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SeeTemplate:Post-nominals/dokfor more information about this template.

Order of Precedence for post-nominals is inList of post-nominal letters (United Kingdom)

Dokumentacija za predlogo[poglej] [uredi] [zgodovina] [osveži]


[uredi kodo]

These are the codes for the template {{post-nominals}} and British honours without categories


[uredi kodo]



Special Case Uses

[uredi kodo]

Some post-nominal letters differ from expected syntax to accommodate special cases, all indices are case sensitive:

  • The Order of St Michael and St George
    • GCMGf = Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George
    • GCMGfh = Honorary Dames Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George
    • GCMGm = Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George
    • GCMGmh = Honorary Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George
    • Some post-nominal letters describe both a Knight Grand Cross and a Dame Grand Cross. To disambiguate the two, all Knights Grand Cross and Knights Commander have anm(for male) suffix and all Dames Grand Cross and Dames Commanders have af(for female) suffix. Honorary Knights use bothmandh(for honorary) suffices and an honorary Dame uses bothfandhsuffices. Watch for this syntax in other Orders of Chivalry where gender is not determined by the post-nominal letters.
  • Knight Bachelor and Knights of the Order of the Thistle.
    • Kt = Knight Bachelor, seldom used and describes a Knight Bachelor who is also a Peer, a baronet or holds another knighthood.
    • KT = Knight Companion of The Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle.
  • Distinguished Service Cross and Doctor of Science
    • DSC = Distinguished Service Cross
    • DSc = Doctor of Science

Indices are case sensitive so care is required not to confuse Kt and KT or DSC and DSc

  • The Order of Australia
    • AC = Honorary Companion of the Order of Australia (expected case)
    • ACs = Companion of the Order of Australia (special case)
    • Most UK citizens would not be eligible for full membership in the Order of Australia. An exception was made for The Duke of Edinburgh in 1988 so ACs describles a substantive companion of the Order of Australia.
  • The Order of New Zealand
    • ONZ = An Honorary Member of the Order of New Zealand. (expected case)
    • ONZs = A Substantive Member of the Order of New Zealand. (special case)
      • Another special case to accommodate The Duke of Edinburgh


[uredi kodo]

The possible choices are:

