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Amazon (website)

From Transformers Wiki

This article is about the online store that sells Transformers. For other uses of "Amazon", seeAmazon (disambiguation)
From abominable to zilch.

Amazonis an online store that sells a wide variety of products, including Transformers. Sometimes they getexclusives,too!


Amazon Exclusive Toys

Transformers (2010)

To celebrate the 25th Anniversary ofThe Transformers: The Moviein 2011, Hasbro released their own version of the G1-ifiedArmadaretool Universal Dominator Unicron figure produced by Takara a year prior exclusively through Amazon.

Supreme Class

Generation 2

Though a redeco of theFall of CybertronCombaticonsreleased as part of theGenerationsline, this giftset comes inGeneration 2branded packaging. It was a shared exclusive between Amazon andBigBadToyStore.


Dark of the Moon

MechTech Supreme

Age of Extinction

"First Edition" Toys Voyager Class


Intended as a celebration of thefirst live action movie's tenth anniversary, Tribute was a small line consisting of three Amazon exclusive releases.

Leader Class Evolution 2-Pack Evolution 3-Pack

Prime Wars Trilogy

Power of the Primes

Leader Class

Special Edition

During the course ofPower of the Primesin 2018, Hasbro released three Amazon exclusive "Special Edition" figures to commemorate the Prime Wars Trilogy, with each figure representing one part of the trilogy. All three figures also came with a special editionPrime Masterdone up in translucent plastic.

Combiner Wars Titans Return Power of the Primes

War for Cybertron Trilogy

TheWar for CybertronTrilogy saw a marked increase in the number of retailer exclusives compared to earlier lines, which of course Amazon was a part of.

War for Cybertron: Siege

In what would become an ongoing trend for Amazon exclusives, the "Final Strike Figure Series" were a pair of boxsets featuring interconnected artwork along with a storyline that could be found in the product description. Though not officially a part of the Final Strike Figure Series, fellow Amazon exclusive Greenlight can also be spotted in the background of the Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron's boxart. A 3-pack of alternate versions of 2019 fan vote winners Mirage and Impactor, along with Aragon, was also made available via Amazon.

Multi-packs Final Strike Figure Series
  • Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce
    (Covert Clone Sideswipe,Slamdance,Trenchfoot)
  • Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron
    (Skywarp,Decepticon Fracas,Shrute,Terror-Daxtyl)
  • War for Cybertron: Earthrise

    Leader Class Multi-packs Galactic Odyssey Collection

    War for Cybertron: Kingdom

    Battle Across Time Collection Golden Disc Collection



    Wreck 'n Rule Collection

    Legacy: Evolution


    Non-toy Amazon exclusives


    (Company stub)

    This article on a company or business (real and/or fictional) associated with the Transformers brand is astuband is missing information. You can helpTransformers Wikibyexpanding it.


    • In the United States, Amazon's Prime Video service sells episodes ofThe Transformers(first season only),Prime,andRescue Bots,as well as thelive-action film series.Paramount+subscriptions can also be purchased on top of Prime or Prime Video memberships.
    • The mangaTransformers × Dialect Girl: My ToysfeaturesKahori Hanamuraordering multiple packages through the legally-distinct "Amazom".
    • Amazon reportedly provides Hasbro with more space for product copy than many other retailers do. As such, Amazon exclusive products fromWar for Cybertron: Siegeonwards have often featured a greater degree of "lore" andbiosthan mainline product or exclusives from other retailers.[1]

    External links


    1. May 22,2023Interviewwith the "Adventures in Collecting" podcast.
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