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Pikeun kagunaan lian ti Etiopia, tempoÉtiopia (disambiguasi)
የኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ
ዲሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሊክ
ye-Ītyōṗṗyā Fēdēralāwī Dīmōkrāsīyāwī Rīpeblīk
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Républik Démokratik Féderal Étiopia
Bandéra Etiopia Lambang Etiopia
Wodefit Gesgeshi, Widd Innat Ityopp'ya

Location of Etiopia
Location of Etiopia
Ibu kota
(jeung kota panggedéna)
Addis Ababa
9°1.8′N 38°44.4′E
Basa resmi Basa Amharik,Basa Inggris[1][ethnologue 1][ethnologue 2](Basa nu lianaya nu resmi dinaétnisitas-étnisitas jeung dinarégion-région di Étiopia.
Grup étnis Oromo34,49%,Amhara26,89%,Somali6,20%,Tigray6,07%;Sidama4,01%,Gurage2,53%,Welayta2,31%[2][3]jeung kira-kira 80 grup étnis nu lian.
Démonim Ethiopian
Pamaréntah Républikféderalparleméntér1
- Présidén Sahle-Work Zewde
- Perdana Mentri Abiy Ahmed
- Kaping tradisional 980 SM
- Konstitusi nu ayeuna 1991
- Total 1.104.300 km²(ka-27)
- Cai(%) 0,7
- Perkiraan 2011 82.101.998[4](ka-14)
- Sénsus 2007 73.918.505
- Kapadetan 74 /km² (ka-123)
194 /mil²
GDP(PPP) Perkiraan 2010
- Total $86,123 milyar[5]
- Per kapita $1.015[5]
GDP(nominal) Perkiraan 2010
- Total $29,717 milyar[5]
- Per kapita $350[5]
Gini?(1999–00) 30 (sedeng)
HDI(2010) 0,328 (low) (157th)
Mata uang Birr(ETB)
Zona wanci EAT(UTC+3)
- Usum panas (DST) teu kaobsérvasi (UTC+3)
TLD Internét .et
Kode telepon +251
1 CeukThe EconomistdinaIndéks Démokrasina,Étiopia mangrupa hiji "rézim hibrid", kalawansistem partéy dominandipingpin kuFront Rahayat Révolusionér Démokratik Étiopia.
2 Rank based on 2005 population estimate by the United Nations.

Étiopia(Ge'ez:ኢትዮጵያʾĪtyōṗṗyā), resminaRépublik Démokratik Féderal Étiopia,nya éra hiji nagara nu aya diTanduk Afrika.Nagara ieu mangrupa nagara nu panglobana padumukna kadua di Afrika, kalawan lauwih ti 82 juta jiwa[4].Étiopia tepung wates sarengÉritréadi kalér,DjiboutisartaSomaliadi wétan,SudansartaSudan Kiduldi kulon, jeungKenyadi kidul.

Tempo ogé

[édit|édit sumber]
  1. "Languages of Ethiopia".Ethnologue.Ethnologue.Diakses tanggal5 September2011.
  2. "English".Ethnologue.Ethnologue.Diakses tanggal5 September2011.


[édit|édit sumber]

Citakan:Ibid Citakan:Linkrot

  1. "CIA – The World Factbook – Ethiopia".Cia.gov.Diakses tanggal2009-03-16.Archived2018-12-15 diWayback Machine
  2. Sénsus 2007,Jimmatimes.comPDF(51.7 KB).Ditarima 3 Méi 2009.
  3. Embassy of Ethiopia, Washington, DC.Ditarima 6 April 2006.Archived30 Januari 2008 diWayback Machine
  4. abCentral Statistical Agency of Ethiopia.Central Statistical Agency of EthiopiaArchived2012-02-15 diWayback Machine
  5. abcd"Ethiopia".International Monetary Fund.Diakses tanggal2011-04-21.

Bacaaan salajengna

[édit|édit sumber]
  • Zewde, Bahru (2001).A History of Modern Ethiopia, 1855–1991. 2nd ed.Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.ISBN0821414402.
  • Selassie I., Haile(1999).My Life and Ethiopia's Progress: The Autobiography of Emperor Haile Selassie I.Translated by Edward Ullendorff. Chicago: Frontline.ISBN0948390409.
  • Henze, Paul B. (2004).Layers of Time: A History of Ethiopia.Shama Books.ISBN1-931253-28-5.
  • Marcus, Harold G. (1975).The Life and Times of Menelik II: Ethiopia, 1844–1913.Oxford, U.K.: Clarendon.Reprint, Trenton, NJ: Red Séa, 1995.ISBN 1-56902-009-4.
  • Marcus, Harold G. (2002).A History of Ethiopia(updated ed.). Berkeley: University of California Press.ISBN0520224795.
  • Mockler, Anthony (1984).Haile Selassie's War.New York: Random House.Reprint, New York: Olive Branch, 2003.ISBN 1-902669-53-3.
  • Pankhurst, Richard."History of Northern Ethiopia — and the Establishment of the Italian Colony or Eritrea".Civic Webs Virtual Library.Diakses tanggal5 April2008.Archived23 Maret 2005 diWayback Machine
  • Rubenson, Sven (2003).The Survival of Ethiopian Independence(4th ed.). Hollywood, CA: Tsehai.ISBN0972317279.
  • Siegbert Uhlig, et al. (eds.) (2003).Encyclopaedia aethiopica,Vol. 1: A-C. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
  • Siegbert Uhlig, et al. (eds.) (2005).Encyclopaedia aethiopica,Vol. 2: D-Ha. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
  • Siegbert Uhlig, et al. (eds.) (2007).Encyclopaedia aethiopica,Vol. 3: He-N. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
  • Arnaldo Mauri,The Early Development of Banking in Ethiopia,International Review of Economics, Vol. L, n. 4, 2003, pp. 521–543.
  • Arnaldo Mauri,The re-establishment of the national monetary and banking system in Ethiopia, 1941–1964,The South African Journal of Economic History, 24 (2), 2009, pp. 82–131.
  • This article contains material from theLibrary of Congress Country Studies,which areUnited States governmentpublications in thepublic domain.

Tumbu kaluar

[édit|édit sumber]
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Citakan:Wikisource1911Enc Citakan:Wikinews-inline ÉntriEthiopiadiCIA World Factbook

Tempo ogéÉtiopiadi Wikivoyage