  • AC= [[Honorary Companion of the Order of Australia|AC]]
  • ACs= [[Companion of the Order of Australia|AC]]
  • FAcSS= [[Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences|FAcSS]]
  • ADC= [[Aide de Camp|ADC]]
  • ADC Gen= [[Aide-de-Camp General|ADC Gen]]
  • ADC(P)= [[Personal Aide-de-Camp|ADC(P)]]
  • AE= [[Air Efficiency Award|AE]]
  • AFC= [[Air Force Cross (United Kingdom)|AFC]]
  • AFC*= [[Air Force Cross and Bar (United Kingdom)|AFC*]]
  • AFC**= [[Air Force Cross and two Bars (United Kingdom)|AFC**]]
  • AFC1= [[Air Force Cross and Bar (United Kingdom)|AFC*]]
  • AFC2= [[Air Force Cross and two Bars (United Kingdom)|AFC**]]
  • AFM= [[Air Force Medal|AFM]]
  • AK= [[Knight of the Order of Australia|AK]]
  • AKC= [[Associate of King's College|AKC]]
  • AMdl= [[Albert Medal for Lifesaving|AM]]
  • AMh= [[Honorary Member of the Order of Australia|AM]]
  • AMICE= [[Associate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers|AMICE]]
  • AMIStructE= [[Associate Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers|AMIStructE]]
  • AMl= [[London Assembly|AM]]
  • AMRSB= [[Associate Member of the Royal Society of Biology|AMRSB]]
  • AMw= [[National Assembly of Wales|AM]]
  • AO= [[Honorary Officer of the Order of Australia|AO]]
  • ARIBA= [[Royal Institute of British Architects|ARIBA]](no longer awarded to new members)
  • ARRC= [[Royal Red Cross|ARRC]]
  • AsstChStJ= [[Assistant Chaplain of the Order of St John|AsstChStJ]]
  • AsstChStJf= [[Assistant Chaplain of the Order of St John|AsstChStJ]]
  • BA= [[Bachelor of Arts|BA]]
  • Bart= [[Baronet|Bart]]
  • Barte= [[Baronet|Bart]]
  • Bartgb= [[Baronet|Bart]]
  • Barti= [[Baronet|Bart]]
  • Bartns= [[Baronet|Bart]]
  • BCh= [[Bachelor of Surgery|BCh]]
  • BD= [[Bachelor of Divinity|BD]]
  • BEM= [[British Empire Medal|BEM]]
  • Bt= [[Baronet|Bt]]
  • Bte= [[Baronet|Bt]]
  • Btgb= [[Baronet|Bt]]
  • Bti= [[Baronet|Bt]]
  • Btns= [[Baronet|Bt]]
  • Btss= [[Baronetess|Btss]]
  • Btsse= [[Baronetess|Btss]]
  • Btssgb= [[Baronetess|Btss]]
  • Btssi= [[Baronetess|Btss]]
  • Btssns= [[Baronetess|Btss]]
  • CB= [[Companion of the Order of the Bath|CB]]
  • CBh= [[Honorary Companion of the Order of the Bath|CB]]
  • CBE= [[Commander of the Order of the British Empire|CBE]]
  • CBEh= [[Honorary Commander of the Order of the British Empire|CBE]]
  • CC= [[Companion of the Order of Canada|CC]]
  • CCMI= [[Companion of the Chartered Management Institute|CCMI]]
  • CD= [[Canadian Forces Decoration|CD]]
  • CEng= [[Chartered Engineer (UK)|CEng]]
  • CGA= [[Community of the Glorious Ascension|CGA]]
  • CGC= [[Conspicuous Gallantry Cross|CGC]]
  • CGM= [[Conspicuous Gallantry Medal|CGM]]
  • CH= [[Companion of Honour|CH]]
  • ChStJ= [[Chaplain of the Order of St John|ChStJ]]
  • CI= [[Companion of the Order of the Crown of India|CI]]
  • CIE= [[Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire|CIE]]
  • CIEh= [[Honorary Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire|CIE]]
  • CM= [[Member of the Order of Canada|CM]]
  • CMG= [[Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George|CMG]]
  • CMGh= [[Honorary Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George|CMG]]
  • CMM= [[Commander of the Order of Military Merit|CMM]]
  • CPM= [[Colonial Police Medal|CPM]]
  • CR= [[Community of the Resurrection|CR]]
  • CSI= [[Companion of the Order of the Star of India|CSI]]
  • CSIh= [[Honorary Companion of the Order of the Star of India|CSI]]
  • CStJ= [[Commander of the Order of St John|CStJ]]
  • CVO= [[Commander of the Royal Victorian Order|CVO]]
  • CVOh= [[Honorary Commander of the Royal Victorian Order|CVO]]
  • DBE= [[Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire|DBE]]
  • DBEh= [[Honorary Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire|DBE]]
  • DCB= [[Dame Commander of the Order of the Bath|DCB]]
  • DCBh= [[Honorary Dame Commander of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath|DCB]]
  • DCL= [[Doctor of Civil Law|DCL]]
  • DCM= [[Distinguished Conduct Medal|DCM]]
  • DCM*= [[Distinguished Conduct Medal and Bar|DCM*]]
