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Ordines:LabyrinthulalesThraustochytriales– (Thraustochytrids)

Overview of genera: AplanochytriumElinaJaponochytriumLabyrinthomyxaLabyrinthorhizaLabyrinthula– ?LabyrinthuloidesOblongichytriumPhagomyxaPseudoplasmodiumPyrrhosorusSchizochytriumThraustochytriumUlkenia



LabyrinthulomycetesHaeckel,Nat. Schöpfungsgesch.: 334. 1868 ( "Labyrinthuleae" ).



Circumscriptional synonyms

  • Labyrinthulomycota Whittaker, 1969
  • Labyrinthomorpha Page in Levine et al., 1980
  • Labyrinthista Cavalier-Smith, 1986
  • Slabyrinthulids Patterson, 1994



Primary references

  • Haeckel, E.1868.Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte. Gemeinverständliche wissenschaftliche Vorträge über die Entwikelungslehre im Allgemeinen und dijenige vonDarwin,GoetheundLamarckim Besonderen, über die Anwendung dersellben uf den Ursprung des Menschen und andere damit zusammenhängende Grundfragen der Naturwissenschaft.Berlin: Georg Reimer. xvi, 568 S.Google BooksReference page.

Additional references


Alternative classifications


Cienkowski (1867)


{{Cienkowski, 1867)

Haeckel (1868a)


Haeckel, E. 1868.Natürliche Schöpfungsgeschichte.1st ed. Reimer, Berlin,[1].See Dayrat (2003),[2].

  • "Polyphyletisher Stammbaum der Organismen" [p. 347]
    • Plantae
    • “Protista” [polyphyletic]
      • Labyrinthuleae
      • Myxomycetes
      • Diatomeae
      • Monera Neutra
      • Protoplasta
      • Rhizopoda
      • Flagellata
    • Animalia
  • "Einstämmiger oder Monophyletisher Stammbaum der Organismen" [plate I,[3]]
    • Pflanzenreich,Plantae
      • Florideae
      • Fucoideae
      • Chloralgae + Muscinae + Filicinae + Gymnospermae + Angiospermae
      • Lichenes
      • Fungi
    • Protistenreich,Protista
      • Diatomea
      • Labyrinthulae
      • Myxomycetes
      • Monera neutra + Rhizopoda
      • Noctilucae
      • Flagellata
      • Protoplasta
    • Thierreich,Animalia
      • Coelenterata
      • Scolecida
      • Vermes (Scolecida + Colelminthes + Himatega) +Arthropoda + Vertebrata + Mollusca

Haeckel (1868b)


Haeckel, E. 1868. Monographie der Moneren.Jenaische Zeitschrift für Medicin und Naturwissenschaft4: 64–144,[4].See p. 122, 129-134.

Translation: Monograph of Monera.Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,1869, IX:27-42,113-134,219-232,327-342.

  • Protista
    • Labyrinthulea(=Labyrinthulae) [p. 122]

Lankester (1877)


Lankester, E. R. 1877. Notes on the embryology and classification of the animal kingdom: Comprising a revision of speculations relative to the origin and significance of germ layers.Quartely Journal of Microscopical Science,68:399-454,[5].

  • Animalia
    • Plastidozoa
      • Protozoa
        • Gymnomyxa
          • Labyrinthulida(Labyrinthula, Chlamydomyxa) [p. 442]
    • Enterozoa

Haeckel (1878)


Haeckel, E., 1878.Das Protistenreich. Eine Populäre Uebersicht über das Formengebiet der Niedersten Lebewesen.Ernst Günther's Verlag, Leipzig, 104 pp,[6].

  • Protista
    • Labyrinthuleae[p. 94]
      • Labyrinthula vitellina
      • Labyrinthula macrocystis

Lankester (1885, 1891)


Lankester, E. R. (1885). Article "Protozoa". In:Encyclopaedia Britannica(9th ed.), 19: 830–866, [7].

Lankester, E. R. (1891). Article "Protozoa". In:Zoological Articles Contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica,[8].

  • Protozoa
    • Labyrinthulidea

Zopf (1892)


Zur Kenntniss der Labyrinthuleen, einer Familie der Mycetozoa. In: Beiträge zur Physiologie und Morphologie niederer Organismen. Heft 2 (1892), p. 36, Leipzig,[9].

