar crimes.

Today, crimes against humanity can include:[3][4]

However, in the past, not all of these things were thought of as crimes against humanity. For example, crimes against humanity were first listed in 1945.[5]However, it was not until 2002 that many forms ofsexual abuse(likesexual slavery) were included as crimes against humanity.[3]pp. 8–10

The Armenian Genocide

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Victims of theArmenian Genocide,a crime against humanity

The words "crime against humanity" were first used after theArmenian Genocide.In 1915, the government of theOttoman Empirekilled up to 1.5 millionArmenianpeople.[6][7]The government killed men or made them doforced labor.They also forced Armenian women and children to leave their homes. On the way, the Ottomanmilitaryraped,robbed,and killed civilians.[8][9][10]

On May 24, 1915,Britain,France,andRussiaaccused theOttoman Empireof committing "a crime against humanity."[11]

The Nuremberg Trials

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AfterWorld War IIended, many people who participated inThe Holocaustwere captured and put ontrialat theNuremberg Trials.However, the people running the Trials had to figure out how to deal with the crimes these people had committed during the Holocaust. At that time,courtscould try people for war crimes. But the courts had never seen a case where a government committed such awful crimes against its owncitizens.

To allow the court to charge the Nazis for these crimes, the court passed a law. This law said that the court could put people on trial for crimes against humanity as well as war crimes. Itdefined"crimes against humanity" as:

Murder,extermination,enslavement,deportation,and otherinhumaneacts committed against anycivilianpopulation, before or during the war, orpersecutions[because of] political, racial or religious [reasons.][5]

A sign fromapartheid South AfricainEnglishandAfrikaans.Apartheid was an example of a crime against humanity.

Apartheid is a system of keeping one raceseparate from another.One race has all the power, and the other race has none. This continues throughracistlaws and attitudes.

South Africapracticed apartheid fordecades.The government passed laws saying that different races could not live in the same areas, havesex,getmarried,go to school together, go to the samebeaches,or even go to the samehospitals.[12][13]The schools, hospitals, and other places where non-white people were allowed to go were much worse than the places for white people.[12]

In 1976, theUnited Nations General Assemblyruled thatapartheidis a crime against humanity. Part of its ruling said:

Considering... that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and that everyone is entitled to all... rights and freedoms... [we] declare that apartheid is a crime against humanity.[14]

No one has ever been tried for apartheid-related crimes against humanity.

Rape and sexual violence

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TheInternational Criminal Court(ICC) opened in 2002. Its job is to look into war crimes and crimes against humanity. If possible, it tries and punishes people for these crimes. When the ICC was formed, it created a new list of crimes against humanity. This was the first time that any type of sexual abuse, other than rape, was included as a crime against humanity. The ICC includes all of these as crimes against humanity:[3]pp. 8–10

The ICC also includes all of these crimes as war crimes, if they happen as part of a war.[3]pp. 8–10

In 2008, theUnited Nations Security Councilruled that “rape and other forms of sexual violence can [be] war crimes, crimes against humanity or a [part of]genocide.”[15]


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  1., Margaret M. (2012). "Crimes Against Humanity". In Bartram S. Brown (ed.).Research Handbook on International Law.Edward Elgar Publishers.ISBN978-0857933447.
  2. "What are crimes against humanity?".International Criminal Court.Archived fromthe originalon April 1, 2016.RetrievedFebruary 29,2016.
  3. of Crimes(PDF).The Hague, Netherlands: PrintPartners Ipskamp. 2011.ISBN978-92-9227-232-6.Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2016-03-09.Retrieved2016-02-29.
  4. Stéphane Courtois; Mark Kramer (1999).The black book of communism: crimes, terror, repression.Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.ISBN0-674-07608-7.OCLC41256361.
  5. 5.05.1"Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Vol. 1 Charter of the International Military Tribunal".The Avalon Project, Yale Law School.RetrievedFebruary 29,2016.
  6. "Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex".The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute.National Academy of Sciences in the Republic of Armenia. 2014.RetrievedFebruary 29,2016.
  7. Kifner, John (December 7, 2007)."Armenian Genocide of 1915: An Overview".TheNew York Times.RetrievedFebruary 29,2016.
  8. Kieser, Hans-Lukas; Schaller, Dominik J. (2002),Der Völkermord an den Armeniern und die Shoah[The Armenian genocide and the Shoah] (in German), Chronos, p. 114,ISBN3-0340-0561-X
  9. Walker, Christopher J. (1980),Armenia: The Survival of A Nation,London: Croom Helm, pp. 200–3
  10. Bryce, Viscount James; Toynbee, Arnold (2000), Sarafian, Ara (ed.),The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, 1915–1916: Documents Presented to Viscount Grey of Falloden(uncensored ed.), Princeton,NJ:Gomidas, pp. 635–49,ISBN0-9535191-5-5
  11. "106th Congress Report: House of Representatives, 2d Session, 106-933: Affirmation of the United States Record on the Armenian Genocide Resolution".106th Congress of the United States. October 4, 2000. Archived fromthe originalon April 14, 2016.RetrievedFebruary 29,2016.
  12. 12.012.1"Apartheid: Social Policy".Encyclopaedia Britannica.Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. June 3, 2015.RetrievedFebruary 17,2016.
  13. Beck, Roger B. (2000).The History of South Africa.Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 128.ISBN978-0-313-30730-0.
  14. International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheidadopted and opened for signature, ratification by General Assembly resolution 3068 (XXVIII) of 30 November 1973. Entry into force 18 July 1976, in accordance with article X (10)Archive copyat theInternet Archive
  15. "Security Council Demands Immediate and Complete Halt to Acts of Sexual Violence Against Civilians in Conflict Zones, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 1820 (2008)".United Nations.June 19, 2008.RetrievedFebruary 29,2016.

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