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From Transformers Wiki

Carillon is a being from theUnicron Trilogy continuity family.
You can't see me!

This character has no official visual representation in anyTransformersproduct or media... yet, at least.

Carillon,the reconstituted revenant, is one of themultiverse's greatest villains.


Ask Vector Prime

Carillon operated notorious gaming pits which tempted many beings and commanded a vampiric horde ofOmnicons.At some point,Vector Primeencountered her, an experience he never hoped to repeat. Carillon was therefore among many great villains who Vector Prime warned readers of hisonline Q&A columnto hope to never encounter.Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/30


  • Carillon was one of many new characters name-dropped in the Facebook edition ofAsk Vector Primeon the final day that Vector Prime ran his column as amultiversal singularity.
  • Carillon's further background therefore remains unexplored, and it is unknown if she is even aTransformer.She wouldn't be the first non-Cybertronian to hold sway over Cybertronians.
  • Acarillonis a musical instrument comprising 23 bells, typically utilized inbell towersof European/Christian tradition. Arevenantis a person who has returned, especially from the dead.
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