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Kutoka Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru

Wadigonikabilala watu waTanzaniawanaoishi katikaMkoa wa Tanga,hasa kwenyemjiwaTanga.Pia wapoKenyawanapoishi upande waKusiniwa mji waMombasa.Huko Kenya huhesabiwa kati yamijikenda. [1] Lughayao niKidigo.


  1. Bettina Ng’weno. “Inheriting Disputes: The Digo Negotiation of Meaning and Power through Land.” African Economic History, no. 25, 1997, pp. 59–77. JSTOR, 19 Aug. 2023.


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  • Sperling, David C. (1970). Some Aspects of Islamization in East Africa with Particular Reference to the Digo in Southern Kenya. Nairobi: Muswada na. 10, Idara ya Historia, Chuo Kikuu cha Nairobi.
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Makala hii kuhusu utamaduni waKenyabado nimbegu.
Je, unajua kitu kuhusuWadigokama historia yake au mahusiano yake na mada nyingine?
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