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State of Ohio
Flag of Ohio Seal of Ohio
Flag Seal
Naaneys:The Buckeye State;
Birthplace of Aviation; The Heart of It All
Halkudhig:With God, all things are possible
Map of the United States with Ohio highlighted
Map of the United States with Ohio highlighted
Luuqada DowligaDe jure:None
De facto:English
Luuqado KaleEnglish 93.3%
Spanish 2.2%
Other 4.5%[1]
BulshoOhioan; Buckeye[2](colloq.)
(iyo caasimada ugu weyn)
MetropolitanGreater Cincinnati
Greater Columbus
(see footnotes[5])
DeegaankaBaaxada 34th
• Wadar44,825 sq mi
(116,096 km2)
• Balac220 miles (355 km)
• Dherer220 miles (355 km)
• % biyo8.7
• Lool38° 24′ N to 41° 59′ N
• Dhigo80° 31′ W to 84° 49′ W
BulshadaHeerka Bulshada 7th
• Wadar11,658,609 (2017 est.)[6]
• Cufnaanta282/sq mi (109/km2)
Tirada Dadka 10th
• Dhaqaalaha$53,301[7](32nd)
• Barta ugu sareysaCampbell Hill[8][9]
1,549 ft (472 m)
• Dhexdhexaad850 ft (260 m)
• Barta ugu hooseysaOhio RiveratTemplate:Nobreak[8][9]
455 ft (139 m)
La Midoobay WadankaMarch 1, 1803[10](17th,
declared retroactivelyon
August 7, 1953[11])
BadhasaabkaJohn Kasich(R)
Gudoomiyaha GobolkaMary Taylor(R)
XeerdejintaGeneral Assembly
• Golaha GuurtidaSenate
• Aqalka HooseHouse of Representatives
Xubnaha GuurtidaSherrod Brown(D)
Rob Portman(R)
Aqalka Wakiilada11 Republicans
4 Democrats
1Vacant(diiwaan gashan)
Soonka WakhtigaEastern:UTC-5/-4
Loo soo gaabiyaOH[12],
Ohio state symbols
Living insignia
AmphibianSpotted salamander
FlowerRed carnation(1904)[13]
MammalWhite-tailed deer(1987)[13]
ReptileBlack racer snake(1995)[13]
Inanimate insignia
BeverageTomato juice(1965)[13]
FossilIsotelus maximus,atrilobite(1985)[13]
Motto"With God all things are possible." (1959)[14]
SloganSo Much to Discover
Song"Beautiful Ohio"(1969)[13]
"Hang On Sloopy"(1985)[15]
OtherWild flower:Great white trillium(1986)[13]
State route marker
State quarter
Released in 2002
Lists of United States state symbols

Ohio /oʊhaɪ.oʊ/ (Ku dhawaad ​​dhegeysigaan maqalkiisa) waa gobolka Dhexe ee Gobalka Weyn ee Waddanka Maraykanka. Ohio waa meesha 34aad ee ugu weyn ee degaanka, 7-aad ee ugu tirada badan, iyo 10-aad ee ugu baahsan 50-ka Mareykanka. Magaalada caasimadda ah iyo magaalada ugu weyn waa Columbus. Gobolka wuxuu ka qaadaa magaca Wabiga Ohio. Magaca oo ka soo jeeda luqadda Seneca ohiːyo ', taasoo macneheedu yahay' webiga weyn 'ama' waynaha '. [16] [17] [18] Isaga oo ka soo jeeda Waqooyi-galbeed, dawlad-goboleedka waxaa loo aqoonsaday midowga 17-aad (iyo kan ugu horreeya ee hoos-yimaada Sharciga Waqooyi-Galbeed) Maarso 1, 1803. [10] [19] Ohio waxay taariikh ahaan la yiraahdaa "Buckeye State" ka dib markii ay dhirtu ka baxdo Ohio, iyo reer Ohio oo sidoo kale loo yaqaan "Buckeyes". [2] Dawlada Ohio waxay ka kooban tahay laanta fulinta, oo uu hogaamiyo Guddoomiyaha; Laanta sharci-dejinta, oo ka kooban Golaha Guud ee Ohio; iyo qaybta garsoorka, oo uu hoggaamiyo Maxkamadda Sare ee gobolka. Ohio waxay leedahay 16 xildhibaan Golaha Wakiilada ee Maraykanka. [20] Ohio waxaa lagu yaqaanaa xaaladdeeda iyadoo ah labada dowladood ee isboorti [21] iyo doodda [21] doorashooyinka qaranka. Lix madaxweyne ah oo Maraykan ah ayaa la soo doortay kuwaas oo haystey Ohio oo ah gobolka ay ku nool yihiin.