  • DCMG= [[Dame Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George|DCMG]]
  • DCMGh= [[Honorary Dame Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George|DCMG]]
  • DCVO= [[Dame Commander of the Royal Victorian Order|DCVO]]
  • DCVOh= [[Honorary Dame Commander of the Royal Victorian Order|DCVO]]
  • DD= [[Doctor of Divinity|DD]]
  • DEng= [[Doctor of Engineering|DEng]]
  • DFC= [[Distinguished Flying Cross (United Kingdom)|DFC]]
  • DFC*= [[Distinguished Flying Cross and Bar (United Kingdom)|DFC*]]
  • DFC**= [[Distinguished Flying Cross and two Bars (United Kingdom)|DFC**]]
  • DFM= [[Distinguished Flying Medal|DFM]]
  • DipMin= [[Diploma|Dip]][[Christian ministry|Min]]
  • DL= [[Deputy Lieutenant|DL]]
  • DLi= [[Deputy Lieutenant|DL]]
  • DLit= [[Doctor of Letters|DLit]]
  • DLitt= [[Doctor of Letters|DLitt]]
  • DLni= [[Deputy Lieutenant|DL]]
  • DLs= [[Deputy Lieutenant|DL]]
  • DLw= [[Deputy Lieutenant|DL]]
  • DM-med= [[Doctor of Medicine|DM]]
  • DM-mus= [[Doctor of Music|DM]]
  • DMus= [[Doctor of Music|DMus]]
  • DPhil= [[Doctor of Philosophy|DPhil]]
  • DSC= [[Distinguished Service Cross (United Kingdom)|DSC]]
  • DSC*= [[Distinguished Service Cross and Bar (United Kingdom)|DSC*]]
  • DSC**= [[Distinguished Service Cross and two Bars (United Kingdom)|DSC**]]
  • DSc= [[Doctor of Science|DSc]]
  • DSM= [[Distinguished Service Medal (United Kingdom)|DSM]]
  • DSO= [[Distinguished Service Order|DSO]]
  • DSO*= [[Distinguished Service Order and Bar|DSO*]]
  • DSO**= [[Distinguished Service Order and two Bars|DSO**]]
  • DSO***= [[Distinguished Service Order and three Bars|DSO***]]
  • DStJ= [[Dame of Justice of the Order of St John|DStJ]]
  • DStJg= [[Dame of Grace of the Order of St John|DStJ]]
  • ED= [[Efficiency Decoration|ED]]
  • ERD= [[Emergency Reserve Decoration|ERD]]
  • EsqStJ= [[Esquire of the Order of St John|EsqStJ]]
  • FACS= [[American College of Surgeons|FACS]]
  • FBA= [[Fellow of the British Academy|FBA]]
  • FBAM= [[Fellow of the British Academy of Management|FBAM]]
  • FBCS= [[Fellow of the British Computer Society|FBCS]]
  • FBPhS= [[British Pharmacological Society|FBPhS]]
  • FCMI= [[Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute|FCMI]]
  • FCS= [[Fellow of the Chemical Society|FCS]]
  • FFPM= [[Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine|FFPM]]
  • FGS= [[Fellow of the Geological Society|FGS]]
  • FIA= [[Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries|FIA]]
  • FFA= [[Fellow of the Faculty of Actuaries|FIA]]
  • FIBiol= [[Institute of Biology|FIBiol]]
  • FIC= [[Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry|FIC]](1877-1980. For later qualifications, refer to Royal Society of Chemistry.)
  • FICE= [[Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers|FICE]]
  • FIEE= [[Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers|FIEE]](1871–2006. For qualifications that post-date 2006, refer to Institution of Incorporated Engineers.)
  • FIMechE= [[Institution of Mechanical Engineers|FIMechE]]
  • FInstP= [[Fellow of the Institute of Physics|FInstP]]
  • FIStructE= [[Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers|FIStructE]]
  • FKC= [[Fellow of King's College|FKC]]
  • FLS= [[Fellow of the Linnean Society of London|FLS]]
  • FLSW= [[Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales|FLSW]]
  • FMedSci= [[Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences|FMedSci]]
  • FRAeS= [[Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society|FRAeS]]
  • FRCGP= [[Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners|FRCGP]]
  • FRCM= [[Fellow of the Royal College of Music|FRCM]]
  • FRCO= [[Fellow of the Royal College of Organists|FRCO]]
  • FRCOG= [[Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists|FRCOG]]
  • FRCP= [[Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians|FRCP]]
  • FRCPath= [[Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists|FRCPath]]
  • FRCPE= [[Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh|FRCPE]]
  • FRCPI= [[Royal College of Physicians of Ireland|FRCPI]]
  • FRCPGlas= [[Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow|FRCPGlas]]
