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Air Raid (Universe 2008)

From Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Air Raid" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, seeAir Raid (disambiguation).
Air Raid is anAutobotfrom theCybertronportion of theUnicron Trilogy continuity family(via the2008 Universe franchise).
Movie2007 AirRaid toy.jpg

Air Raidis a flier. Even so, he was sent to take care of the water-borne DecepticonStorm Surge,who was put in charge byMegatronhimself.



  • War of the Waves(Multi-pack, 2009)
    • Series:Cybertron Series
    • Accessories:2-part cannon, jet boosters, energon star
Air Raid is identical to thelive-action movieAir Raidtoy, which was aredecoof theEnergonSkyblastmold. He transforms into a Cybertronic plane, and comes with multiple accessories that can attach to his jet mode for rocket-boosters and an under-slung cannon. In robot mode, these parts re-assemble to form a giant spear, although if preference desires, you can leave them separated and have the spear handle as a hand-held rifle, with the head split in half and clipped to his wrists. He has anAutomorph-like gimmick on his chest and head, where rotating the chestplate into position will likewise rotate the head.
Air Raid was packaged withStorm Surgeas aWalmartexclusiveBlack Fridayrelease for 2009.
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:
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