  • Mycetozoen
    • Ordnung Sorophoren
      • Unterordnung II:LabyrinthuleaeZopf
        • Familie 1:Labyrinthuleen(Cienk.) Zopf

Delage & Hérouard (1896)


Traité de zoologie concrète,t. 1, p. 79,[10].

  • Protozoa
    • Rhizopodia
      • Mycetozoariae
        • FiloplasmodidavelLabyrinthulida

Doflein (1901)


Die Protozoen als Parasiten und Krankheitserreger,1st ed,[11].

  • Protozoa
    • Labyrinthulidae

Lister in Lankester (1909)


Lister, J. J. (1909). Appendix A (Chlamydomyxa&Labyrinthula). In: Lankester, E. R.A treatise on zoology,vol. 1 (1909),[12].

  • Protozoa incertae sedis
    • Labyrinthula

Copeland (1956)


The classification of lower organisms,[13].

  • KingdomProtoctista
    • Phylum Protoplasta
      • FamilyLabyrinthulida[Labyrinthulidae] Haeckel ex Doflein Protozoen 47 (1901)

Chadefaud & Emberger (1960)


Chadefaud, M. & Emberger, L. (éds.).Traité de botanique systématique.Masson et Cie., Paris.

  • Tome I. Les végétaux non vasculaires (Cryptogamie), par M. Chadefaud, 1960, 1 vol. de 1016 pages,[14]
  • Tome II. Les végétaux vasculaires, par L. Emberger, 1960, deux fascicules, 1540 pages,[15],[16]

  • Monde vivant
    • Protocaryotes(= Schizophytes)
    • Eucaryotes
      • Algues Eucaryotes(= Phycophytes)
        • Chromophycophytes (= Chromophycées, ou Algues brunes et leurs alliées)
          • Chrysophycées (lato sensu)
            • Chrysophycinées (= Chrysophycées str. sensu, algues brun doré, ou algues brunes)
            • Xanthophycinées (= Xanthophycées, Hétérokontes, ou algues vert jaune)
              • Protozoaires chryso- et xanthoflagellés (incl.Labyrinthulides[=Filoplasmodidés]:LabyrinthorhizaetLabyrinthula)
            • Silicophycinées (= Silicomonadines, ou Silicoflagellés)
            • Craspédophycinées (= Craspédomonadines, ou Choanoflagellés)
            • Bacillariophycinées (= Diatomées)
          • Phéophycées

Levine & Corliss (1963)


Levine, N. D. & J. O. Corliss (1963). Two new subclasses of sarcodines, Labyrinthulia subcl. nov. and Proteomyxidia subcl. nov. (Abstr.). J. Protozool., 10 (Suppl.), 27.

Class Sarcodina

  • SubclassLabyrinthulia

Honigberget al.(1964)


A revised classification of the phylum Protozoa,[17].

Olive (1975)


Olive, L. (1975).The mycetozoans.Academic Press, New York,[18].

Page in Levine et al. (1980)


A newly revised classification of the Protozoa,[19].

  • Subkingdom Protozoa
    • PhylumLabyrinthomorpha
      • ClassLabyrinthulea
        • OrderLabyrinthulida(e.g.,Labyrinthula, Thraustochytrium)

Corliss (1984)


The kingdom Protista and its 45 phyla,[20].

  • KingdomProtista
    • Assemblage"Labyrinthomorphs"
      • Phylum Labyrinthulea Cienkowski, 1867
      • Phylum Thraustochytriacea Sparrow, 1943

Cavalier-Smith (1986)


Cavalier-Smith, T. (1986). The kingdom Chromista, origin and systematics. In: Round, F.E. and Chapman, D.J. (eds.).Progress in Phycological Research.4: 309–347,[21].


  • Subkingdom Cryptophyta
    • Phylum Cryptophyta
  • SubkingdomChromophyta
    • Phylum Heterokonta
      • Subphylum Ochrista
      • Subphylum Pseudofungi (= Heterkontimycotina)
        • Superclass Pythiista
          • Class Oomycetes
          • Class Hyphochytrea
        • SuperclassLabyrinthista
          • ClassLabyrinthuleaL.S. Olive ex Caval.-Sm., (1986)
            • Order Thraustochytriales
            • Order Labyrinthulales
    • Phylum Haptophyta

Cavalier-Smith (1989)


Cavalier-Smith. T. (1989). The Kingdom Chromista. In: J.C. Green et al. (eds).The Chromophyte Algae: problems and Perspectives,pp. 381-407,[22].

