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Autostinger is aPredaconAutorollerfrom theBeast Eraof theGeneration 1continuity family.
It's gonna be clamp this, clamp that. Bada-climp, bada-clamp!

The leader of theAutorollers,Autostinger(オートスティンガーŌtosutingā) is a mercenary by trade and a mercenary by attitude. More opportunistic than bloodthirsty, Autostinger will grant mercy to a foe on the battlefield if it means putting them in his debt; a debt he always intends to collect sooner or later. Ironically, he has recently become the victim of the same honor-bound servitude which he once inflicted upon his enemies. The NewEmperor of DestructionGalvatronspared him from execution, and now the formerly mighty mercenary must work as a construction officer until his debt is repaid.

Like the rest of the Autorollers, Autostinger maintains a rivalry with theInsectrons.Specifically, he's at odds withBigmos,another ex-mercenary who became indebted to Autostinger after a particularly messy battlefield encounter.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Beast Wars IIcartoon

Voice actor:Tadashi Miyazawa(Japanese)

Autostinger was leader of theAutorollers,a team of mercenaries who worked for thePredacons.During a crusade on the planetDross,Autostinger and theInsectronknown asBigmoswere on opposite sides of the conflict. Autostinger got the drop on Bigmos, but recognized that he was another mercenary and not beholden to the fight at hand. Instead of killing him, Autostinger let Bigmos go free, and even lied to his comrades to cover Bigmos's escape.Autorollers Roll Out!Autostinger and the Autorollers had further encounters with the Insectrons, deepening the rivalry between the groups. Autostinger came to hateScissor Boyduring this time, as their philosophies clashed.Danger! Scissor Boy

Some time later, Autostinger and his cohorts were aboard theGalvaburg IIwhenGalvatroncame to the planetGaia.They assumed vehicular modes based on scans from the super-computer found in the planet's ruins.White Lion, Run!They were sent to construct a Predacon base near an isolated lake, secretly a trap to capture any unwary Maximal.The Lake TrapAutostinger andAutocrusheralso did the grunt work forDirgeandThrustclearing the area for a genuine Predacon base on theSouth Continent.The Insect Corps Arrive

When theCombatronsfailed to remove the Insectron colonists from the South Continent or trick them into eliminating the Maximals, Autostinger finally stepped forward and toldMegastormthat his team would take responsibility for that mission. Megastorm accepted, and so Autostinger andAutojettermade contact with Bigmos. Autostinger reminded Bigmos of the debt he owed him from long ago, encouraging Bigmos (and, by extension, all the Insectrons) to step aside during the Predacon conflict with the Maximals.

The Autorollers engaged the Maximals on several occasions with Bigmos remaining neutral, but the Insectron commander eventually obeyed his conscience and stepped in. He saved Autostinger from a barrage fired byLio Convoy,and announced that this ended the debt between them. He offered Autostinger and his comrades the opportunity to go free, but firmly stated that any who threatened the Insectrons' lands would be treated as enemies. Autostinger would not abandon the Predacons, and so Autostinger and Bigmos engaged in a duel to resolve their conflict. Their duel was interrupted by the Combatrons' attempting to collapse a mountain on the cave where they battled, and the fighting was put aside so that all parties could escape. The Autorollers and Insectrons departed amicably at the end of the day, but acknowledged they would meet again in battle as enemies.Autorollers Roll Out!

The Autorollers made another assault on the Insectrons, and captured an unwaryScissor Boy.In a complicated series of escapades, they also capturedTasmania Kidand tried to force the Maximals to lead them to the Insectrons' lair. Boy and Kid actually planned to lead them into an ambush by the Maximals, but the unknowingDrill NutsandPowerhugstarted a landslide early to rescue their friends, and the diversion ended up leading the Autorollers in a circle back to theGalvaburg II.Megastorm was initially pleased by Autostinger and his cohorts' accomplishment, but then the united Maximals and Insectrons arrived at the ship while the Combatrons were out on patrol. Megastorm was forced to abandon his position and take theGalvaburg IIto the air before being overrun by enemies.Danger! Scissor Boy

