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Blitz Engine

From Transformers Wiki

Blitz engines destiny.jpg

Built more than twenty years after the "last" battle of theGreat War,Blitz Enginesare the latest creations of the Decepticon forces. Brought to life by the power of theCreation Matrix,these seemingly mindless troops belie their seemingly ridiculous chicken-like shapes by possessing regenerative capabilities thanks to drawing power directly from the Matrix. This allows them to formulate a strategy against any type of enemy by constantly regenerating and studying their enemy's behaviour. Despite these fearsome capabilities, however, the Blitz Engines have one inherent weakness—they are not self-sustaining, and are powered by Matrix energy from a remote source. It would be a shame if someone figures it out...



Regeneration One

Bludgeoncreated the Blitz Engines aboard theWarworld,Natural Selection, Part Threethough they remained inert until infused with Matrix energy extracted from the remains ofThunderwing.The Blitz Engines first saw action on the planetCresta Superioras a demonstration forSoundwave.They completely massacred Cresta Superior'sdominant species,which impressed Soundwave. The remains of Cresta Superior were later investigated byRook.Destiny, Part One

Blitz engines autobots destiny.jpg

TheWarworldlater attackedCybertron,and whileUltra Magnuswas preoccupied withGalvatron,theWarworldlaunched a massive swarm of Blitz Engines, which tore through the numerous Autobots that attempted to stop them. Among the seeming casualties that fell to the Blitz Engines wereCatillaandWindbreaker.The Autobots were overwhelmed by these new troops and were uncertain how to handle them.Perceptor's scans, however, revealed that the Blitz Engines relied on Matrix energy drawn from theWarworld.ProwldispatchedKup'sWreckersto surgically strike at theWarworld,while he brought outOmega Supreme,the Autobots' strongest warrior. Omega Supreme was able to destroy several Blitz Engines with ease until he was interrupted by the arrival ofMonstructor.Destiny, Part Four

Having defeated Galvatron, Ultra Magnus later led the charge against the Blitz Engines. Elsewhere, theDinobots,having somehow befriended theDemons,also arrived and launched a counter-attack. The Wreckers' strike on theWarworld,assisted by a newly createdRodimus Prime,managed to disable theWarworldand cut off the flow of Matrix energy by destroying Thunderwing's remains. Robbed of their ability to regenerate, the Blitz Engines were all subsequently destroyed by the combined assault of the Autobots, Dinobots and Demons.Destiny, Part Five

Wings Universe

After being recruited into the Decepticons, former championmecha-soccerplayerKrokput his celebrity charm to advocate for the Decepticon cause. As such, Krok believed that powerful personalities could do more for a war than a battalion of Blitz Engines.Wings UniverseKrok profile

Swindle's Spiel

Swindle, Swindle and Swindlehad Blitz Engines among their drones for sale.Swindle's Spiel, 2015/10/05

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