Battle Protocol!
From Transformers Wiki
This article is about the episode of the Robots in Disguise television series. For the Autobot member-select program, seeBattle Protocol. For the DVD named after this episode, seeMaximum Entertainment. |
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![]() The Megatrons are getting uglier by the series. | ||||||
"Battle Protocol!" (Hatsushutsudō! Fire Convoy) "First Deployment! Fire Convoy" | ||||||
Production company | TV Tokyo,NAS,Studio Gallop | |||||
Airdate | April 5,2000(Japanese) September 8,2001(English) | |||||
Written by | Junki Takegami(Japanese) Tom Wyner(English) | |||||
Director | Yoshiaki Tsutsui,Akira Katō | |||||
Animation studio | Studio Gallop |
Predacons have come!
The Autobots must defeat
a gigantic hand!
Contents |
A trio of fire vehicles head towards a house fire. But instead of following them, we linger on a house they pass, the house ofKoji Onishi.
Koji is awakened by his alarm clock, realizing he's late. He falls out of bed in his haste, grumbling that this always happens. He throws on his robe and rushes out the television. He wants to catch his father on TV!
While it's the middle of the night inJapan,it's day inAmerica,andNew Yorkis hosting the firstInternational Scientific Symposium,for the world's most brilliant minds in all their fields to meet and share their research to benefit the whole human race. The first speaker isDr. Onishi,noted archaeologist and the world's foremost expert on energy and natural resources.
Dr. Onishi believes that the greatest danger facing the Earth today is the inefficient and improper use of energy. However, he may have to eat his words because just then, a building explodes, raining debris upon the crowds celebrating the opening ceremonies, andMegatronappears!
ThePredacons,Megatron explains, want energy. And since Dr. Onishi is the world's foremost expert on different energy sources, they want him!
Koji tries to call his father on his cell phone, but the call is cut off as Dr. Onishi tries to tell Koji something important. Instead, a mysterious robot appears on the phone, telling Koji to meet him atMetro Park,and they'll rescue his father.
Back at the house fire, hearing that the fire is now under control, one of the firetrucks pulls away under its own power, without a driver! Minutes later, it's this empty firetruck that arrives to pick up Koji.
Once Koji is inside the firetruck,Optimus Primeexplains that he's a robot from the planetCybertron.He swears Koji to secrecy before showing him the secret of theGlobal Space Bridge,the high-speed transport network that will allow them to drive from Japan to New York in minutes.
Arriving in New York, the firetruck lets Koji out and rams Megatron. To Koji's surprise, the firetruck then transforms into Optimus Prime, who begins to fight the Predacon. Seeing that his friend is a robot just like Megatron, Koji fears they're the same. Optimus Prime explains that though they may seem the same,Autobotsand Predacons could not be more different.
Megatron summons the trio of Predacons,Slapper,Gas SkunkandDark Screamto handle Optimus while he goes after Dr. Onishi.
Optimus activatesT-AIback at the base, who initiates aBattle Protocol,summoning theAutobot Brothers,who're in the same quadrant.
X-Brawnis serving as the car for a woman namedKelly,who is driving to New York for breakfast. He apologizes, but he's gonna need to make this trip on his own—and fires an ejection seat.
Side Burnis doing what he does best—flirting with a red sports car—when his brotherProwlarrives to chew him out. They join X-Brawn and make their way to the Global Space Bridge.
X-Brawn emerges just in time to save Koji from a crumbling building. He and his brothers split up, Prowl fighting Gas Skunk, Side Burn fighting Dark Scream, and X-Brawn against Slapper. Optimus slips away in the fray to fight Megatron.
Megatron transforms into his bat mode and attacks Optimus Prime, greatly weakening the Autobot Leader. Koji emerges, calling Megatron a coward, which distracts him long enough for Optimus to target him with the weapons in his trailer.
Megatron tries (half-heartedly) to appeal to Optimus Prime's logical side. They couldsharethe planet's resources. But Prime refuses to see the Earth transformed into a lifeless husk, as Megatron has done to so many other worlds.