Rollin' to an' fro I see Dorbees
Why don't they just go away

After their last few failures, Megastorm put the Autorollers back on fortress construction duty. AlthoughAutocrusherappreciated the work, Autojetter felt slighted and wanted to show he was the most fearsome Predacon of all. Autostinger was moved by Autojetter's passion, and they came up with a plan to reroute theAngolmois Energythey were digging for to create an eruption that would destroy the Insectrons' lands in the name of the Predacons. A crazed Galvatron upset their plans, drilling into the Angolmois Energy pipelines to disturb the flow, and the Autorollers ended up joining forces withScubaand the Maximals to bring down the rampaging Galvatron with an overdose of Angolmois Energy. After the battle, the Maximals and Autorollers parted peacefully.Galvatron Rampages

The Autorollers continued to work on Megastorm's behalf, devastating much of the South Continent in their efforts to build an Angolmois Energy-powered fortress.Predacon General Offensive!

Autocrusher and Autostinger accompanied Dirge and Thrust to theEast Continentto establish a new front-line base. During construction, they spotted a signal beam firing up from the ground, and pinpointed the Maximal base. The Autorollers helped Dirge and Thrust secure the Maximal ship for Galvatron. Dirge and Thrust penetrated the ship while Autocrusher and Autostinger remained outside, ready to blow the fuel cache with their missiles if the Maximals tried anything. However, the comedy duo had difficulty keeping the manic and cheerfulJointronsin line, even at gunpoint. Inside the ship turned into an oil party while Dirge and Thrust waited forDiverto fix the radioGimletbusted, so they could contact theGalvaburg II.DJlater brought oil outside to the growingly impatient Autocrusher and Autostinger, distracting them long enough forLio Convoyand Bighorn to return from patrol and disable the Autorollers. ThenTripledacushappened and, well...running time!The Festive Jointrons

At one of their construction sites on the East Continent, Autostinger and the Autorollers were joined by Starscream and BB, who intended to capture the Jointrons for study. Most of the Autorollers got involved in this side mission, but the Combatrons failed to separate the Jointrons for long. The might of Tripledacus soon drove off the Predacons and their fortress site was destroyed.Who Is the Leader!?While excavating some ancient ruins back on theNorth Continent,Autostinger and his team found an oldCopy Machinewhich they brought back to Galvatron. Hijinks ensued.The Black Lio Convoy

WhenArtemisandMoonhosted a debate over who the strongest warriors were among the Transformers, Galvatron compared his troops, the Autorollers, to the Maximal allies, the Insectrons.Who Is the Strongest Warrior!?

The Angolmois Energy on Gaia grew violent due to the approach of the artificial planet,Nemesis.This upset the fortress construction projects by Autostinger and the Autorollers, making the ground highly unstable from geysers of Angolmois Energy.Enter Lio JuniorStill, the Autorollers continued gathering massive amount of Angolmois Energy through their drilling sites. When a squad of Maximals raided one of the Angolmois Energy facilities, Galvatron set a trap for them. He had the Autorollers lure the Maximals inside the base and then sealed it shut. He then called down a massive blast from Nemesis in space to annihilate his foes.Gigastorm's Treachery

After Dirge and Thrust making a big name for themselves by assassinating Lio Convoy, Gigastorm had the Autorollers recover their unconscious bodies for an upgrade.The Lio Convoy Assassination Plot

When an alien device called theteleport gatecrash-landed on Gaia, the Predacons quickly took control of it. Autostinger and the other Autorollers were stationed on guard duty outside the ship, and were nearly crushed when the behemothMajin Zarakarrived through the portal. He then joined Galvatron and the other Predacons on Majin Zarak's aircraft carrier mode, launching theCyborg Beastsinto battle. Autostinger joined the battle shortly afterward, but was repelled by the Maximal forces.Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger!

