Svetuka kuchirochemo


Kubva Wikipedia

Nhare,chamo,Chipoterokanarusvingo(Fort, refuge, stronghold, large cave) inzvimbo yakavanzika inoshandiswa senzvimbo yekuhwanda panguva yokunge vavengi vachitevera vachirwisa. Nhare chingava chivakwa chakasimba chokuti muvengi haakwanise kupinda kana kuti ringavabakorokutimuvengihaazive pariri.

  • Kuhwara(to take refuge in; to hide) apa zvichireva kupotera munzvimbo yekuhwanda.

Kurerutsa Mutauro

[chinjirudza|chinjirudza mabviro]
  • Psalm 16:1,Ndingwarire, A Mwari, ngokuti ndinohwaramwouri: Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge. (kubva muBhaibherireChiNdau).
  • Psalm 16:1,Mambo Mwari ibuwerangu, norusvingorwangu: The Lord is my rock, my fortress....
  • Munhu nomukadzi wakevakahwarapakati pemiti yomumunda: so the man and his wifehidthemselves from the presence of God, among the trees in the garden.Genesis 3:8.
  • Ndazwa izwi rako ndiri mumunda, neni ndatya, ngokuti ndaiya ndirimutitinini;nenindahwara:I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, so I hid myself. (Genesis 3:9[[Bhaibheri reChiNdau).
  • VaDigovanotingome(ledge high on a cliff face; carved building - literally. a building carved out of the rock; fortress).
  • VaGiryamavanotiuringo(n. watch tower) vachirevanharire.VaZigulavanotingomekanachamba(n. fort).
  • VaGuluvanotiidungwe(n. tower; upper room).
  • Kikuyuinotirothingo rua nyumba(n. wall of a house).