Aurex 1104.30-JH Zeta
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Aurex 1104.30-JH Zetais a universe in theAurexuniversal cluster. It notably has much similarity to manyPrimaxuniverses.
Ask Vector Prime
In this universe, time-displacedMaximalsandPredaconsbattled one another duringEarth's prehistory, with the Predacons intent on gathering up all of the EarthboundMini-Cons.Tarantulas,however, had his own agenda of trying to find traces ofSuper Energonwhich he suspected would be on Earth. Having found the substance, he placed it in orbit, untilOptimus Primalsacrificed his life to destroy it. This would lead to some participants in the conflict gainingTransmetalbodies, as well as damaging some of the stasis pods to createFuzors.The transwarp pulse alerted theTripredacus Council,who sent their agentSky Shadowto deal with both sides. Despite initially pretending to be on the side of the Maximals, he soon turned on them and was destroyed. Eventually, thanks largely toWedge Shape,Optimus Primal's Maximals would prove triumphant overMegatron's Predacons.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/13
As a result of theUnicron Singularityreplicating vast portions ofPrimax 496.22 Alphainto this universe,Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/26the conflict bore many strong similarities to theBeast Warsof thePrimax Cluster;Vector Primeconsidered it a fascinating example of "quantum harmonic resonance".He also noted that theInfernoof this universe was abducted at the moment of his impending death byUnicron,eventually joining theChildren of Primusin theUniverse War.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/13
- Aurex 1104.30-JH Zeta is theuniversal streamdesignation of "Fire in the Dark",one of the stories in theTransformers Legendsanthology. Its designation comes from the book's publication date and the name of the author,John Helfers.
- This universe being influenced by the Primax Cluster refers to how the story messily shoved a version of the Beast Wars into anArmadasetting.