From Transformers Wiki
- "O" is ahumanfrom theMarvel portionof theGeneration 1continuity family.
"O"isBuster Witwicky's best friend. If you thought life would be pretty sweet as the hefty white-fro'ed hanger-on of the school nerd and hisimplausibly gorgeous suckface device,you'd be wrong. No, he's the universe's chew toy. It's not the Twinkies that have made him swell, it's the bitterness.
He is the son ofMister O.
MarvelThe Transformerscomics
"O" was picked up by Buster to go with him andJesseto seeA Kiss for Usat theCommunity Drive-In.Upon arrival, "O" made the mistake of staying in the back seat while Buster and Jesse claimed the front for theirsnuggle activities.Popcorn in hand and no little annoyed, "O" told them to quit so he could see the movie. His two friends were about to oblige when Buster's car was hit from behind by adriverless Volkswagen Beetle,prompting Buster to head out to check the damage. Both "O" and Jesse came after him, which turned out to be a smart move as the car was blown to smithereens byfighter jetsa mere moment later. "O" and Jesse fled the warzone, intending to get help, leaving Buster behind on his own urging.The Transformers
Buster, knowing the Volkswagen lived, brought the car home tohis dad's garageto fix it. Whenhis dadshowed up, the talking car at first made him suspect that he was the target of a prank and that "O" was hiding inside it. Nonetheless, he repaired it, which allowed Bumblebee to reveal himself as aTransformer.
Because the operation had taken several hours; hours that neither Witwicky were in their residence, "O" had been unable to contact Buster to see if he made it home alright. He and Jesse were walking around inPortland,talking about their worries over Buster, whenRavagespotted them. Recognizing them as the friends of the one that drove off in an Autobot, Ravagetransformedintocassette modeand hid in "O" 's boom box. His assumption this would gain him worthwhile information proved correct when Buster and Bumblebee showed up moments later and informed his friends about theAutobotsand his dad's plan to develop processable fuel for them.
Soon after, "O" and Jesse witnessed Buster's dad being abducted by theDecepticons.Power Play!Buster announced he would go with the Autobots to save him, and the two wished him luck. Jessie worried aloud if they'd ever see him again, but "O" didn't want to hear anything of that.Prisoner of War!"O" went back home to wait for news from Buster. Hanging around in his father's restaurant, he didn't lose sight of theTVfor a moment whenTed Koppelreported on the battle atthe robots' base.He was disappointed the news didn't make any mention of Buster or his dad, but was disturbed from his thoughts when a small robot suddenly showed up from behind. The robot then took off his helmet, revealing himself to be "O" 's father in disguise, who began about how wonderful this robot stuff was for business. "O" was disgusted by this and told his dad he wanted no part in his latest business plan, storming out of the restaurant just to see theRolandsleave town.
Much to his relief, "O" received a phone call fromGreater Portland Medical Centerby Buster not much later. His friend asked him to come over to support him, which "O" did. By the time he got there, Buster's dad had already recovered from the heart attack he had suffered after being freed, and "O" was glad to know everything had ended well for Buster.The Last Stand
However, Sparkplug had to stay in the hospital for a few more days, which left Buster responsible for the garage. When Buster remarked he feared he'd never be able to do it and fail his father, "O" told him he worried too much and joked that he should start by fixing thesodamachine as it gave him fifty cents change for a sixty cent soda. Jessie told him to be serious and to Buster she said that since he's so smart, he should be able to learn how to fix cars in a few days. "O" grunted a "Yeah, sure."
Buster exploded at the two, pointed his finger at "O", accused them of not appreciating how difficult his father's work is, told them they were worthless and to leave him alone. "O" and Jesse left.Warrior School!
"O" was never seen again.
He is probably much happier now.