00:18mini program
00:20lunch on! special
01:05introducing \u0027tokyo inland earthquake\u0027 week
01:10taiga drama \u0027idaten\u0027 digest
01:15choices on how to deal with illness
02:00news today
02:15news commentary
02:25world weather
02:30the mark of beauty
03:00afternoon live
03:55mini program
04:00with mother
04:24kid\u0027s discovery
04:39chatty jay\u0027s sundry shop
04:49go! go! cook r\u0027n
04:59world weather
05:00news: good morning, japan
06:59world weather
07:00drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 đệ 54 tập
07:15trivia quizzes--you\u0027ll get scolded by chiko-chan!
08:00news this week
08:30nhk special \u0027origin of food\u0027 part 1: rice -part 1
09:20isu grand prix of figure skating 2019/2020: free skating\u0027
10:10isu grand prix of figure skating 2019/2020, nhk trophy \u0027gala exhibition\u0027
11:15law and laughter
11:40ukiyoe edo-life
11:45drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 đệ 54 tập
12:05taiga drama \u0027idaten\u0027 đệ 44 tập
12:50j league soccer
15:00introducing \u0027tokyo inland earthquake\u0027 week
15:05the first train stories
15:20isu grand prix of figure skating 2019/20, nhk trophy \u0027highlights\u0027
17:20basic english: level 0
17:30with mother
17:55with father mini
18:00nhk news 7
18:30strolling with tamori
19:15special program
19:45news \u0026 weather
20:00nhk special
20:49world weather
20:50trivia quizzes--you\u0027ll get scolded by chiko-chan! mini
21:00odomo tv
21:10tv for everyone: nhk cup big failure championship -part 9
21:58mini program
22:00songs of our generation
22:30drama \u0027please do not attempt, never.\u0027 đệ 6 tập
23:00news \u0026 weather
23:05shibuya note
23:35run × smile
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