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Buzzer-Bot is aGo-Botfrom theGo-Botsportion of theGo-Botscontinuity family.
GGGB ep1 Typhoon - BuzzerBot.jpg

Buzzer-Botis the "most clever" of theGo-Bots.What this says about the average I.Q. of Go-Bots in general is unknown.

Generally, Buzzer-Bot acts as backup for other Go-Bots operating onEarth,manning the scanners in theGo-Podand alerting them to the various dangers they face. He does occasionally go out in the field, using his flying ability responsibly to help others.




Voice actor:Alessandro Juliani(English)

Buzzer-Bot was chosen by theHigh Councilas "the most clever" of the available Go-Bots to join the Earth's Go-Bot Team on their mission to help Earth. DuringSilver-Bot's rampage near a tropical island, Buzzer-Bot and Beast-Bot monitored the clean-up efforts from theGo-Pod.Typhoon TwisterHe andStrong-Botlikewise stayed behind whenMototronbroke an oil pipeline, and both failed to notice thatKid-BotandGas-Botwere missing until they turned up hiding inSpeed-Bot's trunk.Arctic Oil Spill

He finally got to go on a mission whenReptronbegan causing havoc in the jungle. He andAero-Botconstructed a dam to protect a village from flooding created by the rogue Go-Bot. The pair also worked to restore the collapsing ruins that were damaged as a result of Reptron's race against Beast-Bot.Reptron's RampageFor their sterling work, Buzzer-Bot and the rest of the Go-Bot Protectors were presented withGo-Shieldsby the Go-Bot Council. They didn't have long to enjoy their moment of glory, as news came in thatRacer-Bot ALPHAandRacer-Bot BETAhad gone rogue. Buzzer-Bot and Strong-Bot again stayed back in the Go-Pod and monitored the other Go-Bots as they dealt with the threat.Racer-Bot Road Rally

Toy bios

Buzzer-Bot was always rushing around to help people, and is known as an expert at solving the most difficult problems firmly and fairly. Any disagreements between the Gobots got solved by him!Buzzer-Bot (2004)

Unfortunately he was unable to fly except in wasp form. Initially, he could only transform ifyouhelped him.Buzzer-Bot (2002)Later he switched to a bike mode, using that and his keen eyesight to be the first to be aware of and respond to trouble.Buzzer-Bot (2003)When he returned to wasp form, he upgraded this eyesight to highly developed light-up tracking system and retained his super-speed.Buzzer-Bot (2004)

WhenBeast-Botwas forcibly transformed into Preditron, Buzzer-Bot took on a new car form and raced around trying to get his friend back to normal!Buzzer-Bot Convertible

Online comic

Aww...freak out!

WhenSilver-Botcontacted the Go-Bots to inform them thatReptronhad sent a comet hurtling towards them, Buzzerbot stayed behind withStrong-Botto monitor the situation whileAero-Botdealt with the threat. Buzzerbot warned Aero-Bot that the comet had split into two pieces, but Aero-Bot was able to deal with the situation nonetheless.Aero-Bot Flying Fists


"See guys, I am a legitimate Transformer!...Guys?"

Buzzer-Bot (in his convertible car mode) was seen among the inhabitants of the multiversal hub city ofAxiom Nexus.Transcendent: Part 4


Glow Rock Rescue Game

When the Earth was bombarded byGlow Rocks,Buzzebot was absorbed within one of them. Thankfully, Aerobot rescued him.Glow Rock Rescue


Transformers: Go-Bots (2003)

PGB-toy BuzzerBot.jpg
  • Buzzer-Bot(Basic Go-Bot, 2002)
Part of the first wave of "Basic" Go-Bots under theTransformers: Go-Botsbanner, Buzzer-Bot transforms into a robo-wasp in a few very simple steps.
He was also available in a clamshelledKmart-exclusive2-pack withAero-Bot II.
This mold wasredecoedfor release in Japan asBilly.


  • Buzzer-Bot(Basic Go-Bot, 2003)
Part of the Wave 2 "Botropolis" assortment, this speedy ground-based Buzzer-Bot transforms into a motorcycle.
This mold was also used to make the second form ofCop-Bot.

  • Buzzer-Bot(Basic Go-Bot, 2004)
Part of the "Glow-Bots" assortment, this toy is aretoolof the original Buzzer-Bot, transforming into a wasp, but this time with a light-up butt (insinuating that he might actually change into a firefly now).

Transformers: Go-Bots (2004)

  • Buzzer-Bot Convertible(Basic Go-Bot, 2004)
Part of the first wave of the "Secret Shield" assortment, this incarnation of Buzzer-Bot transforms into a convertible sports car of made-up model.


External links

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