  • FRCS= [[Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons|FRCS]]
  • FRCSE=[[Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh|FRCSE]]</nowiki>
  • FRCSI= [[Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland|FRCSI]]</nowiki>
  • FREng= [[Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering|FREng]]
  • FRGS= [[Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society|FRGS]]
  • FRHistS= [[Fellow of the Royal Historical Society|FRHistS]]
  • FRIBA= [[Royal Institute of British Architects|FRIBA]]
  • FRICS= [[Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors|FRICS]]
  • FRS= [[Fellow of the Royal Society|FRS]]
  • FRSA= [[Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce|FRSA]]
  • FRSB= [[Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology|FRSB]]
  • FRSC= [[Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry|FRSC]]
  • FRSE= [[Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh|FRSE]]
  • FRSf= [[Fellow of the Royal Society|FRS]]
  • FRSfh= [[Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society|FRS]]
  • FRSh= [[Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society|FRS]]
  • FRSL= [[Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature|FRSL]]
  • FRSr= [[Royal Fellow of the Royal Society|FRS]]
  • FSA= [[Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London|FSA]]
  • FSAs= [[Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland|FSA Scot]]
  • FSB= [[Fellow of The Society of Biology|FSB]]
  • FZS= [[Fellow of the London Zoological Society|FZS]]
  • GBEf= [[Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire|GBE]]
  • GBEfh= [[Honorary Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire|GBE]]
  • GBEm= [[Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire|GBE]]
  • GBEmh= [[Honorary Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire|GBE]]
  • GC= [[George Cross|GC]]
  • GCBf= [[Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath|GCB]]
  • GCBfh= [[Honorary Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath|GCB]]
  • GCBm= [[Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath|GCB]]
  • GCBmh= [[Honorary Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath|GCB]]
  • GCH= [[Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Guelphic Order|GCH]]
  • GCIE= [[Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire|GCIE]]
  • GCIEh= [[Honorary Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire|GCIE]]
  • GCL= [[Grand Companion of the Order of Logohu|GCL]]
  • GCMGf= [[Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George|GCMG]]
  • GCMGfh= [[Honorary Dames Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George|GCMG]]
  • GCMGm= [[Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George|GCMG]]
  • GCMGmh= [[Honorary Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George|GCMG]]
  • GCSI= [[Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Star of India|GCSI]]
  • GCSIh= [[Honorary Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Star of India|GCSI]]
  • GCStJf= [[Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St John|GCStJ]]
  • GCStJm= [[Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order of St John|GCStJ]]
  • GCVOf= [[Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order|GCVO]]
  • GCVOfh= [[Honorary Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order|GCVO]]
  • GCVOm= [[Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order|GCVO]]
  • GCVOmh= [[Honorary Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order|GCVO]]
  • GM= [[George Medal|GM]]
  • GMB= [[Great Master of the Order of the Bath|GMB]]
  • IDSM= [[Indian Distinguished Service Medal|IDSM]]
  • IOM= [[Indian Order of Merit|IOM]]
  • ISO= [[Imperial Service Order|ISO]]
  • JP= [[Justice of the Peace#United Kingdom|JP]]
  • KB= [[Knight of the Bath (1399–1725)|KB]](All appointments as KB 1399–1725)
  • KB2= [[Knight Companion of the Order of the Bath (1725–1815)|KB]](All appointments as KB 1725–1815)
  • KBE= [[Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire|KBE]]
  • KBEh= [[Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire|KBE]]
