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Ano Yume no Kanata e

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Beast Wars Metals: Convoy's Great Transformationopening theme
"Ano Yume no Kanata e"
あの mộng の bỉ phương へ
"Off and Beyond to that Dream"
Performed by: C.O.A.
Composed by: C.O.A.
Lyrics by: C.O.A.
Arranged by: C.O.A.

"Ano Yume no Kanata e"(あの mộng の bỉ phương へ," Off and Beyond to that Dream ") is theopening theme songfor theBeast Wars Metalsspecial "Convoy's Great Transformation".



The lyrics on this page have been translated more idiomatically than literally.

Full version

Original Japanese

どこまでも viễn く quả てしない
Ngân hà へと thuyền をだそう
Hi vọng の phàm を thượng げ phong を tập めて
あの mộng の bỉ phương へ

Kỉ thiên の tinh đạt をただ kiến thượng げてるだけじゃ
その tưởng い どこへも giới かないさ

Kim すぐにまっすぐ minh nhật に hướng かって
Tưởng tượng dĩ thượng の vị lai つかもう
スピード thượng げ vũ い thượng がれ không より cao く
Vô hạn に tâm の địa đồ quảng げて

どこまでも viễn く quả てしない
Ngân hà へと thuyền をだそう
Hi vọng の phàm を thượng げ phong を tập めて
あの mộng の bỉ phương へ

Tiểu さな thanh い địa cầu の thượng đãi っているだけじゃ
Kỳ tích なんて tiêu して khởi きやしないさ

Khủng れずに mê わずに phi を khai けて
この hiệp い thế giới から phi びだすのさ
もっと tự do に vũ trụ に nguyện いを miêu けば
Toàn てはそこから thủy まる

いつの nhật かきっと huy ける
Chính tọa まで phi んで hành こう
Ám を đột き bạt けて quang を dục びて
Hung が cao minh る phương へ
どこまでも viễn く quả てしない
Ngân hà へと thuyền をだそう
Hi vọng の phàm を thượng げ phong を tập めて
あの mộng の bỉ phương へ
いつの nhật かきっと huy ける
Chính tọa まで phi んで hành こう
Ám を đột き bạt けて quang を dục びて
Hung が cao minh る phương へ

Rōmaji transliteration

Dokomademo tōku hate shinai
Ginga eto fune o dasō
Kibō no ho o age kaze o atsumete
Ano yume no kanata e

Ikusen no hoshi-tachi o tada miageteru dake ja
Sono omoi dokoemo todokanai sa

Imasugu ni massugu ashita ni mukatte
Sōzō ijō no mirai tsukamō
Speed age maiagare sora yori takaku
Mugen ni kokoro no chizu hirogete

Dokomademo tōku hate shinai
Ginga eto fune o dasō
Kibō no ho o age kaze o atsumete
Ano yume no kanata e

Chiisana aoi hoshi no ue matte iru dake ja
Kiseki nante keshite okiyashinai sa

Osorezu ni mayowazu tobira o akete
Kono semai sekai kara tobidasu no sa
Motto jiyū ni uchū ni negai o egakeba
Subete wa soko kara hajimaru

Itsu no hi ka kitto kagayakeru
Seiza made tonde yukō
Yami o tsukinukete hikari o abite
Tokimeki no mama
Mune ga takanaru hō e
Dokomademo tōku hate shinai
Ginga eto fune o dasō
Kibō no ho o age kaze o atsumete
Ano yume no kanata e
Itsu no hi ka kitto kagayakeru
Seiza made tonde yukō
Yami o tsukinukete hikari o abite
Tokimeki no mama
Mune ga takanaru hō e

English Translation

The endless galaxy, it spreads out far beyond us
Let's send our ship out there
Raise the sail of hope and catch hold of the wind
Off and beyond to that dream

There are thousands of stars; and if you're just looking up
Your ambition won't reach anywhere

Right now, head straight out towards tomorrow
Take hold of a future beyond your imagination
Speed up, take flight, go higher than the sky
Infinitely unfold the map of your spirit

The endless galaxy, it spreads out far beyond us
Let's send our ship out there
Raise the sail of hope and catch hold of the wind
Off and beyond to that dream

If you're just waiting on this little blue earth
Miracles will never happen

Without hesitation, without fear, open that door
And fly out from this small world
If you draw your wish in the universe more freely
It all begins from there

And someday you can surely shine
Let's fly up to the constellation
Strike through the darkness and bathe in the light
Hang on to this excitement
Go toward the direction where your heart beats faster

The endless galaxy, it spreads out far beyond us
Let's send our ship out there
Raise the sail of hope and catch hold of the wind
Now is the time to depart

And someday you can surely shine
Let's fly up to the constellation
Strike through the darkness and bathe in the light
Hang on to this excitement
Go toward the direction where your heart beats faster

Single release

Ano Yume no Kanata e single.jpg
Track listing
  1. "Ano Yume no Kanata e"
  2. "WA! WA! Wonderland"
  3. "Ano Yume no Kanata e (Original Karaoke)"
  4. "WA! WA! Wonderland (Original Karaoke)"

Release date:July 17,1999
Label:Columbia Music Entertainment
Prod. code:CODC-1760

Album releases

All releases listed feature the full version of the song, unless otherwise noted.


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