  1. Bureau, U.S. Census.factfinder2.census.govhttp://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=ACS_10_1YR_DP02&prodType=table.Maqan ama ebar|title=(caawin)
  2. Cite error: Invalid<ref>tag; no text was provided for refs namedDNR
  3. "Nuqul Archive".Ohio Historical Society. Waxaa laga kaydiyaythe originalBisha Labaad 8, 2009.Soo qaatayMarch 26,2009.Barameter aan la aqoon|ciwaan=ignored (caawin);Hubi qiimaynta taariikhda:|archive-date=(caawin)
  4. Cite error: Invalid<ref>tag; no text was provided for refs namedCITY
  5. According to the U.S. CensusJuly 2017 Annual EstimateArchivedLuuliyo ama Luulyo 14, 2018 //Wayback Machine,Greater Columbus is the largestMetropolitan Statistical Area(MSA) that isentirely withinOhio, with a population of 2,078,725; and Greater Cincinnati is the largest MSA that isat least partiallywithin Ohio, with a population of 2,179,082, approximately 25% of which is in Indiana or Kentucky. Which MSA is the largestin Ohiodepends on the context.
  6. .U.S. Census Bureau.July 1, 2017https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/OH,US/PST045217.Soo qaatayMay 6,2017.Maqan ama ebar|title=(caawin)
  7. http://kff.org/other/state-indicator/median-annual-income/?currentTimeframe=0.Soo qaatayDecember 9,2016.Maqan ama ebar|title=(caawin)
  8. 8.08.1.United States Geological Surveyhttps://web.archive.org/web/20120722022527/http://egsc.usgs.gov/isb/pubs/booklets/elvadist/elvadist.html.Waxaa laga kaydiyaythe originalJuly 22, 2012.Soo qaatayOctober 24,2011.Maqan ama ebar|title=(caawin)
  9. 9.09.1Elevation adjusted toNorth American Vertical Datum of 1988.
  10. Cite error: Invalid<ref>tag; no text was provided for refs namedMS
  11. .Mahoning County Board of Electionshttps://web.archive.org/web/20081201145429/http://www.mahoningcountyoh.gov/DepartmentsAgencies/Departments/BoardofElections/CreationofBOE/tabid/821/Default.aspx.Waxaa laga kaydiyaythe originalDecember 1, 2008.Soo qaatayMarch 25,2009.Maqan ama ebar|title=(caawin)
  12. .United States Postal Servicehttps://web.archive.org/web/20090328210335/http://www.usps.com/ncsc/lookups/usps_abbreviations.html.Waxaa laga kaydiyaythe originalMarch 28, 2009.Soo qaatayMarch 26,2009.Maqan ama ebar|title=(caawin)
  13. 13.0013.0113.0213.0313.0413.0513.0613.0713.0813.0913.10.Ohio Governor's Residence and State Gardenhttp://www.governorsresidence.ohio.gov/children/symbols.aspx.Soo qaatayMarch 26,2009.Maqan ama ebar|title=(caawin)
  14. "Nuqul Archive".Ohio Historical Society. July 1, 2005. Waxaa laga kaydiyaythe originalBisha Tobnaad 6, 2007.Soo qaatayMarch 27,2009.Barameter aan la aqoon|ciwaan=ignored (caawin);Hubi qiimaynta taariikhda:|archive-date=(caawin)
  15. "Nuqul Archive".Ohio Historical Society. July 1, 2005. Waxaa laga kaydiyaythe originalBisha Labaad 7, 2009.Soo qaatayMarch 27,2009.Barameter aan la aqoon|ciwaan=ignored (caawin);Hubi qiimaynta taariikhda:|archive-date=(caawin)