  • KC= [[King's Counsel|KC]]
  • KCB= [[Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath|KCB]](All appointments as KCB after 1815)
  • KCBh= [[Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath|KCB]]
  • KCH= [[Knight Commander of the Royal Guelphic Order|KCH]]
  • KCIE= [[Knight Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire|KCIE]]
  • KCIEh= [[Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire|KCIE]]
  • KCMG= [[Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George|KCMG]]
  • KCMGh= [[Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George|KCMG]]
  • KCSI= [[Knight Commander of the Order of the Star of India|KCSI]]
  • KCSIh= [[Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the Star of India|KCSI]]
  • KCVO= [[Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order|KCVO]]
  • KCVOh= [[Honorary Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order|KCVO]]
  • KG= [[Knight of the Order of the Garter|KG]]
  • KGc= [[Knight Companion of the Order of the Garter|KG]]
  • KGe= [[Extra Knight of the Order of the Garter|KG]]
  • KGr= [[Royal Knight Companion of the Order of the Garter|KG]]
  • KH= [[Knight of the Royal Guelphic Order|KH]]
  • KHS= [[Knight of the Holy Sepulchre|KHS]]
  • KMT= [[Knight of the Military Order of Maria Theresa|KMT]]
  • KP= [[Knight of the Order of St Patrick|KP]]
  • KSI= [[Knight Commander of the Order of the Star of India|KSI]]
  • KSIh= [[Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the Star of India|KSI]]
  • KSIp= [[Knight Companion of the Order of the Star of India|KSI]]
  • KSIph= [[Honorary Knight Companion of the Order of the Star of India|KSI]]
  • KStJ= [[Knight of Justice of the Order of St John|KStJ]]
  • KStJg= [[Knight of Grace of the Order of St John|KStJ]]
  • KT= [[Knight Companion of the Order of the Thistle|KT]]
  • KTh= [[Honorary Knight Companion of the Order of the Thistle|KT]]
  • Kt= [[Knight Bachelor|Kt]]
  • LG= [[Lady of the Order of the Garter|LG]]
  • LGc= [[Lady Companion of the Order of the Garter|LG]]
  • LGe= [[Extra Lady of the Order of the Garter|LG]]
  • LitD= [[Doctor of Letters|LitD]]
  • LittD= [[Doctor of Letters|LittD]]
  • LLB= [[Bachelor of Laws|LLB]]
  • LLD= [[Legum Doctor|LLD]]
  • LRCP= [[Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians|LRCP]]
  • LT= [[Lady Companion of the Order of the Thistle|LT]]
  • LVO= [[Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order|LVO]]
  • LMSSA= [[Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery of the Society of Apothecaries|LMSSA]](1907-2008)
  • MA= [[Master of Arts|MA]]
  • MA(Camb)= [[Master of Arts (Oxbridge and Dublin)|MA(Camb)]]
  • MA(Cantab)= [[Master of Arts (Oxbridge and Dublin)|MA(Cantab)]]
  • MA(Dublin)= [[Master of Arts (Oxbridge and Dublin)|MA(Dublin)]]
  • MA(Oxf)= [[Master of Arts (Oxbridge and Dublin)|MA(Oxf)]]
  • MA(Oxon)= [[Master of Arts (Oxbridge and Dublin)|MA(Oxon)]]
  • MA(Trinity)= [[Master of Arts (Oxbridge and Dublin)|MA(Trinity)]]
  • MApg= [[Master of Arts|MA]]
  • MAsc= [[Master of Arts (Scotland)|MA]]
  • MBE= [[Member of the Order of the British Empire|MBE]]
  • MBEh= [[Honorary Member of the Order of the British Empire|MBE]]
  • MC= [[Military Cross|MC]]
  • MC*= [[Military Cross and Bar|MC*]]
  • MC**= [[Military Cross and two Bars|MC**]]
  • MD= [[Doctor of Medicine|MD]]
  • MEP= [[Member of the European Parliament|MEP]]
  • MICE= [[Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers|MICE]]
  • MIMechE= [[Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers|MIMechE]]
  • MIStructE= [[Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers|MIStructE]]
  • MINA= [[Member of the Institution of Naval Architects|MINA]]
  • MLA= [[Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly|MLA]]
  • MM= [[Military Medal|MM]]
  • MM*= [[Military Medal and Bar|MM*]]
  • MM**= [[Military Medal and two Bars|MM**]]
  • MMM= [[Member of the Order of Military Merit|MMM]]
  • MP= [[Member of the British House of Commons|MP]]
  • MPe= [[Member of the British House of Commons|MP]]
  • MPi= [[Member of the British House of Commons|MP]]
