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Slaves of the Insecticons Buru.jpg

Buruis one of theIndonesianislands.


Kid Stuff Talking Story Books continuity

TheDecepticonsfound a large quantity of pureoilon the island of Buru, and sent theInsecticonsto establish a mining camp. In turn, the Insecticons injected the natives with a will-paralyzing fluid that caused them to enter azombie-like state and had them do all the work. From then on, the Insecticons mostly concerned themselves with patrolling Buru and capturing and enslaving a fewAutobotsthat got too close to the mining camp, among whomBumblebee.The Decepticons, meanwhile, did their best to keep the main Autobot forces distracted from Buru with seemingly random hit-and-run tactics in countries bordering thePacific Ocean.

A few days after Bumblebee's disappearance,Optimus PrimeandProwlwent to investigate and somehow found the mining camp on Buru. Around the same time,Megatrondecided to pay a visit to Buru to try out his newoil driller and transporterto boost the mine's output.Venom,the Insecticon leader, was not happy with Megatron's arrival, as he feared it meant the end of his reign over the island. Any conflict between the two Decepticons was put on hold when the two Autobot spies were spotted. While Venom went out to lead the Insecticons in an attack on the Autobots, Megatron took his oil driller and transporter elsewhere on the island to continue gathering oil.

Optimus Prime and Prowl were outnumbered by and losing against the Insecticons, but the arrival of theDinobotschanged their fortune. Once the Insecticons had been crushed, Prowl picked up a heat signal from Megatron's oil driller and transporter. Optimus Prime led the Dinobots in their second battle of the day, forcing Megatron to flee once he had burned out the oil driller and transporter's engines.Slaves of the Insecticons

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