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Kristen nationalism

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Denortodoxa kristnanationalistiska rörelsenUnionen av ortodoxa fanbäraregenomför en procession i Moskva, Ryssland.

Kristen nationalismär ett begrepp som använts i vissa sammanhang för att beskriva rörelser som förenarnationalismochkristendom.[1]Kristna nationalister fokuserar i första hand på intern politik, exempelvis krav på inrikes lagstiftning omkringkyrkaoch kristendom,[2][3][4]kristna symbolerochstatyeri det offentliga rummet, utställning avjulkrubbaunderjuleneller detkristna korsetpå långfredagen.[5][6]

IUSAfår kristna nationalister support från denkristna högern.[7]RepublikanenMarjorie Taylor Greene,som ärDonald Trump-supporter ochkonspirationsvurmare,har beskrivit sig själv som en kristen nationalist.[8]

Exempel på en kristen nationalistisk organisation ärUnionen av ortodoxa fanbärare,som enligt organisationen tillhör denrysk-ortodoxa kyrkan.

Referenser[redigera|redigera wikitext]

  1. ^Baker, Joseph O., red (Winter 2021).” Save the Economy, Liberty, and Yourself: Christian Nationalism and Americans' Views on Government COVID-19 Restrictions”.Sociology of Religion(OxfordandNew York:Oxford University Presson behalf of theAssociation for the Sociology of Religion) 82 (4): sid. 426–446.doi:10.1093/socrel/sraa047.ISSN1759-8818.
  2. ^Bloomberg, Charles (1989).Christian Nationalism and the Rise of the Afrikaner Broederbond in South Africa, 1918-48.New York:Springer.sid. xxiii-11.ISBN 978-1-349-10694-3
  3. ^Jenkins, Jack (2 augusti 2019).”Christian leaders condemn Christian nationalism in new letter”.Religion News Service.https://religionnews /2019/08/02/christian-leaders-condemn-christian-nationalism-in-new-letter/.Läst 14 mars 2020.”Christian nationalism demands Christianity be privileged by the State...”
  4. ^Kymlicka, Will (19 april 2018).”Is there a Christian Pluralist Approach to Immigration?”.Comment Magazine.https://comment.org/is-there-a-christian-pluralist-approach-to-immigration/.Läst 14 mars 2020.”As against both Christian nationalists who wanted an established church and French-republican-style secular nationalists who wanted a homogenous public square devoid of religion, Dutch pluralists led by Kuyper defended a model of institutional pluralism or "sphere sovereignty."”
  5. ^Perry, Samuel L.; Whitehead, Andrew L. (2020).Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States.OxfordandNew York:Oxford University Press.sid. 7–10.ISBN 978-0-19-005789-3
  6. ^Bean, Lydia (2016).The Politics of Evangelical Identity: Local Churches and Partisan Divides in the United States and Canada.Princeton, New JerseyandWoodstock, Oxfordshire:Princeton University Press.sid. 152.ISBN 978-0-691-17370-2
  7. ^Greenberg, Udi (22 oktober 2019).”Can Christian Democracy Save Us?”.Boston Review.http://bostonreview.net/philosophy-religion/udi-greenberg-christian-democracy.Läst 5 augusti 2020.
  8. ^Tyler, Amanda (27 juli 2022).”Opinion: Marjorie Taylor Greene's words on Christian nationalism are a wake-up call”.CNN.https:// cnn /2022/07/27/opinions/christian-nationalism-marjorie-taylor-greene-tyler/index.html.Läst 29 juli 2022.”"We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and I say it proudly, we should be Christian nationalists," Greene said in an interview while attending the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit in Florida on Saturday. She is not alone in doing so. Greene's embrace of Christian nationalism follows closely after troubling remarks from Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert: "The church is supposed to direct the government, the government is not supposed to direct the church," she said at a church two days before her primary election (and victory) in late June. "I'm tired of this separation of church and state junk."”