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Cap resmi Aljir
Landihan:"Aljir nu Bodas"
Lokasi Aljir di Aljazair
Lokasi Aljir diAljazair
Lokasi Aljir diAljazair
Koordinat:36°42′N 3°13′E
Nagara Aljazair
Wilayah Propinsi Aljir
Diadegkeun deui 944 M
-Wali(Gubernur) Mohamed Kebir Addou
- Kota 1,519,570
-Urban 2,029,936
-Metro 3,518,083
Zona wanci CET(UTC+1)
Kode pos 16000-16132

Aljir(Basa Arab:الجزائر‎,Basa Arab Standar:Al Jaza'irIPA:[ɛlʤɛˈzɛːʔir],Basa Arab Aljazair:Dzayer([dzæjer](tina pronunsiasi Berber),Basa Berber:,Ledzayer[ldzæjər],Basa Prancis:Alger[ɑlʒe]) nyaétaibu kotasarta kota panggedéna diAljazairtur mangrupa kota panggedéna kadua diAfrika KalérsanggeusKasablangka,Moroko. Dumasar kana sensus taun 1998, populasi kota ieu aya 1,519,570; di wewengkon urban aya 2,135,630; di wewengkon metropolitan aya 3,518,083; sarta diPropinsi Aljirsakabéhna aya 5,723,749 (2006). Ku kitunawewengkon urbanAljazair Rayamangrupa salah sahiji wewengkon panglegana diMaghreb[1](sanggeusKasablangka).

Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh,ditarjamahkeuntinabasa Inggris.
Bantuanna didagoan pikeunnarjamahkeun.

KatelahEl-Bahdja(البهجة) atawaAlger la Blanche( "Algiers the White" ) for the glistening white of its buildings as seen rising up from the séa, Algiers is situated on the west side of a bay of theMediterranean Sea.The city name is derived from theArabicwordal-jazā’ir,which translates asthe islands,referring to the four islands which laid off the city's coast until becoming part of the mainland in 1525.Al-jazā’iris itself a truncated form of the city's older namejazā’ir banī mazghannā,"the islands of (the tribe) Bani Mazghanna", used by éarly medieval géographers such asal-IdrisiandYaqut al-Hamawi.Algiers is the only Algerian city with anEnglishname different from itsFrenchname.

The modérn part of the city is built on the level ground by the séashore; the old part, the ancient city of thedeys,climbs the steep hill behind the modérn town and is crowned by thecasbahor citadel,Citakan:Ft to mabove the séa. The casbah and the two quays form a triangle.

Hubungan sadulur

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Algiers hassister relationshipswith a number of cities worldwide:

In addition, many of the wards and cities within Algiers maintain sister-city relationships with other foreign cities.

Film ngeunaan Aljazair

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  1. (en)-http://www.citypopulation.de/Thomas Brinkhoff: The Principal Agglomerations of the World.

Tempo ogé

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Tumbu luar

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