As Nemesis approached the Earth, Autostinger and the Autorollers continued building new fortresses to gather the planet's energy for the Predacons.Knock Out NemesisLio Junior was able to sniff out their Angolmois Energy-concentrating plants, however, bringing their construction projects under fire.Lio Junior's Revolt!?AfterHellscreamandMax-Blocated the Maximals' missile base in theRock Mountains,Galvatron dispatched the Autorollers to help destroy the project. They were opposed by theJointronsandTripledacus.Fly Out! Planet Gaia

Autostinger and the Autorollers were manning the Predacon engineering fortresses on Gaia when the artificial planet Nemesis began actively siphoning the world's energy into itself.Breaking into Nemesis

Beast Wars Neocartoon

After the defeat ofUnicron,Autostinger returned toCybertron,where he helped with reconstruction.Graduation Ceremony!!

Beast Wars IIcomic

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Infiltrate the Mystery Island!Make a Surprise Attack on the Super Weapon Base!All Hands, Make a Special Attack on the Evil Planet!

2006 IDWBeast Warscontinuity

Autostinger was a mercenary wandering the galaxy till he encountered and lost in battle against theDestrons.Galvatron spared the Autoroller's life and, ever since, Autostinger loyally served the Emperor of Destruction.Beast Wars Sourcebook #1

Beast Wars: Uprising

During his military career, Autostinger came to blows againstBigmos,but spared his opponent. This left Bigmos with the feeling that he owed Autostinger a debt, despite them being on opposing sides of their conflict.Bigmos's profile in Club Magazine #57

Autostinger was on the Predacon team in a monumental match of theGames,which was interrupted byLio Convoy's assassination ofSupersonicand call for an uprising against theBuilders.Broken WindshieldsHe remained behind with some teammates, declaring a victory for the Predacons.Head Games


Beast Wars

Inspired by Dirtbag, butbetter in every way.
  • Autostinger(Deluxe,1998)
Part of the third wave ofBeast Wars IIproducts in Takara'sBeast Warstoyline, Autostinger is aredecoandslightretoolofGeneration 2Deluxe-sizedDirtbag,transforming into an "earth mover" dump truck. In vehicle mode, Autostinger can carry all four of his "Auto Missiles" on top of his dumping-bed to form his "Dumper Attack" configuration.
Inrobot mode,he has a twin spring-loaded missile launcher in his right arm that is able to fire two of his Auto Missiles. His left arm features his "Stinger Pinch" claw, which is activated by sliding a switch back and forth. Like all of the Autorollers, Autostinger has an auto-transforming gimmick activated by rolling his rear wheels; roll forward to go to robot mode, and back to vehicle mode. A switch on his back end separates the gears of the gimmick, allowing him to roll freely in either mode.
The only piece of retooling featured on Autostinger is a raised, square-shaped frame on his back used for arubsign,just below the panel behind his head.
Sonokongalso released this figure in theirBeast-Wartoyline asAuto Stinger.Aside from the difference in packaging, theKoreanrelease of the figure is identical to theTakarareleases. In place of the bio cards of the Takara releases, Auto Stinger comes with two "Jan-ken-pon"cards. One has an imagereflecting the one on the box,with scissors and the number three die roll, and the other with paper and the number five die roll, with a rocky beach background.
This mold was also intended to be used for "General Optimus Prime"inGeneration 2,but that release was canceled.Beast-WarAuto Stinger was later reissued in the KoreanCar Bottoyline, reassigned as anAutobotand renamed "Scoutstinger".

  • Hikyō no Taiketsu: Bigmos VS Autostinger(Multi-pack, 1998)
  • ID number:VS-17
  • Release date:May 25,1998
  • Accessories:4 "Auto Missiles"
Autostinger was also made available in the "Frontier Showdown" ( bí cảnh の đối quyết ) vs-pack with theMaximalInsectronBigmos,released in the fifth wave ofBeast Wars IItoys.
Both toys are identical to their individual releases.


  • All of theBeast WarsAutorollers have 2-D card art, rather than the CGI model art made for the entire rest of the line.

Foreign names

  • Korean:Autostinger(오토스팅거Otoseutinggeo)
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