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Amos Hume

From Transformers Wiki

Amos Hume is ahumanfrom theArmadaportion of theUnicron Trilogy continuity family.
PaniniArmada7 AmosHume.jpg

ReverendAmos Humeis a priest in the small town ofStillwater,Nevada.He cares for his parish, and insists that anything that may impact the Stillwater community has to go through him first.



One day in1959,Amos was checking his mail box when a robot suddenly approached him, stuttering the word "Wreckage".Amos only stared in disbelief as the robot told him to deliver the message"Land Military Team-Alpha-Alpha-Zero "to someone. People from theERTDthen showed up and captured the robot, pushing Amos aside and ignoring his questions.

Almost fifty years later, in2003,Amos learned thatthree other robotshad appeared on Earth. With Wreckage's words fresh in his memory, he decided to deliver the message to these new robots.Blast from the Past!He soon located them and their human allies nearLincoln,Nebraska.The Two-Edged Blade!

Amos explained everything toRad White,who believed his story and introduced him to the variousMini-Cons.It turned out that Wreckage's message was a locator code which allowed theAutobotsto track the Land Military Team down and free them from the ERTD's control. Following his rescue, Wreckage thanked Amos for remembering him all this time, and the two shook hands.Sale of the Century!

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