Megatron transforms to jet mode, finally grabbing Doctor Onishi in the process, and escapes. The Predacon trio rushes to follow, still pursued by the seeking missile Side Burn launched after Dark Scream.
Koji is left holding his father's broken glasses. Optimus Prime tells Koji he will keep the promise to rescue his father—they will get him back.
Featured characters
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)
Autobots | Predacons | Humans |
"You're not gonna believe this. That fire engine talked to me!"
"I think all of that smoke is making you loopy."
- —Two firemen.
"Optimus Prime, as I live and breathe!"
- —Megatron,when Optimus Prime arrives.
"What do ya know, somebody must have forgotten to lock the gate at the petting zoo."
- —Optimus Prime,upon seeing the Predacon trio.
"I'd forgotten how ugly the Predacons are!"
- —Side Burn,upon seeing the Predacon trio.
"Hey, wait! What am I supposed to do till you come back?"
"Measure your tongue or something."
- —SlapperversusX-Brawn
"42 feet, 3 inches, that's impressive!"
- —Slapper,measuring his own tongue.
"It's amazing how a nice day can turn into such a bummer."
- —Gas Skunk,on fire.
"Of theThirty-Six Stratagems,fleeing is best! "
- —Guildor,on retreat
Differences withCar Robots
- InCar Robots,the pomp and pageantry featured in this episode was a millennium celebration attended by "representatives from the world's government, business, science and entertainment". As theRobots in Disguiseversion aired a year later, this dated reference was reimagined (a bit unfeasibly) as a scientific symposium.
- In line with the different subject matter of the celebration, Doctor Onishi talks about the improper use of energy, whereCar Robotssimply had him briefly hope for peace in the new millennium before Megatron came crashing onto the scene.
- As Megatron comes bursting through the building,Robots in Disguisecuts out a bunch of slow reaction shots from Onishi and the crowd.
- Robots in Disguiseadds aCGIPOV shot from Megatron as he sweeps the crowd searching for Onishi. Immediately after, some footage is looped to give Megatron and Onishi some dialogue between each other.
- InCar Robots,Optimus Prime has to ask Koji for his name when he contacts him via his communicator. InRobots in Disguise,he already knows it.
- InRobots in Disguise,Megatron has come specifically looking for Onishi, whereas inCar Robots,he announces that he intends to capture all the assembled scholars.
- Robots in Disguiseadds a brief scene of Optimus Prime visually appearing on one of T-AI's monitors to repeat his request for back-up. Immediately thereafter, T-AI's Autobot Brothers roll-call is also extended to describe the brothers' personalities. InCar Robots,the read-outs on her screens feature their Japanese toy ID numbers (C-002, C-003 and C-004);Robots in Disguisereplaces them with the characters' names.
- InCar Robots,X-Brawn confuses Slapper by pretending to think the skyscrapers are mountains, and that he can't fight his urge to climb them (though the enjoyment he gets from scaling them is genuine). InRobots in Disguise,he just claims he has an errand to run, and tells Slapper to "measure his tongue" while he's gone (which he actually does!).
- Given that it features much shorter opening and closing sequences thanCar Robots,Robots in Disguisehas to make up for lost time. Untilepisode 22,this is regularly accomplished by lingering on certain still shots for an extra second or two, or by looping or repeating select pieces of footage, thereby lengthening the scenes and allowing for longer exchanges of dialogue. In this episode, those scenes include:
- Doctor Onishi's speech
- Optimus Prime's explanation of the Global Space Bridge
- Koji screaming when Optimus ramps into the air
- Prowl tailgating Side Burn
- Side Burn's first line when the Autobot Brothers arrive at Prime's side
Animation or technical errors
- Koji claims that to get to New York from Metro City, Optimus would have to "drive across the Atlantic Ocean". Either Koji thinks they should take the long way around the planet, or that would place Metro City somewhere in Europe or Africa, which seems pretty solidly wrong. If it was in Japan, as it was inCar Robots(where it was the nonfictionalTokyo), then he'd need to drive across thePacific.This is pretty much the dubbed show's only reference to Metro City's geographical location.