  • KingdomChromista
    • Subkingdom Cryptista
    • SubkingdomChromophyta
      • Phylum Heterokonta
        • Subphylum Ochrista
        • Subphylum Bicoecia
        • Subphylum Pseudofungi ( "Not now a synonym for Heterokontimycotina Dick 1976." )
          • Class Pythiistea
        • SubphylumLabyrinthistaCavalier-Smith 1986. stat. nov.
          • ClassLabyrinthulea
            • Subclass 1. Thraustochytridae Cavalier-Smith, 1989
            • Subclass 2. Labyrinthulidae Cavalier-Smith, 1989
      • Phylum Haptomonada

Porter in Margulis et al. (1990)


Porter, D., 1990. 22. Phylum Labyrinthulomycota. In: Margulis, L., J.O. Corliss, M. Melkonian, D.J. Chapman (ed.).Handbook of Protoctista.Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, p. 388-398. See Brands, S.J. (1989-2015),[23].


Cavalier-Smith (1993)


Kingdom Protozoa and its 18 phyla,[24].

Corliss (1994)


An Interim Utilitarian ( "User-friendly" ) Hierarchical Classification and Characterization of the Protists.


Cavalier-Smith (1998)


A revised six-kingdom system of life

  • PhylumSagenista
    • SubphylumLabyrinthistaCavalier-Smith 1986stat. nov.1989

David J. Patterson (1999)


The Diversity of Eukaryotes

Webster (2007)


Introduction to Fungi,3rd ed.

  • Straminipila
    • Hyphochytriomycota
    • Labyrinthulomycota(=Labyrinthomorpha, LabyrinthistaandLabyrinthulea) (slime nets)
      • Labyrinthulomycetes (= Labyrinthulales)
      • Thraustochytriomycetes (= Thraustochytriales)
    • Oomycota (= Peronosporomycetes)

Anderson & Cavalier-Smith (2012)


Anderson, O. R., & Cavalier-Smith, T. (2012). Ultrastructure ofDiplophrys parva,a new small freshwater species, and a revised analysis of Labyrinthulea (Heterokonta).Acta Protozoologica,51(4), 291-304,[25].

Gomaa et al. (2013)


Gomaa, F., Mitchell, E. A., & Lara, E. (2013). Amphitremida (Poche, 1913) is a new major, ubiquitous labyrinthulomycete clade.PloS one,8(1), e53046,[26].


Beakes et al. (2014)


Beakes, G. W., Honda, D. & Thines, M. (2014). Systematics of the Straminipila: Labyrinthulomycota, Hyphochytriomycota and Oomycota. In: McLaughlin, D. J. & Spatafora, J. W. (eds).The Mycota.Vol. VII. Part A.Systematics and Evolution.2nd ed. Springer Verlag, Berlin, p. 39-97,[27].

[Note: names in { } are protistan nomenclatural equivalents used by Anderson & Cavalier-Smtih (2012).]

Bennett et al. (2017)


Bennett, R. M., Honda, D., Beakes, G. W. & Thines M. (2017). Labyrinthulomycota. In: Archibald, J. M., Simpson A. G. B., Slamovits, C. H. (eds)Handbook of the ProtistsSpringer International Publishing, p. 507 - 542,[28].

note: names with "" are provisional and requires deep phylogenetic study.


  • Arx, J. A. von.1970.The Genera of Fungi Sporulating in Pure Culture.Lehre, Germany: J. Cramer,[29].
  • Bennett, R.M.; Honda, D.; Beakes, G.W.; Thines, M.2017.Labyrinthulomycota.In: Archibald, J.M., Simpson, A.G.B., Slamovits, C. (Eds.).Handbook of the Protists.Springer, pp. 507-542.[30].
  • Dick, M.W.2001. Straminipilous Fungi. Springer.ISBN 0792367804.
  • Porter, David.2005. Labyrinthulomycetes. Version 01 January 2005 (temporary). The Tree of Life Web Project,
  • Whittaker, R. H.1969. New concepts of kingdoms or organisms.Science163 (3863): 150–160,[31].

Vernacular names

Deutsch:Netzschleimpilze, Schleimnetze
English:Slime nets
Nhật Bản ngữ:ラビリンチュラ