  • MPni= [[Member of the British House of Commons|MP]]
  • MPs= [[Member of the British House of Commons|MP]]
  • MPw= [[Member of the British House of Commons|MP]]
  • MRCS= [[Member of the Royal College of Surgeons|MRCS]]
  • MRIA= [[Member of the Royal Irish Academy|MRIA]]
  • MRIAh= [[Honorary Member of the Royal Irish Academy|HonMRIA]]
  • MRSB= [[Member of the Royal Society of Biology|MRSB]]
  • MSM= [[Meritorious Service Medal (United Kingdom)|MSM]]
  • MSP= [[Member of the Scottish Parliament|MSP]]
  • MStJ= [[Member of the Order of St John|MStJ]](In use since 2008)
  • MSYP= [[Member of Scottish Youth Parliament|MSYP]]
  • MusD= [[Doctor of Music|MusD]]
  • MusDoc= [[Doctor of Music|MusDoc]]
  • MVO= [[Member of the Royal Victorian Order|MVO]]
  • MVOh= [[Honorary Member of the Royal Victorian Order|MVO]]
  • MYP= [[Member of Youth Parliament|MYP]]
  • OBE= [[Officer of the Order of the British Empire|OBE]]
  • OBEh= [[Honorary Officer of the Order of the British Empire|OBE]]
  • OBI= [[Member of the Order of British India|OBI]]
  • OBIb= [[Bahadur of the Order of British India|OBI]]
  • OBIs= [[Sardar Bahadur of the Order of British India|OBI]]
  • OC= [[Officer of the Order of Canada|OC]]
  • OCC= [[Member of The Order of the Caribbean Community|OCC]]
  • OE= [[Member of the Order of Excellence of Guyana|OE]]
  • OM= [[Member of the Order of Merit|OM]]
  • OMM= [[Officer of the Order of Military Merit|OMM]]
  • ONZ= [[Honorary Member of the Order of New Zealand|ONZ]]
  • ONZs= [[Member of the Order of New Zealand|ONZ]]
  • OStJ= [[Officer of the Order of St John|OStJ]]
  • PC= [[Privy Counsellor (UK)|PC]]
  • PCc= [[Queen's Privy Council for Canada|PC]]
  • PCe= [[Privy Counsellor (England)|PC]]
  • PCgb= [[Privy Counsellor (GB)|PC]]
  • PCi= [[Privy Counsellor (Ireland)|PC (Ire)]]
  • PCs= [[Privy Counsellor (Scotland)|PC]]
  • PhD= [[Doctor of Philosophy|PhD]]
  • PRS= [[President of the Royal Society|PRS]]
  • QC= [[Queen's Counsel|QC]]
  • QC(Hon)= [[Queen's Counsel Honoris Causa|QC (Hon.)]]
  • QFSM= [[Queen's Fire Service Medal|QFSM]]
  • QGM= [[Queen's Gallantry Medal|QGM]]
  • QHC= [[Honorary Chaplain to The Queen|QHC]]
  • QHDS= [[Honorary Dental Surgeon to The Queen|QHDS]]
  • QHNS= [[Honorary Nursing Sister to The Queen|QHNS]]
  • QHP= [[Honorary Physician to The Queen|QHP]]
  • QHS= [[Honorary Surgeon to The Queen|QHS]]
  • QPM= [[Queen's Police Medal|QPM]]
  • QS= [[Queen's Serjeant|QS]]
  • QSO= [[Companion of the Queen's Service Order|QSO]]
  • QSOe= [[Extra Companion of the Queen's Service Order|QSO]]
  • QSOh= [[Honorary Companion of the Queen's Service Order|QSO]]
  • RAF= [[Serving Officer of the Royal Air Force|RAF]]
  • RAFr= [[Retired Officer of the Royal Air Force|RAF]]
  • RD= [[Decoration for Officers of the Royal Naval Reserve|RD]]
  • RDI= [[Royal Designer for Industry|RDI]]
  • RDIh= [[Honorary Royal Designer for Industry|HonRDI]]
  • RFA= [[Royal Field Artillery|RFA]]
  • RFAx= [[Royal Fleet Auxiliary|RFA]]
  • RIAS= [[Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland|RIAS]]
  • RIBA= [[Royal Institute of British Architects|RIBA]]
  • RM= [[Serving Officer of the Royal Marines|RM]]
  • RN= [[Serving Officer of the Royal Navy|RN]]
  • RNr= [[Retired Officer of the Royal Navy|RN]]
  • RNVR= [[Royal Naval Reserve|RNVR]]
  • RRC= [[Royal Red Cross|RRC]]
  • RVM= [[Royal Victorian Medal|RVM]]
  • SBStJ= [[Serving Brother of the Order of St John|SBStJ]](In use until 2008)
  • SSC= [[Society of the Holy Cross|SSC]]
  • SSStJ= [[Serving Sister of the Order of St John|SSStJ]](In use until 2008)
  • Sub-ChStJ= [[Sub-Chaplain of the Order of St John|Sub-ChStJ]]
  • SGM= [[Sea Gallantry Medal|SGM]]
  • SL= [[Serjeant-at-law|SL]]
  • TD= [[Territorial Decoration|TD]]
  • UD= [[Ulster Defence Regiment Decoration|UD]]
  • VA= [[Lady of the Royal Order of Victoria and Albert|VA]]
  • VC= [[Victoria Cross|VC]]
  • VC*= [[Victoria Cross and Bar|VC*]]
  • VD= [[Volunteer Decoration|VD]]
  • VRD= [[Decoration for Officers of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve|VRD]]
  • WS= [[Writer to the Signet|WS]]