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Autobot City News

From Transformers Wiki

Surprisingly, not printed on bricks.

Autobot City Newsis a newspaper published inAutobot CityonEarth.Zeta Primeworks as a reporter for it.


The Transformerscartoon

Tommy Kennedywas a reporter for theAutobot City Newsand interviewedPowermasterOptimus Prime.Specifically, he wanted to know the inside scoop on how Prime cheated death.Season 5: Dark Awakening


TheJuly 23,2012edition ofAutobot City Newsreported onMegatron's activities, the movement ofenergonto theAutobot City Bank,and the bafflingMicro-Changers.The bank tellers were reading it whenSpinister,Scorponok,andGalvatronarrived to rob the bank.Quest for Energon, Part 1

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