- Despite it being the middle of the day in New York, it's night where Kelly is, yet she believes she can drive to New York by breakfast—another artifact ofRobots in Disguise,as Kelly is Japanese inCar Robots,and evidently at home in Japan, where it's night.
- As Megatron walks towards the unconscious Dr. Onishi in Dragon Mode, a close up of Megatron's feet show them to be hisrobot modefeet instead of his Dragon Mode feet.
Transformers references
- Koji's alarm clock is shaped like the time-manipulatingMaximalHeinradfromBeast Wars Neo.This is an in-joke, as Heinrad's toy was actually a functioning clock.
- The spunky kid sidekick's father is kidnapped by the bad guys. This is not thefirsttimethis has happened, nor willitbethelast.Clearly, hanging out with giant warring robots is not good for the ol' family life.
- The Global Space Bridge is named after of thespace bridgesof Generation 1 media, and is described as usingtranswarptechnology. This is the first time that these two concepts have been melded together, and which would go on to be a standard for the two in many future appearances in later series.
- In a weird moment oftoy accuracy,X-Brawn's head is visible on the driver's side of hisvehicle mode.
Real-world references
- While it goes unnamed, the symposium and Megatron's attack seem to take place outside theUnited Nationsheadquarters.
- The producers also said it took them about 10 hours to figure out how to get the explanation for the Global Space Bridge into a form that would be contextually and grammatically correct, and brief enough to fit into the allotted time.
- It seems more than a little odd that Optimus would take the time to pick up Dr. Onishi's son and take him into the field of battle with him. Whatever the series, Autobots have no regard for child endangerment.
- This episode first aired September 8, 2001, shortly before terrorist attacks would render it (featuring collapsing buildings in New York) in bad taste. It later re-aired in an edited form. The UK DVD set has the original version.
- Though Megatron professes to kidnap Dr. Onishi for his expertise on energy, in actuality, it is later revealed in the series that he specifically abducted him for the knowledge he had amassed onFortress Maximus.In Japan, Professor Onishi was an anthropologist rather than an energy scientist.
- Optimus Prime is Unit Six in the Metro City Fire Department. He promises to return to the station after his mission is done.
- Kelly,the ill-fated recurring character forRobots in Disguise,first appears here as X-Brawn's owner. She is never named onscreen—her name comes from aRobots in Disguisecasting list shown online shortly before the series premiere.
- This is easily one of the most boring episodes ofRobots in Disguise(to the point of being physically painful). So much so that even the dub's producers commented on it; there was a limit to how much they coulddowith such a boring episode. The entire episode takes place over a period of about 10 minutes, so very little actually...happens.For most of the second half, Megatron is walking down the street towards Dr. Onishi, who is about 100 yards away.
Foreign localization
- Title:"Protocollo di combattimento"(" Combat protocol "" )
- The fire truck is referred to as a "firefighterscar",despite it being a truck, not a car. If you are wondering... no, they're not called" firefighters cars "in Italy.
- Title:"Protocolo de Batalha!"(" Battle Protocol! "" )
Home video releases
2000 —Transformers: Car Robots— Vol. 1 (Pony Canyon) — Japanese audio only.
2004 —Transformers: Robots in Disguise— Volume One (Maximum Entertainment)
2004 —Transformers: Robots in Disguise— Three-Disc Box Set: Part 1 of 2 (Maximum Entertainment)
2007 —Transformers: Robots in Disguise— Battle Protocol (Maximum Entertainment)
2007 —Transformers: Robots in Disguise— Special Edition 2-Disc Set (Maximum Entertainment)
2007 —Transformers: Robots in Disguise / RoboCop: The Animated Series / M.A.S.K.(Maximum Entertainment)
2007 —Transformers: Robots in Disguise— Season One (Maximum Entertainment)
2007 —Transformers: Robots in Disguise— Ultimate Collection (Maximum Entertainment)